Day 3: HPI Flashcards
Elements of the HPI
Timing (constant, intermittent, waxing/waning)
Location (where is discomfort)
Quality (sharp, dull, ache)
Severity (mild, mod, severe, 0-10)
Modifying factors (what makes better/worse?)
Associated Sx
Context (anything else important that relates)
Formula for writing the HPI
- age/sex pt
- chief complaint/onset
- quality, location, timing
- modifying factors
- associated sx
- list pertinent negs
- other important context related to the CC
Trauma HPI: 4 things
Head injury
Back Pain
Neck Pain
- were you driver or passenger
- were you wearing a seatbelt
- how fast were you moving
- what part of the car was hit
- did it hit a stationary object or another moving vehicle
- did the airbags deploy
- did you lose consciousness
- did you hit your head
- did you get injured
- how much damage was done to your vehicle
- is the car drivable
- did you self-extricate (get out of the vehicle)
- were you able to ambulate on the scene
- did you require EMS treatment?
ROS is a checklist of sx the pt ____ or ______ have.
does or does not
If a complete ROS is unable to be obtained write:
A complete ROS is unobtainable due to the pt’s condition
ROS: the 14 body systems
constitutional (fever, weight loss, sweats) eyes ENT CV Respiratory GI GU MS Integumentary Neuro Psych Endocrine (polyuria, polydipsia) Hematologic/Lymph Immunologic (HIV/AIDS, splenectomy)
Complete ROS contains ____ elements
10, or 2
CP Major DDX, Minor DDx
Major DDx: MI, PE, Aortic Dissection, PTX
Minor DDx: chest wall pain, costochondritis, pleural effusion, GERD
CP, SOB: MI risk factors
CAD, HTN, HLD, DM, Smoking, FHx CAD <55 yo
CP, SOB: PE risk factors
Hx DVT/PE, known DVT, recent surgery, immobilization, A-fib, cancer, pregnancy/birth control
SOB: Major DDx, Minor DDx
Major DDx: CHF, COPD, Asthma, PNA. (also consider MI or PE
Minor DDx: bronchitis, URI
Abdominal Pain: Major DDx, Minor DDx
Major DDx: appy, cholecystitis, diverticulitis, pancreatitis, SBO, GI bleed, AAA
Minor DDx: UTI, Gastroenteritis, Gastritis, Constipation
Diarrhea Risk Factors
recent foreign travel, recent camping, bad food exposure, sick contacts, recent antibiotics, recent hospitilization
Female lower abdomen pain Major DDx, Minor DDx
Major DDx: appendicitis, ovarian torsion, ectopic pregnancy
Minor DDx: ovarian cyst, UTI, STD
Female abdominal pain risk factors:
possible pregnancy, unprotected sex, history of STD
Low back pain: Major DDx, Minor DDx
Major DDx: spinal cord injury, cauda equina, spinal abscess, AAA
Minor DDx: musculoskeletal back pain, back strain, sciatica
Bak pain risk factors:
recent trauma, hx of IVDA, spinal hardware
Dizziness/HA Major DDx, Minor DDx
Major DDx: hemorrhagic CVA, Sub Arachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH), Ischemic CVA, meningitis
Minor DDx: dehydration, benign positional vertigo (BPV) migraine HA, tension HA, sinusitis
CVA risk factors:
HTN, HLD, DM, smoking, FHx CVA, Hx TIA/CVA, Afib
Syncope Major/Minor DDx
Major DDx: Sz, CVA, MI, PE, cardiac arrythmia
Minor DDx: vasovagal syncope, dehydration
AMS Major/Minor DDx
Major DDx: sepsis, CVA, meningitis, hypoglycemia, drug overdose
Minor DDx: UTI (if elderly), EtOH abuse, Narcotic abuse, Drug abuse
AMS risk factors
Dementia/Alzheimers, DM, psychiatric history, substance abuse
Trauma Major/Minor DDx
Major DDx: Hemorrhagic CVA, Subdural hematoma, Cervical/Thoracic/Lumbar spinal cord injury, PTX, Cardiac contusion, Splenic laceration, Liver laceration, Compound fracture
Minor DDx: closed head injury, simple fracture, dislocation, strain/sprain, laceration
Trauma risk factors
blood thinners (coumadin/warfarin, Plavix, ASA), Severe Mechanism of Injury
Review Common PMHx
General: HTN,HLD,CA,DM
Cardiac: MI, CAD, Angina, CHF, AFib
Pulmonary: PE, PNA, COPD, Asthma
Abdominal: GERD, AAA, Pancreatitis, Hepatitis, Diverticulitis
GU: Kidney Stones, UTI, renal insufficiency/failure
Neuro: CVA, TIA, Epilepsy/Sz, Migraines, Dementia, Alzheimers
Psych: depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia
Review Common PSHx
ENT: tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, PE tubes
Cardiac: CABG, Coronary Stents, Pacemaker, AICD, Catheterization, Angioplasty, Valve replacement
Abdominal: appendectomy, cholecystectomy, Herniorrhaphy, Gastric Bypass, Colectomy, Colostomy
GU: Hysterectomy, C-section, Oophorectomy, Salpingo-oopherectomy, Tubal Ligation, TURP
Ortho: AKA/BKA, Hip Arthroplasty
Neuro: Carotid Endarterectomy, Craniotomy, VP shunt
Other: mastectomy, PICC line
Nephrectomy: kidney removal
G/P/A convention:
G: total number of times pt has been pregnant
P: number of live births
A: number of miscarriages or elective abortions