Day 2 (121-240) Flashcards
inform, tell, notify, advise
More pertinent to our endeavor is that it is the home of solar system Astrographic’s solar radio antenna, which we use to apprise the rest of the Solar System of the status of this adventure.
approval, praise, acceptance, endorsement, appreciation, commendation
Finally, Susan has earned the approbation of a tough crowd, the fashion industry.
- 전용하다
- 혼자 가지다
- 허락없이 가지다
- embezzle
- preempt
- steal
They were caused by failure of the central government to appropriate funds to keep the local agencies running.
부속물, 보조품
addition, apparatus, appendage, attachment, component
However, there is one appurtenance to the dam that has long been obsolete, and that is the stretch of US Highway 93 that crosses the Colorado River.
적절한, 알맞은
appropriate, pertinent, relevant, apposite, apt, applicable, suitable
Thatg’s an apt description and totally apropos for those members.
farmable, cultivable, fertile, productive
During the war, both sides sowed mines to sever access to arable land and to strangle transportation.
- 중재자
- 권위자
- arbitrator, intercessor
- authority, expert, pundit
A political relationship has been devised that can cause government to become an official arbiter of religious orthodoxy for the nation.
무작위의, 멋대로의
capricious, whimsical, unpredictable, dictatorial
The present form of government in France is not arbitrary, a thing that Louis Napoleon can correct or alter.
비밀, 신비의
mysterious, secret; enigmatic, esoteric, cryptic, obscure, abstruse, recondite
“I’m in the pink!” they reply-ironically using an arcane bit of Edwardian slang for “feeling good.”
오래된, 고풍스런
obsolete, out of date, old-fashioned, outmoded, behind the times, bygone, anachronistic, antiquated
His speech was archaic, muddled by a thick accent and mixed with a few words Snow couldn’t understand, but their languages were close enough that the two could communicate.
quintessence, essence, representative, embodiment, prototype, stereotype
Indeed, while Victoria’s style is an archetype to some, a caricature to others,
열의에 찬
passionate, fervent, zealous, fervid, avid
Famy was well educated and an ardent admirer of American democracy.
매우 건조한
dry, dried up, waterless, moistureless
In the arid summer heat on prairie rangeland, a dead body doesn’t so much rot as it become petrified.
비난하다, 기소된 내용을 캐묻다, 조사하다
blame, charge, criminate, incriminate, inculpate, indict
Heroic drama on Oriental themes gave still more direct opportunities to investigate or arraign imperial authority or absolutist power.
- 멈추게하다, 체포하다
- 관심 따위를 끌다
- stop, halt, check, block, hinder
- attract, capture, catch, hold, engage
If increases in arrest rate cause decrease in drug use, we should at least observe an occasion, even if the association by itself is not sufficient to prove causality.
haughty, conceited, self-important, overbearing, pompous, bumptious, presumptuous, imperious
Our minds can go no further. The human imagination is capable of no further expression of beauty than the carved owl of Athene, the archaic, marble serpent, the arrogant selfish head of the Acropolis Apollo.
분명하게 발음, 의미를 전달하다
eloquent, fluent, effective, persuasive, lucid, expressive
It is commonplace that a problem stated is well on its way to solution, for statement of the nature of a problem signifies that the underlying quality is being transformed into determinate distinctions of terms and relations or has become an object of articulate thought.
자연스러운, 가식이 없는
natural, ingenuous, naive, simple, innocent, childlike, guileless, unaffected
The deceptively naive tone of the second novel masks an unsettling complexity of vision, its artless depiction of childhood concealing acute feeling, beneath the narrator’s ostensible concerns.
상승하는, 올라가는, 우세해지는
rising, flourishing, prospering, burgeoning
The general tendency of things throughout the world is to render mediocrity the ascendant power among mankind.
확인하다, 명백히하다
find out, discover, discern, understand, comprehend, verify, confirm
It is not impossible to ascertain if these same changes might occur with a larger population of students.
금욕적인, 금욕적인 사람
austere, self-denying, abstinent, abstemious, self-disciplined
A commercial society whose members are essentially ascetic and indifferent in social ritual has to be provided with blueprints and specifications for evoking the right tone for every occasion.
(말, 태도) 신랄함
sharpness, abrasiveness, roughness, acerbity, astringency
The company has noted his asperity when dealing with its competitor.
abuse, calumny, defamation, detraction, invective, obloquy, vituperation
Before casting aspersion at properly attired people, I suggest that you do something about the outright sloppy appearance.
맹렬히 공격하다
attack, assault, criticize, censure, pillory, revile
She felt at the right moment when an new idea would suddenly assail her, an idea that seemed so memorable and original and fresh that she was certain it had never been thought of by anyone else.
forcefully establish, claim, declare, contend, argue
The toddler must say “no” in order to find out who she is. The adolescent says “no” to asseert who she is not.
evaluate, judge, gauge, rate, estimate, appraise
The most difficult risk to assess is the political uncertainty, which would, of course, be aggravated by any or all of the other uncertainties.
