Dates Flashcards
helping to remember dates months and years
In cases where Prime Minister cannot be
appointed under clause (2) no later than ______ days after
the date of declaration of the final results of election to
the House of Representatives or the Prime Minister so
appointed fails to secure a vote of confidence under
clause (4), the President shall appoint as the Prime
Minister the parliamentary party leader of the party
which has the highest number of members in the House
of Representatives.
30 days
The Prime Minister appointed under clause
(2) or (3) shall obtain a vote of confidence from the
House of Representatives no later than _______ days after
the date of such appointment.
30 days
Procedures on the appointment of the Prime
Minister under this Article must be completed no later
than _______ days after the date of declaration of the
final results of election to the House of Representatives
held under this Constitution or the date on which the
office of the Prime Minister has fallen vacant.
35 days
The members of the House of
Representatives shall, not later than _____ days of the
date of holding of the first meeting of the House of
Representatives, elect a Speaker and a Deputy Speaker
from amongst themselves.
15 days
The members of the National Assembly
shall, not later than _____ days of the date of holding of
its first meeting, elect the Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson of the National Assembly from amongst
15 days
The President shall summon a session of the Federal
Parliament within ____ days of the declaration of final
results of the election to the House of Representatives.
30 days
If the political party which the Prime Minister
represents is divided or a political party in coalition
government withdraws its support, the Prime Minister
shall table a motion in the House of Representatives for a
vote of confidence within ____days.
30 days
A Money Bill passed by the House of
Representatives shall be transmitted to the National
Assembly. The National Assembly shall, after
deliberations on such Bill, send back the Bill to the
House of Representatives within _____ days from the
date of receipt of the Bill, with suggestions, if any.
15 days
If the National Assembly does not return a
Money Bill received under clause (2) for more than
______ days, the House of Representatives may present
the Bill to the President for assent.
15 days
A Bill submitted to the President for his or her
assent in accordance with this Article shall be assented to
within ______ days, both Houses shall be informed
thereof as soon as possible.
15 days
If the President is of the opinion that any Bill,
except a Money Bill, submitted for assent needs
reconsideration, he or she may, within ____ days from the
date of presentation of such Bill, return the Bill with his
or her message to the House in which the Bill originated
50 days
If any Bill is returned with a message by the
President, and both Houses reconsider, passes such Bill
as it was or with amendments and submit it again, the
President shall give assent to that Bill within ____ days
of such submission.
15 days
An Ordinance promulgated under clause (1)
shall have the same force and effect as an Act.
Provided that every such Ordinance shall, unless rendered ineffective or
repealed under sub-clause (a) or (b),
ipso facto cease to be effective at the
expiration of ____ days after the day on
which a meeting of both Houses is
60 days
The Minister for Finance of the Government
of Nepal shall lay before the Federal Parliament an
estimate of revenues and expenditures under clause (1)
on the _________ each year.
15th day of Jestha (mid May)
In cases where the Chief Minister cannot be
appointed under clause (2) no later than _____ days after
the date of declaration of the final results of election to
the State Assembly or the Chief Minister so appointed
fails to secure a vote of confidence under clause (4), the
Chief of State shall appoint as the Chief Minister the
parliamentary party leader of the party which has the
highest number of members in the State Assembly.
30 days
The Chief Minister appointed under clause (2)
or (3) shall obtain a vote of confidence from the State
Assembly no later than ____ days after the date of such
30 days
Procedures on the appointment of the Chief
Minister under this Article must be completed no later
than _____ days after the date of declaration of the
final results of election to the State Assembly held under
this Constitution or the date on which the office of the
Chief Minister has fallen vacant
35 days
The members of the State Assembly shall, not later than
___ days of the date of holding of the first meeting of
the State Assembly, elect a State Speaker and a Deputy
State Speaker from amongst themselves.
