Day 4: Exam Findings Flashcards
Normal Finding: General
No acute distress, well developed, well nourished
Normal Finding: Eyes
Normal Finding: ENT
moist mucosa
Normal Finding: Neck
Normal Finding: Cardiovascular
well perfused
Normal Finding: Respiratory
no respiratory distress
Normal Finding: Abdominal
Normal Finding: Extremities
no edema
Normal Finding: Skin
warm, dry
Normal Finding: Neurological
Alert and Oriented. Normal speech
Normal Finding: Psychiatric
normal affect
4 actions of a typical physical exam:
- assessing pt’s external appearance and mental status
- auscultating the pt’s heart and lungs
- palpating the abdomen
- examining the pt’s legs
Normal Finding: Constitutional
No acute distress, well developed, well nourished
Normal Finding: Cardiovascular PE
Regular rate/rhythm. No murmurs, rubs, or gallops. Distal pulses intact.
Normal Finding: Respiratory PE
No respiratory distress. Clear to auscultation bilaterally. No wheezes, rales, or rhonchi.
Normal Finding: Abdominal PE
Soft. Non-tender. Non-distended. No guarding, rebound, or rigidity.
External Inspection
No acute distress. Well-developed, well nourished. PERRL. Moist mucosa. Supple neck. No respiratory distress. Skin warm and dry. Alert and oriented. Normal affect.
Auscultating the heart:
regular rate and rhythm. No murmers, rubs, or gallops.
Auscultating the lungs:
clear to auscultation bilaterally. No wheezes, rales, or rhonchi.
Palpating the abdomen
Soft. Non-tender. Non-distended. No guarding, rebound, or rigidity.
Examining the legs
No edema. Distal pulses intact.
Extra Exam: Examines throat
looking for pharyngeal erythema or exudates
Extra Exam: examines inner ear
looking for TM erythema or bulging
Extra Exam: Auscultates the abdomen
looking for Hyperactive/Hypoactive bowel sounds
Extra Exam: Touches the wrists
looking for Radial pulses
Extra Exam: Squeezes the calf muscles
looking for calf tenderness
Extra Exam: “Pounds” on back
looking for CVA tenderness
Normal/Abnormal: No acute distress
Mild/moderate/severe distress due to pain
Normal/Abnormal: well developed/well nourished
Normal/Abnormal: Alert
Somnolent, Obtunded, Unresponsive
Normal/Abnormal: Atraumatic/Normocephalic (AT/NC) Head
Any signs of trauma, sinus tenderness, angioedema
Normal/Abnormal: Eyes: PERRL
Anisocoria (unequal pupils)
Normal/Abnormal: Extra ocular movements intact (EOMI)
EOM entrapment
Normal/Abnormal: Sclera are anicteric
Scleral icterus
Normal/Abnormal: normal conjunctiva
pale conjunctiva, conjunctival injection
Normal/Abnormal: Eyes: clear anterior chamber
Normal/Abnormal: Eyes: sharp disc margins
Normal/Abnormal: Eyes: normal cornea
Corneal abrasion or ulcerations, fluorescein uptake, foreign body
Normal/Abnormal: Ears: TMs normal
TM erythema, TM bulging, TM dullness, TM obscured by cerumen (earwax)
Normal/Abnormal: Nose: normal nares
Epistaxis, Rhinorrhea, Boggy turminates (swollen inner nose), Septal hematoma
Normal/Abnormal: Mouth/Throat: moist mucous membranes
Dry mucous membranes (DMM)
Normal/Abnormal: Mouth/Throat: Oropharynx (OP) normal
Pharyngeal erythema, Tonsillar exudate, Tonsillar hypertrophy, Peritonsillar Abscess (PTA)
Normal/Abnormal: Mouth/Throat: Normal dentition
Edentulous, Dental caries
Normal/Abnormal: Neck: supple
Nuchal rigidity, Meningismus, Limited ROM; Jugular Venous Distension (JVD); Carotid Bruit; Cervical lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes); Thyromegaly; Vertebral point vs. Paraspinal tenderness
Normal/Abnormal: CV: Regular rate
Tachycardia (>100 bpm)/ Bradycardia (<60 bpm)
Normal/Abnormal: CV: regular rhythm
irregularly irregular rhythm
Normal/Abnormal: CV: heart sounds normal
