Day 2 Flashcards
Definition: A device used to carry people or goods up and down inside a building (British English for “elevator”).
Examples: Take the lift to the top floor.
Definition: A shop where medicines and other health products are sold (British English for “pharmacy”).
Examples: I need to go to the chemist’s for some cough medicine.
Definition: A sudden, forceful release of air from the lungs.
Examples: He has a bad cough.
Type: Noun, also can be a verb (“He coughed all night”).
Bless you
Definition: A phrase said to someone after they sneeze.
Examples: Achoo! – “Bless you!”
Definition: A vehicle for hire that transports passengers (informally “taxi”).
Examples: I took a cab to the airport.
Are you pleased?
Definition: A question asking if someone is happy or satisfied.
Examples: Are you pleased with the results?
I’ll put you through
Definition: A phrase meaning to connect someone on the phone to another person.
Examples: Please hold, I’ll put you through to the manager.
Definition: A racquet sport played with a shuttlecock.
Examples: They played badminton at the park.
On the 4th floor
Definition: A phrase describing the location of something on the fourth level of a building.
Examples: The office is on the 4th floor.
I’ll send someone up to look at it right now
A phrase meaning that someone will be sent to inspect or fix something immediately.
Examples: There’s a leak? I’ll send someone up to look at it right now.
Definition: An indentation of the coastline, usually smaller than a gulf; can also refer to a parking space.
Examples: The ship docked in the bay. / Park your car in the bay.
Has Mark shown you this site?
A question asking if Mark has already introduced someone to a particular location or website.
Examples: Has Mark shown you this site yet?
Maybe I can show you around
Definition: A suggestion offering to give someone a tour or guide them.
Examples: If you’re new to the office, maybe I can show you around.
I’ll see you around
Definition: A casual way to say goodbye, implying you’ll meet again in the future.
Examples: It was great seeing you! I’ll see you around.
Break up
Definition: To end a relationship, or to disband a group.
Examples: They decided to break up after five years.
Could I have a refund?
Definition: A request asking for money to be returned, typically after returning an item or service.
Examples: The product was faulty. Could I have a refund?
What symptoms do you have?
Definition: A question asking someone to describe any signs of illness.
Examples: You seem unwell. What symptoms do you have?
Definition: A sudden, involuntary expulsion of air from the nose and mouth.
Examples: He sneezed loudly in the middle of the meeting.
Type: Verb (can also be a noun: “a sneeze”).
Definition: A large body of water that is partially enclosed by land, often larger than a bay.
Examples: The Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Mexico.