Data Analytics - A to D - Revision Flashcards
Absolute Referencing
Always referencing a specific cell in a spreadsheet that never changes $A$1
Accidental Threat
A threat with the potential to cause harm to data and information but is unintentional and unexpected (accident)
Access Log
Activities performed on a network, information system or web server
Access Restriction (permissions)
Limiting the user access to particular files or particular functions of an information system
Accuracy (Data Integrity)
Correctness, without errors
Gathering of Data - Surveys, questionnaires, observation, etc.
A calculation strategy (such as a method of finding out whether a year is a leap year or not for example)
APA (American Psychological Association)
A referencing method used to acknowledge intellectual property (APA7 is current model)
The first stage of the problem solving methodology, where problems are defined
Analytic Coding
The means by which labels are applied to transcripts of text (coding whole qualitative sentences to one word)
Animated Visualization
A visualisation that shows the data story as a series of images
To add comments to a document, live or otherwise
Annotated Diagram
A rough sketch of the screen (form, report, web page,) with written notes explaining the features in more detail
Asymetric Encryption
Using a public Key and a Private key to encrypt and decrypt the same message
Audit Trail
Establishing a Sequence of actions in an information system
Authenticity (Data Integrity)
Data is that genuine, original and considered trustworthy
Backing Up
Making a copy of the data; the copy is stored in a separate location to the original, and if the original data becomes corrupt or lost, the data is then retrieved from backup
Backup Strategy
a series of procedures about how a backup will occur
Bar Graph
Visual tool showing totals as bars; the bars do not need to be related to each other
Barrier Technique
Physical barrier to stop unauthorized people gaining access to hardware and software
bench test
a formal testing process to determine how the solution behaves with a range of data
biometric security
devices to check the unique biological characteristics of a person
short range radio waves that transmit data among bluetooth-enabled devices
Boolean Data
a logical data type that can hold only two possible values - usually true/false, or yes/no, or 0/1
Brute Force Attack
Repetitive attempts at accessing an information system using a variation of possible usernames / passwords
Bubble Chart
Visual Tool showing numbers using circles to show their relatives sizes as well as their relative positions on the xy axis
Business Intelligence (BI)
Actionable knowledge attained from dashboard summaries of manipulated and analysed raw data
Calculated Field
A field in a database query that works out new fields based on existing fields, such as age from Date of Birth
Where a column and Row intersect in a spreadsheet; the same as a field in a database (A1, C8), etc.
Character (Char)
A single letter, number or symbol that is usually stored in 2 bytes (16 bits) of memory; a data type
A method of displaying data visually using symbols, sometimes known as a graph
Checking Authorisation Credentials
Checking a user level of access when accessing restricted areas
Cherry Picking
Selecting Data to serve preconceived ideas about the results; contradictory data is excluded from the sample