15 days
The Chief of State shall summon a session
of the State Assembly within ____ days of the
declaration of final results of the election to the State
20 days
If the political party which the Chief Minister
represents is divided or a political party in coalition State
Government withdraws its support, the Chief Minister
shall table a resolution in the State Assembly for a vote
of confidence within ____ days.
30 days
A Bill presented to the Chief of State for his
or her assent shall be assented to within ____ days, and
the State Assembly shall be informed thereof as soon as
15 days
Except for a Money Bill, if the Chief of State is of the opinion that any Bill needs further deliberations,
he or she may send back the Bill with his or her message
to the State Assembly within _____ days from the date
of presentation of the Bill to him or her.
15 days
If any Bill is sent back with his or her
message by the Chief of State under clause (3), it shall
be reconsidered by the State Assembly and if the Bill so
reconsidered is again passed as it was or with
amendments, and is again presented to him or her, the
Chief of State shall give assent to that Bill within _____
days of such presentation
15 days
An Ordinance promulgated under clause (1)
shall have the same force and effect as an Act.
Provided that every such Ordinance shall, unless rendered ineffective or repealed under sub-clause (a) or (b), ipso
facto cease to be effective at the
expiration of ____ days after the day on
which a meeting of the State Assembly
is held.
60 days
The members of the Village Executive shall
also include four women members elected by the
members of the Village Assembly from amongst
themselves and two members elected by the Village
Assembly from the Dalit or minority communities, in
possession of the qualification under clause (5), no later
than _____ days after the final results of the election to
the Village Assembly under Article 222.
15 days
The members of the Municipal Executive
shall also include five women members elected by the
members of the Municipal Assembly from amongst
themselves and three members elected by the Municipal
Assembly from the Dalit or minority communities, in
possession of the qualification under clause (5), no later
than ____ days after the final results of the election to
the Municipal Assembly under Article 223.
15 days
The District Assembly shall consist of
Chairpersons and Vice-Chairpersons of Village
Executives, and Mayors and Deputy Mayors of
Municipal Executives within the district. The first
meeting of the District Assembly shall be held no later
than ____ days of the date of final results of the election
to the Village Assemblies and the Municipal Assemblies.
30 days
Any suspension or dissolution of any State
Council of Ministers and State Assembly made pursuant
to clause (3) must get ratified by a two-thirds majority of
the total number of the then members of the Federal
Parliament within ____ days.
35 days
A Bill introduced pursuant to clause (2) shall
be publicly published for information to the general
public within ____ days of its introduction in the
concerned House.
30 days
If a Bill introduced pursuant to clause (2) is
related with the alteration in the borders of any State or
matters set forth in Schedule-6, the Speaker or the
Chairperson of the concerned House must send that Bill
to the State Assembly for its consent, within ____ days
after its introduction in the Federal Parliament.
30 days
The President shall give assent to a Bill
presented under clause (9), within _____ days from the
date of its receipt, and the Constitution shall get amended
from the date of assent.
15 days
Where the Legislature-Parliament is in recess
at the time of commencement of this Constitution, the
President shall summon its session no later than _____
days after the date of commencement of this
7 days
The Prime Minister shall, on the basis of
political understanding, be elected no later than _____
days after the date of the commencement of this
Constitution where the Legislature-Parliament is not in
recess at the time of commencement of this Constitution,
and after the date on which the session of the
Legislature-Parliament summoned in accordance with
clause (6) of Article 296 commences where the
Legislature-Parliament is in recess, and a Council of
Ministers shall be formed under his or her
7 days
The members of the Legislature-Parliament
shall, on the basis of political understanding, elect one
Speaker and one Deputy Speaker from themselves no
later than ____ days after the date of the
commencement of this Constitution where the
Legislature-Parliament is not in recess at the time of
commencement of this Constitution, and after the date on
which the session of the Legislature-Parliament is
summoned in accordance with clause (6) of Article 296
where the Legislature-Parliament is in recess.
