Data, Information and Information Systems Flashcards
raw, unorganized facts that need to be processed
“Data” comes from a singular Latin word,
datum means
something given
It refers to the data formatted in a manner that allows it to be utilized by human beings in some significant way.
A formal, sociotechnical, organizational system designed to collect, process, store, and distribute information.
Information System
major companies are built entirely around information systems as follows:
Information system was depicted in a
pyramid of systems
different types of information systems
Transaction processing systems
management information systems
decision support systems
executive information systems
It is an operational-level system at the bottom of the pyramid.
transaction processing system
It is usually operated directly by shop floor workers or front line staff, which provide the key data required to support the management of operations.
These data are usually obtained through the automated or semi-automated tracking of low-level activities and basic transactions.
ultimately little more than simple data processing system.
examples of TPS
Payroll systems
Order processing systems
Reservation systems
Stock control systems
Systems for payments and funds transfers
The Roles of TPS
Produce information for other systems
Cross boundaries (internal and external)
Used by operational personnel + supervisory levels
Efficiency oriented
types of Information Systems found in commercial organizations are referred to as
management-level systems that are used by middle managers to help ensure the smooth running of the organization in the short to medium term.
The highly structured information provided by these systems allows managers to evaluate an organization’s performance by comparing current with previous outputs.
is built on the data provided by the TPS
Examples of Management Information System
Sales management systems
Inventory control systems
Budgeting systems
Management Reporting Systems (MRS)
Personnel (HRM) systems
The Roles of MIS
Based on internal information flows
Support relatively structured decisions
Inflexible and have little analytical capacity
Used by lower and middle managerial levels
Deals with the past and present rather than the future
Efficiency oriented
a knowledge-based system, used by senior managers, which facilitates the creation of knowledge and allows its integration into the organization.
Decision Support System
This system is often used to analyze existing structured information and allows managers to project the potential effects of their decisions into the future.
It is usually interactive and is used to solve ill-structured problems.
It offers access to databases, analytical tools, allows “what if” simulations, and may support the exchange of information within the organization.
manipulates and builds upon the information from a MIS and/or TPS to generate insights and new information.
Examples of DSS
Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)
Computer Supported Co-operative work (CSCW)
Logistics systems
Financial Planning systems
Spreadsheet Models
The Roles of DSS
Supports ill- structured or semi-structured decisions
Has analytical and/or modelling capacity
Used by more senior managerial levels
Concerned with predicting the future
It is a strategic-level information system that is found at the top of the Pyramid.
Executive Information System
It helps executives and senior managers analyze the environment in which the organization operates, to identify long-term trends, and to plan appropriate courses of action.
The information in such system is often weakly structured and it comes from both internal and external sources.
It is designed to be operated directly by executives without the need for intermediaries and easily tailored to the preferences of the individuals using them.
organizes and presents data and information from both external data sources and internal MIS or TPS in order to support and extend the inherent capabilities of senior executives.
Examples of EIS
Executive Information System tends to be highly individualized and is often custom-made for a particular client group.
However, a number of off-the-shelf EIS packages do exist and many enterprise level systems offer a customizable EIS module.
The Roles of EIS
Concerned with ease of use
Concerned with predicting the future
Highly flexible
Supports unstructured decisions
Uses internal and external data sources
Used only at the most senior management levels