Data interpretation: Blood Film Flashcards
In a blood film, what 3 cell types should you look for?
In a blood film, which 6 types of erythrocyte abnormalities should you look for?
Inclusion bodies
In a blood film, how can you identify whether the size of the erythrocytes is normal or abnormal?
MCV value in full blood count
Normocytic MCV: 80-100 fl
Macrocytic MCV: Over 100 fl
Microcytic MCV: Less than 80 fl
What is the MCV range of macrocytic erythrocytes, and give 10 pathologies (ABCDEF)?
MCV range: Over 100 fl
A: Alcohol and liver disease
B: B12 deficiency, pernicious anaemia
C: Compensatory reticulocytosis: Haemolysis
D: Dsyplasia eg. MDS
E: Endocrine eg. hypothyroidism
F: Folate deficiency, fetus (pregnancy)
What is the typical shape of macrocytic erythrocytes when due to megaloblastic anaemia or myelodysplasia?
Oval macrocytosis
What is the typical shape of macrocytic erythrocytes when due to liver disease or alcohol?
Round macrocytosis
What is the MCV range of microcytic erythrocytes, and give 6 pathologies (TRAILS)?
MCV range: Less than 80 fl
T: Thalassaemia
R: Rheumatoid arthritis
A: Anaemia of chronic disease
I: Iron-deficiency anaemia
L: Lead poisoning
S: Sideroblastic anaemia and SCA
What is sideroblastic anaemia, and what is the hallmark blood film finding?
Sideroblastic anaemia: Disorder where the body produces enough iron but is unable to put it into the haemoglobin
Blood film finding: Ringed siderocytes with pappenheimer bodies (cytoplasmic iron granules)
What are the 4 ways of classifying colours of erythrocytes, and what FBC reading do you use to confirm this?
Look at Mean Cell Haemoglobin (MCH) value
In a blood film, which type of anaemia generally also causes hypochromic erythrocytes?
Microcytic anaemia due to TRAILS
In a blood film, what do polychromatic erythrocytes look like and why, and what FBC value does this correlate with?
Polychromasia: Blue-purple uniform discoloured cells amongst normal cells
Blue/purple colour due to stained blue RNA in reticulocytes (needed for last stage of erythropoiesis) and red haemoglobin
Elevated reticulocyte count
Give 4 associated pathologies with polychromatic erythrocytes?
Indicates haemolysis or bone marrow stress:
Haemolytic anaemia
Treated deficiency anaemia
What kind of anaemia generally also causes hyperchromatic erythrocytes?
Macrocytic due to liver disease, alcohol, hypothyroidism, aplastic anaemia, MDS
In a blood film, how do you recognise hyperchromic erythrocytes?
Erythrocytes have loss of central pallor, but still have red colour
Give 9 types of shape abnormalities to look for in a blood film, when looking at erythrocytes?
Nucleated RBCs
Pencil cells
Target cells
Helmet cells/schistocytes
Sickle cells