근면 성실한
meticulous, sedulous, conscientious, punctilious, painstaking
This was all recorded by the cameramen, with assiduous attention to detail, for broadcast in a variety of forms.
흡수하다, 소화하다
absorb, take in, acquire, grasp, comprehend
Other immigrants arrive with a strong educational background seeking economic opportunity; they assimilate into middle class neighborhoods chosen because of job proximity rather than a desire for ethnic cohesiveness.
여러 구색을 갖춘, 가지각색의
various, mixed, miscellaneous, heterogeneous, varying, eclectic
The author demonstrated a high comfort level with the kind of assorted collection of metaphysical “miracles” favored by Emersonian thought.
달래다, 완화시키다; 만족시키다
soothe, hush, alleviate, allay, ease, relieve, moderate, abate
Beijing has tried to assuage its neighbors’ concerns by spearheading a project to create a regional free trade zone.
- 가정하다
- (권력, 의무) 떠맡다
- 가장하다
- assume, surmise, infer
- acquire
- affect, simulate
Most people probably would assume that the phrase scholars of law and literature “is meant to refer to scholars of law and also, separately, to scholars of literature.
신랄한, 맛이 톡 쏘는
severe, sharp, stern, harsh, acerbic, acidulous, caustic, mordant, trenchant
His flair foe evoking a personality in limpid, astringent prose is evident as soon as he is moved to conjure up the unique spirit of an individual instead of pressing that individual into the service of one fixed idea.
명민한, 기민한
shrewd, sharp, acute, adroit, canny, intuitive, perceptive, insightful, incisive, sagacious, wise
“Raymond Carver: A Writer’s Life,” which is not merely a great biography, but often an astute critical assessment of Carver’s writing as well.
(정치범, 난민, 정신병자 등의) 보호 시설
refuge, sanctuary, shelter, haven, harbor
The most threatened group in human societies as in animal societies is the unmated male is more likely to wind up in prison or in an asylum or dead than his mated counterpart.
absolve, answer, apologize, appease
As if to atone for this egregious omission, the editors devote the initial two chapter of the first volume to environmentally related topics.
극악무도한, 매우 잔인한; 아주 나쁜
ferocious, heinous, vicious, horrible, brutal, appalling
Rituals must be performed to appease the gods and atone for atrocities.
긴축, 축소
wasting, emaciation, withering, shriveling, shrinking, decay, decline
Patients with severe optic atrophy showed little or no recovery during the course of follow up, suggeting a direct relation between the degree of optic atrophy and visual recovery following surgical decompressio of the optic chiasm.
- 민감하게 반응하는
- 경청하고 배려하는
- perceptive, observant, alert, acute, aware, heedful, vigilant
- caring, solicitous, accommodating
I believe that I am letting my kids see that a man can be tender, sensitive, warm, attentive to feelings, and present, just plain there.
가늘게하다, 약화시키다
thin, dilute, weaken, enervate
It is possible to attenuate the fire that was always inside certain communities – ethnic, religious - which allowed them to kill or motivated them to kill so many people.
증명하다, 증언하다, 입증하다
confirm, verify, substantiate authenticate
In Ntarama, rows and rows of skulls and hones attest to nearly 5,000 who died in and around a Catholic church.
닳거나 약해져 없어지는 것, 감소
reduction, decrease
Many immersive performances operate through attrition, breaking the viewer down to their emotional response.
조화를 이루다, 조율하다
accustom, adjust, adapt, accommodate, assimilate
I have had a long internship in learning about resonance because I have so much needed to create it in and around me as I have tried to attune myself to “interbeing” in the collectivist culture where I now make my home.
대담한, 무모한
daring, fearless, intrepid, brave, courageous, valiant, heroic, plucky, headlong, rash, brash
Marriage is a fierce battle before which the two partners ask heaven for its blessing, because loving each other is the most audacious of enterprises; the battle is not slow to start, and victory, that is nto say ffeedom, goes to the cleverest.
(소리) 들리는
hearable, perceptible, discernible, detectable, appreciable, clear, distinct
Looking around, every face was set with a grave determination ‘to do’, and there was not a word audible as the orders were spoken and the commands obeyed.
증가/증대시키다; 증가하다
increase, add to, supplement, enlarge, expand, extend, raise, multiply
Authors ask you to be the expert by not only knowing and using digital textbooks in your school, but also surrounding them with the wealth of information that will augment what is in the hands of students and teachers.
전조가 되다, 예고하다
bode, portend, herald, presage, indicate
Already Tice in his brief and lyrical writing about Paterson in 1972 had articulated a sense of the promise of the place and its emerging future-in-the-present that did not augur well for a hope of redemption.
길조의, 유리한
favorable, propitious, promising, providential, felicitous
A few miles from the scene of some 30,000 deaths, in sight of quarters decorated with large US flags, the groups graded salutations for an auspicious new year.
- 엄격한
- 금욕적인
- 꾸밈없는, 소박한, 단순한
- severe, stern, strict, harsh
- ascetic, self-denying, frugal, spartan
- plain, simple, basic, modest, unadorned, unembellished
The laws of friendship are austere and eternal, of one web witht he laws of nature and of morals.