Murmer (e.g. 2/6 Systolic Ejection Murmer); Gallop or Rubs, Extrasystoles (extra beats)
Normal/Abnormal: Pulses equal and symmetric
unequal pulses
Normal/Abnormal: Capillary refill less than 2 seconds
Delayed capillary refill
Normal/Abnormal: No respiratory distress
Mild/Moderate/Severe respiratory distress
Normal/Abnormal: normal respiratory rate
Tachypnea (sign of respiratory distress)
Normal/Abnormal: normal effort
Accessory muscle use (sign of respiratory distress); diminished (quiet) breath sounds
Normal/Abnormal: breath sounds equal and clear
Wheezes (inspiratory/expiratory); Rales (crackles); Rhonchi
Normal/Abnormal: Abd: soft
rigid (involuntary guarding)
Normal/Abnormal: Abd: non-tender
mild/mod/severe tenderness; voluntary guarding
Normal/Abnormal: Abd: no peritoneal signs
rebound tenderness, rigidity (involuntary guarding)
Normal/Abnormal: Abd: normal bowel sounds
absent/hypoactive/hyperactive bowel sounds; organomegaly (Hepatomegaly or Splenomegaly)
Normal/Abnormal: Abd: non-distended
Distended, Positive Murphy’s sign, positive McBurney’s point tenderness, positive Psoa’s sign, positive obturators sign, positive rovsing’s sign
Normal/Abnormal: Rectal: Heme negative (Guaiac negative)
Heme positive (Guaiac positive)
Normal/Abnormal: Brown stool
black/melanotic, bright red, dark red, green, yellow, white; hemorrhoids (internal, external, thrombosed), rectal prolapse
Normal/Abnormal: Good rectal tone
Decreased rectal tone (spinal cord injury)
Normal/Abnormal: Female Genital: normal external genetalia
adnexal tenderness or mass
Normal/Abnormal: female: normal bimanual exam
Cervical motion tenderness (CMT); uterine tenderness
Normal/Abnormal: female: normal speculum exam; cervical os is closed; no blood or discharge
cervical os is open; blood in the vaginal vault; malodorous/thick white discharge
Normal/Abnormal: male: circumcised/uncircumcised, normal genital exam
testicular tenderness; epididymal tenderness; testicular edema; testicular mass; urethral discharge; inguinal hernia
Normal/Abnormal: MS: non-tender
bony tenderness (fracture); soft tissue tenderness (contusion); calf tenderness (DVT)
Normal/Abnormal: MS: full ROM
Decreased ROM 2degree pain
Normal/Abnormal: MS: distal CSMT intact (circulation, sensory, motor, tendon)
Pulse/sensory/motor deficits/tendon laxity; pitting pedal edema (trace to 4+); palpable cords/Homan’s sign (DVT)
Normal/Abnormal: back: non-tender thoracic and lumbar spine
Paraspinal tenderness (muscular), Vertebral Point tenderness (spinal injury); CVA tenderness; Midline deformities/step-offs
Normal/Abnormal: Skin: warm/normal temp
Cool/hot to touch
Normal/Abnormal: skin: dry
Normal/Abnormal: skin: normal color
jaundice, cyanotic, pallor
Normal/Abnormal: skin: no rashes
urticaria (hives); petechiae/purpura
Normal/Abnormal: skin: no signs of infection
erythema; increased warmth (calor); induration (cellulitis); fluctuance (abscess); purulent drainage; lymphangitis
Normal/Abnormal: skin: atraumatic;intact
ecchymosis, contusion, abrasion, laceration, skin tear, avulsion
Normal Neuro
Alert/oriented 4 (A&Ox4), non-focal neuro exam
sensation intact; motor strength 5/5 and symmetric; DTR’s 2+ and equal; CN II-XII intact; normal cerebellar exam; normal gait
Abnormal Neuro: LOC
Somnolent, obtunded, unresponsive (to voice or painful stimuli)
Abnormal Neuro: Speech
aphasia (expressive or receptive), dysarthria
Abnormal Neuro: sensation
hypoesthesia (decreased sensation), numbness (absent sensation)
Abnormal Neuro: motor strength
extremity weakness: 0/5 (flaccid) to 4/5 (mildy weak) pronator drift
Abnormal Neuro: CN II-XII