20 days
This Constitution may be cited as the “Constitution of Nepal”. (2) This Constitution shall commence on ____________
20 September 2015 (3rd day of the month of Ashwin of the year 2072 Bikram Sambat).
In cases where the Prime Minister appointed
under clause (5) fails to obtain a vote of confidence or
the Prime Minister cannot be appointed, the President
shall, on recommendation of the Prime Minister, dissolve
the House of Representatives and appoint a date of
election so that the election to another House of
Representatives is completed within ______ months.
6 months
A Minister appointed under clause (1) must
obtain membership of the Federal Parliament within _____
months from the date of taking oath by him or her.
6 months
If the seat of any member of the House of
Representatives falls vacant while its term still remains
for more than _____ months, the vacancy shall be filled in
the same manner of electoral system as in which such
seat was filled in.
6 months
The term of the House of Representatives
extended under clause (2) shall ipso facto expire upon
the expiry of ______ months from the date of voidance of the
proclamation or order of the state of emergency.
6 months
The President shall summon a session of the Federal
Parliament within thirty days of the declaration of final
results of the election to the House of Representatives.
Thereafter, the President shall, from time to time,
summon sessions of both or either of the Houses
pursuant to this Constitution
Provided that the interval between the two
consecutive sessions shall not exceed ____months.
6 months
If any person is in contempt of any House, the
person presiding over the concerned House may, after a
decision by the House to that effect, admonish, warn or
impose a sentence of imprisonment for a term not
exceeding _____ months or of a fine not exceeding ten
thousand rupees on such person, and such fine shall be
recovered as a government due.
3 months
Any Bill, except for a Money Bill, passed by
the House of Representatives and transmitted to the
National Assembly shall be returned with approval or
suggestions within _____ months from the date of receipt.
2 months
In cases where the Chief Minister appointed
under clause (5) fails to obtain a vote of confidence or
the Chief Minister cannot be appointed, the Chief of
State shall, on recommendation of the Chief Minister,
dissolve the State Assembly and appoint a date of
election so that the election to another State Assembly is
completed within ____ months.
6 months
A Minister appointed under clause (1) must
obtain membership of the State Assembly within ____
months from the date of taking an oath by him or her.
6 months
If the seat of a member of the State Assembly
falls vacant while its term still remains for more than ____
months, the vacancy shall be filled through the same
electoral system as through which such seat was filled in.
6 months
The term of the State Assembly extended
under clause (2) shall ipso facto be terminated after the
expiry of ___ months from the date of voidance of the
proclamation or order of the state of emergency in the
concerned State.
6 months
The Chief of State shall summon a session
of the State Assembly within twenty days of the
declaration of final results of the election to the State
Assembly. Thereafter, the Chief of State shall, from time
to time, summon other sessions pursuant to this
Provided that the interval between the two
consecutive sessions shall not exceed ____ months.
6 months
If any person is in contempt of the State
Assembly, the person presiding over the State Assembly
may, after a decision by the State Assembly to that
effect, admonish, warn or impose a sentence of
imprisonment for a term not exceeding _____ months or
of a fine not exceeding ten thousand rupees on such
person, and such fine shall be recovered as a government
3 months
The term of a Village Assembly and of a Municipal
Assembly shall be five years for the date of election.
Another Village Assembly and Municipal Assembly
shall be elected not later than ____ months of the
expiration of such a term.
6 months
If any such type of act as may seriously
undermine the sovereignty, territorial integrity,
nationality or independence of Nepal is carried out in
any State, the President may, as required, warn such
State Council of Ministers, suspend or dissolve the State
Council of Ministers and the State Assembly for a period
not exceeding ____ months.
6 months
If dissolution made pursuant to clause (3) is
ratified by the Federal Parliament, election to the State
Assembly shall be held in such State within ___ months.
