Dating, the Leakeys, Laetoli, and Lucy Flashcards
Crudely divided into several periods (relative dating)
- 1.8 million years-200,000 years: lower paleolithic
- 2-5 million years: middle paleolithic
- Upper paleolithic = humans
5-7 million years ago: humans and chimps diverge
- 4 million years ago: Hominin bipedalism
- 3 million years ago: first evidence of tool use
- 8-7,000 years: absolute dates
Absolute Dating techniques
Dendrochronology, radiocarbon, optically stimulated luminescence, therma-luminescence, electron spin resonance, geomagnetism, and radiopotassium
Annual growth bands in tress
Decay of C14
K-Ar dating
- Requires volcanic layers of ash (ash, basalt, etc.)
- Measures 40K and 40Ar
- Range of 100,000 to >5 million years old
- “Setting the Clock”= heating vent releases Argon from molten lava; when the lava solidifies it means it has a lot of radioactive potassium; constant decay or Argon leads to accumulation in rocks
Stratigraphy and K-Ar
Soil -> volcanic ash -> soil -> volcanic ash -> soil
- Find two dates; first layer is under the spot human remains would be found second layers pile up (very important)
- Can provide date range for non-volcanic sediments
Early Hominins
Teeth were the only part of early Hominins found by archeologists (other parts destroyed by local animals; teeth too hard to digest)
Thomas Huxley
Published Man’s Place in Nature (1863); similarities between human and ape skeleton’s
-Coined the concept of “missing link”: a species which links apes and humans (now there is many links)
What makes humans?
Obligatory bipedalism, large brains, highly dextrous hands (opposable thumbs), non-divergent toes, enhanced verbal communication, and tool use
Obligatory Bipedalism
Walking straight
What makes apes?
Non-obligatory bipedalism, small brains, limited mobility in thumb, divergent toes, limited verbal communication, and limited tool use
Non-obligatory Bipedalism
Walking bent
Family “Bush”
Divergence, split offs, and a lot of common ancestors/relatives
-Hominin, lumpers, and splitters
All modern and fossil human species since the split of chimps