visual field loss, unequal pupils (anisocoria), EOM palsy, rightward/leftward gaze, facial asymmetry/droop, decreased gag reflex, tongue deviation
Abnormal Neuro: reflexes
Abnormal DTR’s, upgoing toes (positive Babinski’s)
Abnormal Neuro: Cerebellar
dysmetria during finger-to-nose or heel-to-shin, positive Romberg, Vertical nystagmus
Abnormal Neuro: gait
ataxia/unsteady gait
Neuro strengths and DTRs
Motor strength Exam: 5/5 normal strength 4/5 very mildly weak 3/5 unable to overcome resistance 2/5 unable to overcome gravity 1/5 slight contraction, no movement 0/5 flaccid/limp
Reflexes Exam: 0 absent 1+ hypoactive 2+ normal 3+ increased 4+ unsustained clonus
Normal/Abnormal: Psych: normal affect
flat affect, odd affect, tearful, anxious, depressed, hypomaniac (inappropriately happy/energetic), poor eye contact
Normal/Abnormal: psych: normal judgement
suicidal/homicidal (w/or w/o plan)
hallucinations (auditory or visual)
flight of ideas (loose associations)
Normal/Abnormal: psych: normal insight
denies illness/symptoms
non-compliant with treatment
Normal/Abnormal: psych: normal speech
tangential speech
pressured speech
Trauma Exam: Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, oropharynx
Head: Battle’s sign, raccoon eyes, periorbital ecchymosis
Eyes: unequal pupils, subconjunctival hemorrhage, hyphema
Ears: hemotympanum
Nose: nasal bone deformity, epistaxis, septal hematoma
oropharynx: malocclusion, dental injury
Trauma Exam: Neck, respiratory, abdominal, rectal
Neck: vertebral point tenderness, deformities, step-offs
Respiratory: absent breath sounds, splinting, crepitus
Rectal: rectal laxity, decreased rectal tone
Trauma Exam: MS, Back, skin, neuro
MS: pelvis unstable, bony tenderness, deformities,
Back: vertebral point tenderness, deformities, step-offs
Skin: ecchymosis, laceration, abrasion, skin tear, avulsion
Neuro: Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS < 15)
Code Exam: General, Head, Eyes, Oropharynx
General: unresponsive
Head: atraumati
Eyes: fixed and dilated
Oropharynx: Airway patent, ETT in place
Code Exam: Cardio, Respiratory, Abdominal, MS, Skin, Neuro
Cardio: Absent heart sounds, no palpable pulses
Respiratory: no spontaneous respirations, equal with controlled ventilation
Abdominal: distended
MS: no deformities
Skin: pallor, cyanotic, mottles
Neurological: unresponsive, neurological exam limited due to clinical condition
Pediatric Normal Exam: General, head, Eyes, ears, Nose, throat
General: non-toxic, interactive, playful, smiling, crying with tears on exam, quickly consolable
head: flat fontanel (if <8 mo)
eyes: PERRL, no scleral icterus
ears: nml TMs
throat: moist mucous membranes
Pediatric Normal Exam: Neck, Cardiac, Respiratory, abdominal, genital, extremities, skin, neuro
Neck: supple, no meningismus
cardic: regular rate and rhythm
respiratory: no distress, clear and equal
abdmonial: soft, no crying or grimacing with palpation
genital: nml external, testicals descended
extremities: FROM
skin: warm, dry, no rash
neurological: alert, appropriate for age, moves all 4 extremities (MAE x 4)
Pediatric Abnormals: General, head, eyes, ears, throat, neck
general: lethargic, inconsolable, febrile
head: sunken fontanel, bulging fontanel
eyes: scleral icterus
ears: TM erythema, bulging
throat: pharyngeal erythema
neck: lymphadenopathy
Pediatric Abnormals: cardiac, respiratory, abdominal, genital, extremities, skin, neurological
cardiac: murmur, tachycardia
respiratory: wheezes, stridor, retractions, nasal flaring
abdominal: crying with abdominal palpation
genital: erythema
extremeties: ecchymoses in various stages of healing
skin: rash (diaper rash, eczema)
neurological: post-ictal, somnolent