6 months
The Public Service Commission shall be
consulted on the following subjects:
matters concerning the suitability of
any candidate for appointment to the
Federal Civil Service position for a
period of more than ____ months;
6 months
The President shall, on recommendation of
the National Security Council and pursuant to a decision
of the Government of Nepal, Council of Ministers,
declare the mobilization of the Nepal Army in cases
where a grave emergency arises in regard to the
sovereignty or territorial integrity of Nepal or the
security of any part thereof, by war, external aggression,
armed rebellion or extreme economic disarray. A declaration of the mobilization of the Nepal Army must
be ratified by the House of Representatives within ____
after the date of such declaration.
1 month
its constitution must provide for
election of each of the office-bearers of
the party at the Federal and State levels
at least once in every five years;
provided that nothing shall bar the
making of provision by the constitution
of a political party to hold such election
within ____ months in the event of
failure to hold election of its office bearers within five years because of a special circumstance.
6 months
Every declaration or order made in accordance
with clause (1) shall be laid before both Houses of the
Federal Parliament for approval within _________ after
the date of issuance of such proclamation or order.
1 month
If a declaration or order laid for approval in
accordance with clause (3) is approved by at least twothirds majority of the total number of the then members
of both Houses of the Federal Parliament, the declaration
or order shall continue in force for a period of _____
months from the date of its issuance.
3 months
Notwithstanding anything contained
elsewhere in this Article, prior to expiration of the period
mentioned in clause (4), a motion to extend the period of
the declaration or order of state of emergency as
mentioned in clause (1) for another period not exceeding
_____ months may be submitted to the Federal Parliament.
3 months
If, during the continuance of a declaration or
order under this Article, any injury is caused to a person
from any act done by any official in bad faith, the victim
may, within _____ months from the date of termination of
that declaration or order, file a petition for compensation
for such injury. If such petition is made, the court may
order for compensation by, and punish, the perpetrator as
provided for in the Federal law.
3 months
The concerned State Assembly must, by a
majority of the total number of its the then members,
accept or reject the Bill presented for its consent pursuant
to clause (4) and give information thereof to the Federal
Parliament within ______ months.
3 months
Provided that if any State Assembly is not in
existence, such Bill must be either accepted or rejected
within _____ months after the date of holding of the first
meeting following the formation of that State Assembly.
3 months
The Constitutional Council must make a
recommendation for appointment under this Constitution before ________ of the vacation of the office of the Chief Justice or a chief or official of a Constitutional Body.
1 month
Provided that if such office falls vacant because
of death or resignation, it may so make recommendation
for appointment that the office is fulfilled within ______ after the date of vacancy
1 month
Provided that nothing shall prevent electing,
nominating or appointing a person who has renounced
such foreign permanent residence permit to such office
after the expiry of a period of at least _____ months.
3 months
The commission under clause (3) shall be
constituted no later than ___ months of the date of
commencement of this Constitution. Its term shall be one
6 months
The Legislature-Parliament set forth in clause
(1) of Article 296 shall, on the basis of political
understanding, elect the President and the VicePresident, no later than __________ after the date of the
commencement of this Constitution where the
Legislature-Parliament is not in recess at the time of
commencement of this Constitution and after the date on which the session is summoned in accordance with
clause (6) of Article 296 where the Legislature Parliament is in recess.
1 month
The State shall, as
required, make legal provisions for the implementation
of the rights conferred by this Part, within _____ years of
the commencement of this Constitution.
3 years
The term of office of the President shall be _____ years from the date on which he or she is so elected.
5 years
A person who has the following qualification shall be qualified to become the President:
having completed the age of at least
______ years, and
45 years
Unless dissolved
earlier pursuant to this Constitution, the term of the
House of Representatives shall be ____ years.
5 years
Notwithstanding anything contained in clause
the term of the House of Representatives may be
extended by a Federal Act for a period not exceeding _____ years in cases where a proclamation or order of a state of
emergency is in effect.
1 year
The term of office of the members of the
National Assembly shall be ____ years. The term of office
of one third of the members of the National Assembly
shall expire in every ____ years.
6 years, 2years
Provided that, for the first time, after the
commencement of this Constitution, arrangements shall
be made by drawing lots to retire one-third of the
members on the expiry of ____ years, another one-third
on the expiry of _____ years, and the final one-third on the
expiry of _____ years.
