Day 3 Flashcards
part. (in a) different way, in another way, otherwise
Jinak se mám dobře. =: Other wise I am fine.
Jinak je normální. -> Otherwise he is normal.
Jinak to nejde.-> There is no other way.
Rozhodl jsem se jinak. -> I’ve changed my mind.
Nemohu jinak, než .. -> .I have no choice but …
jinak řečeno -> in other words
(setrvat) kde stay, remain
(zdržet se) linger swh
Jak dlouho tady zůstanete? -> How long are you going to stay?
zůstat kde na noc -> stay overnight swh
part. surely, yet
Henuz, sonunda
A přece řekl pravdu. - And yet he told the truth.
part. right
Bylo to v pořadku, vid’? -> It was ok, right?
Imp. to lead, guide
To vede k třetí hypotéze. -> This leads to a third hypothesis.
part. even, at that
Dokonce i rackové zmizeli. - Even the seagulls were gone.
impf. to belong
Komu to patřit? - Who does it belong to?
adj. the other(s), reamining
Ostatní mrzli. - The others were freezing.
Podivat se
pf. to look
Podívala se z okna. - She looked out of the window.
conj. let
(rozkaz) let
(dbej ať) mind (that)
(aby) to
Ať jde! - Let him go!
At’ si myslí, co chce. - Let her think what she wants.