Day 1 Flashcards
Aberrant (adj)
Unusual: unacceptable: atypical: abnormal
Exp: Aberrant behavior/ trees/ weather
Accelerate (verb)
Speed up: expedite: hasten: quicken # decelerate
Exp: measures to accelerate the rate of economic growth
Exp: the car accelerated smoothly away
Account for (verb)
Explain: clarify: rationalize: illuminate: justify
Exp: can you account for your movements on that night?
Exp: recent pressure at work may account for his behavior.
Acknowledge (v.)
Accept, admit, concede, confess, grant, profess, recognize
Ex: the family acknowledge the need for change
Ex: he acknowledges that when he’s tired he gets bad-tempered.
Ex: Claire acknowledged that she was guilty
Ex: the government must acknowledge what is happening and do sth about it
Ex: this is a fact that most smokers readily acknowledge.
Ex: the film festival is acknowledged as an event of international importance
Adjacent (adj)
Next, adjoining, neighboring, close
Ex: he went to the adjacent room
Ex: the building adjacent to the library
Aggravate (v.)
Worsen, exacerbate, intensify, increase
Irritate , bother, nettle, offend
Ex; their money problems were further aggravated by a rise in interest rates.
Ex: building the new road will only aggravate the situation
Ex: what really aggravates me is the way she won’t listen
Agile (adj)
Nimble, active, supple, swift, alert, sharp
سریع الانتقال و clever
Ex: dogs are surprisingly agile
Ex: he was physically strong and mentally agile
Ex: with surprisingly agility, Karl darted across the road
Refer, hint, mention, touch upon, imply
Ex: the committee made no allusion to the former president in its report
Ex: Eliot’s poetry is full of biblical allusion
Ex: in his poetry we find many allusions to the human body
Annihilate (v)
Destroy, abolish, eradicate, exterminate, obliterate
Ex: Just one of these bombs could annihilate a city the size of New York
Tyson annihilated his opponent in the first round
Arduous (adj)
Difficult, exhausting, fatiguing, laborious, tough, challenging, daunting
Ex: arduous task/ work
Ex: an arduous journey through the mountains
Dry, barren, sterile
Boring, tedious, uninteresting
(بی مزه- بی روح- بی لطافت)
Ex: water from the Great Lakes is pumped to arid regions
Ex: my mind was arid, all inspiration gone.
Ex: arid years of dictatorship
Ex: arid life
State, insist on, claim, stress
Ex: French cooking, she asserted, is the best in the world
Ex: he asserted that unclear power was a safe and non-polluting energy source.
Ex: native Americans asserting their rights to ancestral lands
Ex: women began to assert themselves politically
Ex: national pride began to assert itself.
Asset (n)
Benefit, advantage, blessing, boon, resource, wealth, capital
Ex: a corporation with $9 billion in asset
Ex: the value of a company’s asset
Ex: a sense of humor is a great asset in this business
Ex: be an asset to somebody/something
Ex: I think Rachel would be an asset to the department
Astounding (adj)
Astonishing, amazing, impressive, sensational, breathtaking, brilliant, staggering, stunning
Ex: the concert was an astounding success
Ex: astoundingly beautiful scenery
Ex: the judge’s decision astounded everyone
Attainable (adj)
Achieve, accomplish, acquire, gain, obtain, reach
Ex: after a year she had attained her ideal weight
Ex: more women are attaining positions of power
Ex: share prices attained a high of $3.27
Ex: this target should be attainable
Attribute (v)
Ascribe, assign, refer, trace to
Ex: attribute sth to somebody/ sth phrasal verb
Ex: the fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally attributed to improvements in diet
Ex: the saying is usually attributed to Confucius
Augment (v)
Increase, raise, enlarge, make grater, improve
Ex: - to augment his income, he works at night, too
Ex: any surplus was sold to augment their income
Ex: to augment the supplies
Ex: the size of the box was augmented considerably
Avid (adj)
Enthusiastic, ardent, eager, fanatical, keen, passionate, zealous
Ex: an avid collector of old jazz records
Ex: an avid record
Boast (v)
Brag, possess
Ex: Amy boasted that her son was a genius
Ex: he’s boasting about how much money he has made
Ex: the company is inclined to boast of its success
Ex: the city boasts two excellent museums
Boom (v)
Flourish, develop, prosper, thrive (on sth)
Ex: business was booming and money wasn’t a problem
Ex: tourism on the island has boomed