2 years, 4 years, 6 years
A person who has the following qualification shall be qualified to become a member of the Federal Parliament:
having completed the age of _____
years, for the House of Representatives, and
the age of ____ years, for the National
25 years, 35 years
Provided that a motion of no confidence shall not
be tabled until the first ____ years after the appointment
of the Prime Minister and until another ____ years after the date of failure of the motion of no confidence once
2 years, 1 year
Any person who has served as a Judge of the Supreme Court for at least _____ years shall be qualified for appointment as the Chief Justice.
3 years
The term of office of the Chief Justice shall
be ____ years
6 years
Any citizen of Nepal who has obtained a
bachelor’s degree in law and served as the Chief Judge or
a Judge of a High Court for at least _____ years or who has
obtained a bachelor’s degree in law and constantly
practiced law as a senior advocate or advocate for at
least ______ years or who is a distinguished jurist having
constantly worked for at least _____ years in the judicial
or legal field or who has served in the post of Gazetted
first class or a higher post of the Judicial Service for at
least ____ years shall be deemed qualified for
appointment as a Judge of the Supreme Court.
5 years, 15 years, 15 years,12 years
If the Chief Justice or a Judge of the Supreme Court who has served for at least ____years resigns or undergoes compulsory retirement or dies, he or she shall
be entitled to such pension as may be provided for in the
Federal law.
5 years
The office of the Chief Justice or a Judge of the
Supreme Court shall be vacant in any of the following
if he or she attains the age of _____ years
65 years
Any citizen of Nepal who has obtained a
bachelor’s degree in law and served as a Judge of a
District Court for at least ____ years or who has obtained
a bachelor’s degree in law and constantly practiced law
as a senior advocate or advocate for at least ____ years or
who has constantly been engaged in the teaching or
research of law or in any other field relation to law or
justice for at least ____ years or who has served in the post
of at least Gazetted first class of the Judicial Service for
at least _____ years shall be deemed qualified for
appointment as the Chief Judge or a Judge of the High
5 years, 10 years, 10 years, 5 years
The office of Chief Judge or Judge of a High Court shall be
vacant in any of the following circumstances:
if he or she attains the age of ____
63 years
The vacant posts of Judges of the District
Court shall be filled as follows:
twenty percent of the vacant posts, on
the basis of evaluation of seniority,
qualification and competency, from
amongst the officers who have obtained
bachelor’s degree in law and served for
at least ____ years in the post of
Gazetted Second Class of the Judicial
3 years
The vacant posts of Judges of the District
Court shall be filled as follows:
forty percent of the vacant posts, on the basis of open competitive examination,
from amongst the officers who have
obtained bachelor’s degree in law and
served for at least ____ years in the post
of Gazetted Second Class of the Judicial
Service, the remaining forty percent of the vacant
posts, on the basis of open competitive
examination, from amongst the citizens
of Nepal who, having obtained
bachelor’s degree in law, have constantly
practiced law for at least ____ years as
an advocate or who, having obtained
bachelor’s degree in law, have served in
a Gazetted post of the Judicial Service
for at least ____ years or have constantly
been engaged in the teaching or research
of law or served in any other field of law
or justice for at least____ years.
3 years, 8 years, 8 years, 8 years
The office of a Judge of the District Court
shall be vacant in any of the following circumstances:
if he or she attains the age of ____
63 years
No criminal offence involving imprisonment
for a term of more than _____ shall fall under the
jurisdiction of a body other than a court, specialized
court, military court or judicial body.
1 year
The term of office of a Chief of State shall be
____years except where the President removes him or her
from office prior to the expiration of his or her term of
5 years
A person who has the following qualification shall be qualified to become the Chief of State:
having completed the age of _____
35 years
Unless dissolved earlier
pursuant to this Constitution, the term of the State
Assembly shall be _____ years.
