Day 22 - Chapter 7(2/2) , Chapter 8(1/3) Flashcards
How many teachers do you have?
كَمْ أُسْتَاذً لك؟
How many students are at the institute?
كَمْ طَالِبً فِي المَعْهَدِ؟
How many brothers does she have?
كَمْ أَخً لَها؟
How many chairs are in the room (غُرْفَة)?
كَمْ كُرْسِيًّ في الغُرْفَةِ؟
How many sons does she have?
كَمْ إِِبْنًا لها؟
I am going to Britain with my family.
أَنَا ذَاهِبٌ إِلى بريطانيا مع عَائِلَتِي
How many helpers do you have?
كَمْ مُسَاعِدً لَكَ؟
How many visitors are here today?
كَمْ زِِاَئرًهُنًا اليَوم؟
How many Canadian students are at the institute?
كَمْ طَالِبً الكَنَدِيًّ في المَعْهََدِ؟
I am going on the same airlines.
اَنَا ذَاهِبٌ على نَفْسِ الشَرِكَةِ
My flight is in a short while
طَائِرَتِي بعد وَفْتٍ قَصِيرَةٍ
I have a son, his name is Zaid, and I have a daughter, her name is Huda.
لي اِبْنٌ اِسْمُهُ زَيْد، ولي بِنْتٌ اِسْمُهَا هُدَى
How many students are at the institute?
كَمْ طَالِبً في المَعْهَدِ؟
Until next time, my dear sister.
إلى اللِقَاءِ يا أُخْتِي الكَرِيمَةَ
I am a teacher at Bayyinah Institute, and you?
أَنَا مُدَرِّسُ في مَعْهَدِ البَيِّنَة وأَنْتَ؟
Asalamu alaikum, mom, how are you doing?
السالم عليكم يا أمي، كيف حالك؟
Wa-alaikum as-salaam, I have missed you, child. How is the institute?
وعليكم السلام، اشتقت إليك يا بنت. كيف المعهد؟
Alhamdulillah, the institute is very wonderful.
الحمد لله المعهد رائع جدا
I am glad about that. Are the brothers and sisters together in one room?
انا سيعدة بذلك. هل الإخوة والأخوات معًا في غرفة واحدة؟
Yes, but there is a side for the brothers and a side for the sisters, and there is a barrier between us.
نعم، ولكن للإخوة جهة و للأخوات جهة، وبيننا حجاب
Good, and who is the teacher?
حسنا, ومن الاستاذ؟
We have many teachers at the institute. The main teacher is Adam Jamal. He is the teacher of nahw, sarf, and tafsir.
لدينا أساتذة كثيرؤن في المعهد. الأستاذ الرئيسي هو آدم جمال. وهو مدرّس النحو والصرف والتفسير
كَمْ أُسْتَاذً لك؟
How many teachers do you have?
كَمْ طَالِبً فِي المَعْهَدِ؟
How many students are at the institute?
كَمْ أَخً لَها؟
How many brothers does she have?
كَمْ كُرْسِيًّ في الغُرْفَةِ؟
How many chairs are in the room (غُرْفَة)?
كَمْ إِِبْنًا لها؟
How many sons does she have?
أَنَا ذَاهِبٌ إِلى بريطانيا مع عَائِلَتِي
I am going to Britain with my family.
كَمْ مُسَاعِدً لَكَ؟
How many helpers do you have?
كَمْ زِِاَئرًهُنًا اليَوم؟
How many visitors are here today?
كَمْ طَالِبً الكَنَدِيًّ في المَعْهََدِ؟
How many Canadian students are at the institute?
اَنَا ذَاهِبٌ على نَفْسِ الشَرِكَةِ
I am going on the same airlines.
طَائِرَتِي بعد وَفْتٍ قَصِيرَةٍ
My flight is in a short while
لي اِبْنٌ اِسْمُهُ زَيْد، ولي بِنْتٌ اِسْمُهَا هُدَى
I have a son, his name is Zaid, and I have a daughter, her name is Huda.
كَمْ طَالِبً في المَعْهَدِ؟
How many students are at the institute?
إلى اللِقَاءِ يا أُخْتِي الكَرِيمَةَ
Until next time, my dear sister.
أَنَا مُدَرِّسُ في مَعْهَدِ البَيِّنَة وأَنْتَ؟
I am a teacher at Bayyinah Institute, and you?
السالم عليكم يا أمي، كيف حالك؟
Asalamu alaikum, mom, how are you doing?
وعليكم السلام، اشتقت إليك يا بنت. كيف المعهد؟
Wa-alaikum as-salaam, I have missed you, child. How is the institute?
الحمد لله المعهد رائع جدا
Alhamdulillah, the institute is very wonderful.
انا سيعدة بذلك. هل الإخوة والأخوات معًا في غرفة واحدة؟
I am glad about that. Are the brothers and sisters together in one room?
نعم، ولكن للإخوة جهة و للأخوات جهة، وبيننا حجاب
Yes, but there is a side for the brothers and a side for the sisters, and there is a barrier between us.
حسنا, ومن الاستاذ؟
Good, and who is the teacher?
لدينا أساتذة كثيرؤن في المعهد. الأستاذ الرئيسي هو آدم جمال. وهو مدرّس النحو والصرف والتفسير
We have many teachers at the institute. The main teacher is Adam Jamal. He is the teacher of nahw, sarf, and tafsir.