Dates Flashcards
Congress of Vienna, redivides Italy into 13 States
June 1815
Naples rising against Ferdinand I
July 1820
Piedmont rising against Victor Emmanuel I
March 1821
First risings in Modena and Parma
February 1831
Mazzini starts Young Italy
March 1831
Vincenzo Gioberti publishes nationalist work: Primato morale e civile degli Italiani
Cesare Balbo publishes his nationalist work: Le speranze d’Italia
Election of Pius IX as Pope
June 1846
Revolution begins in Sicily
January 1848
Pope issues Constitution
February 1848
Rome declared a Republic
February 1849
Charles Albert issues Statuto
March 1848
Piedmont joins forces with Lombardy and declares war on Austria
March 1848
Austria crushes Piedmont at Battle of Custoza
July 1848
Austria crushes Piedmont at Battle of Novara and Charles Albert abdicates
March 1849
Fall of Manin’s Venetian Republic
August 1849
Siccardi Laws passed in Piedmont
March 1850
Cavour becomes Prime Minister of Piedmont
Railway line linking Milan, Turin and Genoa to French border
Piedmont joins Crimean War
Cavour squashes Mazzinian uprising in Milan
February 1853
Electric telegraph between Turin and Paris
The Congress of Paris
National Society formed
Plombieres Pact
July 1858
Piedmont and France declare war on Austria
April 1859
Battle of Magenta
May 1859
Nationalist uprisings in Central Duchies
May 1859
Battle of Solferino
June 1859
Treaty of Villafranca (giving Lombardy to Piedmont)
July 1859
Cavour returns to office after post-Villafranca resignation
January 1860
Central Duchies annexed to Piedmont after plebiscites
March 1860
Garibaldi and his volunteer army land in Sicily
May 1860
Garibaldi invades Naples
August 1860
Piedmont invades Papal States, annexing Marches and Umbria
September 1860
Garibaldi hands Naples and Sicily to Piedmont at Teano
October 1860
Proclamation of the Kingdom of Italy
March 1861
Orsini Affair
January 1858
Death of Cavour
June 1861
Garibaldi fails in attempt to capture Rome
September Convention
September 1864
Syllabus of Errors issued
December 1864
Venetia ceded to Italy after Austro-Prussian War
French defeat Garibaldi at Mentana in his second failed attempt to capture the city
Doctrine of Papal Infallability
July 1870
French withdraw troops from Rome as Franco-Prussian War begins
August 1870
Rome annexed to Italy after Plebiscite
October 1870