5 years
Notwithstanding anything contained in clause
(1), the term of the State Assembly may be extended by
a State Act for a period not exceeding ____year in cases
where a p
1 year
A person who has the following qualification shall be
qualified to become a member of the State Assembly:
having completed the age of_____
25 years
One-fourth of the total number of then
members of the State Assembly may table in writing a
motion of no-confidence against the Chief Minister.
Provided that a motion of no confidence may not
be tabled until the first ____ years after the appointment
of the Chief Minister and until another ___ year after the
date of failure of the motion of no confidence once
2 years, 1year
A person who has the following qualification
shall be qualified to be elected to the office of the
Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Ward Chairperson and
having completed the age of _____ years,
21 years
The term of office of the Chairperson, ViceChairperson, Ward Chairperson and member shall be
_____ years after the date of being elected.
5 years
If the seat falls vacant under clause (7) while
the term of office of the Chairperson or Vice Chairperson still remains for more than ____ year, the
vacancy shall be filled through by-election for the
remainder of term.
1 year
A person who has the following qualification
shall be qualified to be elected to the office of the Mayor,
Deputy Mayor, Ward Chairperson and member:
having completed the age of ______
21 years
The term of office of the Mayor, Deputy
Mayor, Ward Chairperson and member shall be ____
years after the date of being elected.
5 years
If the seat falls vacant under clause (8) while the term of office of the Mayor or Deputy Mayor still remains for more than ____ year, the vacancy shall be filled through by-election for the remainder of term.
1 year
The term of office of the Chief, Deputy Chief
and member of the District Coordination Committee
shall be ____ years after the date of being elected.
5 years
Every person who has completed the age of
_____ years and whose name is included in the
electoral rolls of the Village Body shall have a right to
vote as provided for in the Federal law
18 years
A person who has the following qualification
shall be qualified to become a candidate for the office of
the Member of the Village Assembly:
having completed the age of ____
21 years
Every person who has completed the age of
_____ years and whose name is included in the
electoral rolls of the Municipality shall have a right to
vote as provided for in the Federal law.
18 years
A person who has the following qualification
shall be qualified to be a candidate for the office of
member of the Municipal Assembly:
having completed the age of ______
21 years
The term of a Village Assembly and of a Municipal
Assembly shall be ____ years for the date of election.
Another Village Assembly and Municipal Assembly
shall be elected not later than six months of the
expiration of such a term.
5 years
The term of office of the Chief Commissioner
and Commissioners shall be ____ years from the date of
6 years
Notwithstanding anything contained in clause
(3), the office of the Chief Commissioner or a
Commissioner shall be vacant in any of the following
if he or she attains the age of _____ years,
65 years
A person shall be eligible to be appointed as
the Chief Commissioner or a Commissioner of the
Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority
if he or she possesses the following qualification:
having gained at least ____ years of
experiences in the field of either
accounting, revenue, engineering, law,
development or research and being a
distinguished person,
having attained the age of _____
20 years, 45 years
There shall be an Auditor General of Nepal.
The term of office of the Auditor General
shall be ____ years from the date of appointment.
6 years
Notwithstanding anything contained in clause
(3), the office of the Auditor General shall be vacant in
any of the following circumstances:
if he or she attains the age of _____
65 years
A person shall be eligible to be appointed as
the Auditor General if he or she possesses the following
having served in the Special Class of the
Government of Nepal or having at least
____ years of experiences in audit
related work, after having obtained a
bachelor’s degree in management,
commerce or accounting from a
recognized university or having passed a
chartered accountancy examination,
having attained the age of ____
20 years,45 years
The term of office of the Chairperson and
Members of the Public Service Commission shall be ____
years from the date of appointment
6 years
Notwithstanding anything contained in clause
(4), the office of the Chairperson or a Member of the
Public Service Commission shall be vacant in any of the
following circumstances:
if he or she attains the age of _____
65 years
A person shall be eligible to be appointed as
the Chairperson or a member of the Public Service
Commission if he or she possesses the following
having attained the age of _____
45 years
The term of office of the Chief Election
Commissioner and Commissioners of the Election
Commission shall be ____ years from the date of
6 years
Notwithstanding anything contained in clause
(3), the office of the Chief Election Commissioner or
Election Commissioner shall be vacant in any of the
following circumstances:
if he or she attains the age of ____
65 years
A person shall be eligible to be appointed as
the Chief Election Commissioner or an Election
Commissioner if he or she possesses the following
(c) having attained the age of ____
45 years
The term of office of the Chairperson and
members of the National Human Rights Commission
shall be ____ years from the date of appointment.
