Day 1 hell Flashcards
Formed when weathering, together with mass collapse (and in arid areas with wind erosion), creates a tunnel through a slab of rock
Rock arch (bridge) and window
a wind erorded depression in the side of a cliff of a homogenous rock type
alloves and yardang window
low, triangular-shaped the aaccumulationoOf sediments deposited at the mouth of a valley
Alluvial Fan
Submarine, circular, steep sided holes which occur in coral reefs
Blue Hole
a compound alluvial fan where neighboring alluvial fans converge into a single apron of deposits against a slope
Shallow lakes found in bajadas
A steep-sided and flat-topped hill, built of flat lying soft rocks capped by a more resistant layer of sedimentary rockt lava flow or duricrust, surrounded by a plaim
A deeply incised, steep-sided river valley
asymmetrical upland feature usually associated with gently dipping
rocks and comprising a steep scarp-slope (or escaqpment) and a
longer gentler dip slope
A depositional landform produced by sedimentation at and around the mouth a river river- tide- wave-dominated
A large area of sand dunes
a long winding ridge of stratified sand and gravel that are frequently several km long ang are somewhat like railroad embankments
A steep slope coinciding with the line of a fault
Fault Scarp
triangular-shaped remnants of the bedbetween V-shaped notches; steeply sloping wedge-shaped landscape features created by differential erosion
German ‘sea of rock’; areas covered by large angular blocks (formed in situ), traditionally believed to have been created by freeze-thaw action
Major splits into limestone pavement, formed by widening, deepening; and eventualnergingcofsolution features flat level” long linear weakness in the rock
Grike (Bogaz)
small closed depressions on horizontal and gently inclined rock surfaæs; similar to solution pits in carbonate rocks;
A mountaintop that has been modified by the action of ice during glaciation and frost weathering; also pyramidal peak
Glacial Horn
A tall, thin spire of soft (sedimentary) rock topped by harder, more resistant stone that protects each golumn from erosion
Large, perennial, conical, ice-cored moutains that are common in
areas dominated by fine- grained sediments, with the ice forming from iniected water
large, freestanding, residual masses of rock
Inselberg (tor/Monadnock)
A narrow piece of land connecting two larger areas across an expanse of water that otherwise separates them
Groups of residual, steep-sided hills Rproduced by limestone solution
Kegelkarst (cone karst or cockpit karst)
An umbrella term which covers an elaborately diverse groups od small scale solutional features and sculpturing found on limestone and dolomite surfacesexposed at the ground surface or in caves
Permafrost mounds formed by ice segregation within mineral soils that occur within the zone of discontinuous permafrost
Lithalsas (Stone rings)
An embankment, natural or man- made, that confines flow during high—water periods
Occurs when a meandering river on alluvium eats downinto the underlying bedrock
Incised Meander
A prominent limestone hill in an area of tower karst
An elongated cliff-base hollow cut out by abrasion, usually where breaking waves are armed with rock fragments
Abraison Notch
A point of land, usually high and often with a sheer drop, that extends out into a body of water
Ness (headland/promontory/cape)
A horse-shoe shaped length of stream channel which is an almost closed meander loop
Forms just under a boulder, from whichn the rate of surface lowering may be evaluated
A large karst depression that may sometimes be flooded with water,
and which has been formed either by solution, or cavern collapse or for stuctural reasons
a sheet-like surface of rock fragrnents that remains wind
water have removed the be fine particles
Reg (Desert Pavement/Gibber/hamada)
A long, narrow, often branching inlet formed by marine submergence of parts of a river valley that have previously been-incised to a lower level
accumulation of broken rock fragments that typically have a concave upwards form
An isolated upstanding steep-sided rock pillar, column or pinnacle rising from the shore, a shore platform, or the sea floor close to a cliffed coast
Stack or stump
Cavernous weathering hollows produced in vertical or near vertical rock faces
A variety of limestone formed when carbonate minerals precipitate out of ambient temperature water
A depression or large hollow in limestone areas produced when
several sinkholes or dolines coalesce
created when magma hardens within a vent on an active volcano; a distinctive upstanding landform produced when erosion removes the surroounding rock while the erosion resistant plug remains
Volcanic Neck/pipe
Notch or abandoned former channel in resistant bedrock ridges that was formerlya water gap when there was insufficient stream power to complete the down cutting process
Wind Gap
A tributary stream that is prevented from joining the main river because of the levees which flank the latter
A streamlined hill carved from bedrock or any consolidated or semi-cpnsolidated material that resembless the hull of a boat
Isolated rocks between joints that result from downward erosion of less resistant layers
Rock fins
marginal and more humid variant of the desert and is a transition zone that surrounds the dessert and separates it from bordering humid climates
a dry area on the lee side of a mountain range. Many middle-latitude deserts are of this type.