6 years
A person shall be eligible to be appointed as
the Chairperson or a member of the National Human
Rights Commission if he or she possesses the following
(a) in the case of the Chairperson, being a
retired Chief Justice or retired Judge of
the Supreme Court and having
rendered outstanding contribution to
the protection and promotion of human
rights or being a renowned person
having been active for at least _____
years in and rendered outstanding
contribution to the protection and
promotion of human rights or to
various fields of national life
(b) in the case of a Member, being a
person being involved in the field of
the protection and promotion of human
rights or rights and interests of the
child or being a renowned person
having been active for at least ____
years in and rendered outstanding
contribution to various fields of
national life,
(d) having attained the age of ____
20 years, 20 years, 45 years
The term of office of the Chairperson and
members of the National Natural Resources and Fiscal
Commission shall be ____ years from the date of
6 years
Notwithstanding anything contained in clause
(3), the office of the Chairperson or member of the
National Natural Resources and Fiscal Commission shall
be vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(b) if he or she attains the age of ____
65 years
A person shall be eligible to be appointed as
the Chairperson or a member of the National Natural
Resources and Fiscal Commission if he or she possesses
the following qualification:
(a) having gained expertise upon being
active for at least ____ years in the
field of natural resources or fiscal
management, economics, law,
management, after holding a bachelor’s
degree in the relevant subject from a
recognized university,
having attained the age of_____
20 years, 45 years
The term of office of the Chairperson and
members of the National Women Commission shall be
____ years from the date of appointment
6 years
Notwithstanding anything contained in clause
(3), the office of the Chairperson or member of the
National Women Commission shall be vacant in any of
the following circumstances:
(b) if he or she attains the age of _____
65 years
A person shall be eligible to be appointed as
the Chairperson or a member of the National Women
Commission if he or she possesses the following
(a) being a woman having rendered
outstanding contribution, for at least ____
years, to the field of rights and interests
of women or gender justice or women
development or human rights and law,
(c) having attained the age of _____
10 years, 45 years
The term of office of the Chairperson and
members of the National Dalit Commission shall be ____
years from the date of appointment.
6 years
Notwithstanding anything contained in clause
(3), the office of the Chairperson or member of the
National Dalit Commission shall be vacant in any of the
following circumstances:
(b) if he or she attains the age of _____
65 years
A person shall be eligible to be appointed as
the Chairperson or a member of the National Dalit
Commission if he or she possesses the following
(a) being a person having rendered
outstanding contribution to the field of
rights and interests of the Dalit
community or human rights and law, for
at least ____ years,
having attained the age of _____
10 years, 45 years
The term of office of the Chairperson and
members of the National Inclusion Commission shall be
____ years from the date of appointment.
6 years
Notwithstanding anything contained in clause
(3), the office of the Chairperson or member of the
National Inclusion Commission shall be vacant in any of
the following circumstances:
(b) if he or she attains the age of _____
65 years
A person shall be eligible to be appointed as
the Chairperson or a member of the National Inclusion
Commission if he or she possesses the following
(a) being a person having rendered
outstanding contribution, for at least ______years, to the field of social inclusion, rights and interests or development of
persons with disabilities, minority and
marginalized communities and backward
areas and classes or human rights,
(c) having attained the age of ____
10 years, 45 years
The term of office of the Chairperson and
members of the Indigenous Nationalities Commission
shall be ____ years from the date of appointment.
6 years
The term of office of the Chairperson and
members of the Madhesi Commission shall be ____ years
from the date of appointment.
6 years
The term of office of the Chairperson and
members of the Tharu Commission shall be ____ years
from the date of appointment.
6 years
The term of office of the Chairperson and
members of the Muslim Commission shall be ____ years
from the date of appointment.
6 years
The Federal Parliament shall, after _____ years of the commencement of this Constitution, review the Commissions formed under this Part
10 years
For a petition to be made for the registration
of a party in accordance with clause (2), the political
party must fulfil the following conditions:
(b) its constitution must provide for
election of each of the office-bearers of
the party at the Federal and State levels
at least once in every ____ years; provided that nothing shall bar the making of provision by the constitution
of a political party to hold such election within six months in the event of failure to hold election of its officebearers within ____ years because of a special circumstance.
5 years, 5 years
The Government
of Nepal shall make appraisal and review of the
implementation of special rights of the women and Dalit
community and impacts thereof, on the basis of human
development index, concurrently with a national census
to be held in every ____ years.
10 years
A person shall be qualified to be appointed as
the Chairperson or a member of the Election
Constituency Delimitation Commission if he or she
possesses the following qualification:
(b) having attained the age of _____
45 years
The election constituencies delimited in
accordance with clause (5) must be reviewed in every
____ years.
20 years
The Government of Nepal
shall, no later than ___ years of the commencement of this
Constitution, constitute a Language Commission
comprising representation of States.
1 year
The term of office of the Chairperson and
members of the Language Commission shall be ____ years
from the date of their appointment. They may not be
6 years
A person shall be qualified to be appointed as
the Chairperson or a member of the Language
Commission if he or she possesses the following
(b) having gained at least _____ years of
experience in the fields of study,
teaching and research on various
languages of Nepal,
(c) having completed the age of _____
years, and
20 years, 45 years
The office of the Chairperson or a member of
the Language Commission shall be vacant in any of the
following circumstances:
if he completes the age of ______
65 years
The Language Commission shall complete its
task under sub-clause (a) of clause (6) no later than ____
years after the date of its constitution.
5 years
A person who has obtained the citizenship of
Nepal by descent, a person who has obtained the
naturalized citizenship of Nepal or a person who has
obtained the citizenship of Nepal by birth shall also be
qualified for the office of a constitutional body other
than that mentioned in clause (1).
Provided that the person must have resided in
Nepal for at least ____ years in the case of a person who
has obtained the naturalized citizenship of Nepal, and for
at least ____ years in the case of a person who has
obtained the citizenship of Nepal by birth or who has
obtained the naturalized citizenship of Nepal in
accordance with clause (6) of Article 11.
10 years, 5 years
The commission under clause (3) shall be
constituted no later than six months of the date of
commencement of this Constitution. Its term shall be ______
1 year
The legislative power of the State Assembly
with respect of matters set forth in Schedule-6 shall,
upon the commencement of this Constitution, be vested
in the Legislature-Parliament set forth in clause (1) until
the State Assembly is formed. Any law so made shall be
inoperative in relation to that State after ____ year of the
date of formation of the State Assembly set forth in this
1 year
The High Courts set forth in Article 139 shall
be established no later than ____ year after the date of
commencement of this Constitution. The Appellate Courts
existing at the time of commencement of this Constitution
shall be dissolved after the establishment of such Courts.
1 year
The cases on criminal offences punishable by
imprisonment for a term of more than ____ year and sub
judice in any body other than a Court at the time of
commencement of this Constitution shall, after the
commencement of this Constitution, be transferred to the
concerned District Court.
1 year
The Nepal laws in
force at the time of commencement of this Constitution
shall continue to be in force until such laws are repealed
or amended.
Provided that any law which is inconsistent with
this Constitution shall ipso facto be invalid to the extent
of such inconsistency, after ____ year of the date on
which the first session of the Federal Parliament set forth
in this Constitution is held.
1 year