Rainshadow desert
sand accumulates when there is an obstruction across the wind path. The more sand gets collected, the steeper the slope will be
a depression on the land surface caused by wind erosion
the lifting and removal of loose material by wind
a cobble or pebble polished and shaped by the sandblasting effect by wind
dunes shaped like crescents with the tips pointing downwind from where there is little sand and a flat surface. The crescent forms when the wind is stable and fixed
barchan dunes
series of long ridges oriented at right angles to the prevailing wind; these dunes form where vegetation is sparse and sand is very plentiful
Transverse dunes
dunes forming scalloped rows of sand oriented at right angles to the wind. This form is intermediate between isolated barchans and extensive waves of transverse dunes
Barchanoid Dunes
vegetation partially covers land, on coastlines, tips point into wind, strong winds, abundant sand
Parabolic Dunes
isolated hills of sand that exhibit a complex form and develops where wind conditions are variable
Star Dunes
extensive blanket of silt, that once were carried in suspension
deposit of windblown silt, lacking visible layers, generally buff colored, and capable of maintaining a nearly vertical cliff
Loess Deposits
percentage area of dry regions on the Earth’s surface
a desert located in northern Chile near the border with Peru, known to be the driest place on Earth
Atacama Desert
a desert located in Iran, known to be the hottest place on Earth
Dasht-e Lut Desert
Thick ice mass that forms over hundreds of thousands of years
A stream of ice, bounded by precipitous rock walls, that flows down-valley from a snow accumulation center near its head
Valley (Alpine) Glacier
Enormous masses that flow out in all directions from one or more snow accumulation centers and completely obscure all but the highest areas of underlying terrain
Ice Sheet/Continental Glacier
Large, relatively flat masses of floating ice that extend Ice seaward from the coat but remain attached to the land along one or more side
Ice Shelves
completely bury the underlying landscape but are much more smaller that the continental-scale features
Ice Cap
tongues of ice that flow down valleys extending outward from the margins of the larger ice masses
Outlet Glaciers
occupy broad lowlands at the bases of steep mountains and form when one or more valley glaciers emerge from the confining walls of mountain valleys
Piedmont Glacier
raw material from which glacial ice originates
elevation above which snow remains throughout the year
A dense, icy pack of old snow
movement within the ice
Plastic Flow
consists of the entire ice slipping along the ground
Basal Slip
ice in this zone is carried in “piggyback” style by the ice below resulting in crevasses
Zone of Fracture
balance between accumulation at the upper end of the glacier and loss at the lower end (ablation); equal during winter; snow and ice melt can exceed deposition in summer
Glacial Budget
the part of a glacial system where snow and ice are accumulating faster than they are melting away.
Zone of accumulation
the rate of melting and evaporation exceeds the accumulation of new snow, so the glacier is shrinking
Zone of wastage (ablation)
low-altitude area of a glacier or ice sheet below firn with a net loss in ice mass due to melting, sublimation, evaporation, erosion, etc.
Ablation Zone