Data Analytic Techniques Flashcards
ANOVA: which way?
(Mertler & Vannatta 2013)
One way: 1 IV
Two-way: 2IV
Factorial: 2+ IVs
Mixed-design ANOVA
(Mertler & Vannatta 2013)
has at least one between-subjects and one within-subjects variable
Main Effects
(Mertler & Vannatta 2013)
The difference in the averages between groups, ignoring the other IVs
Interaction Effects
(Mertler & Vannatta 2013)
Requires Factorial design
The effect of one IV depends on the level of another
a variable that explains the relationship between other variables
A variable that influences the strength of a relationship between other variables
Bivariate Regression
(Mertler & Vannatta 2013)
To what degree can one quantitative variable predict the other?
Linear Regression
(Mertler & Vannatta 2013)
When both predictors and response variables are continuous and linear
Construct Validity
(Kazdin 2017)
the operationalization of the intervention/measure that is responsible for the effect found in the experiment
(Kazdin 2017) Threats to construct validity
Cues of experimental situation
Attention and Contact with clients
Single operations and narrow stimulus sampling
Experimenter Expectancies
Internal Validity
(Kazdin 2017)
The extent to which the experimental manipulation, rather than extraneous factors, accounts for results
(Kazdin 2017) Threats to internal validity
Diffusion of treatment (similarity between interventions)
Regression, statistical
Testing exposure
Combination of selection + other threats (e.g. groups are different in an important way)
Selection bias
Special Treatment/Reaction of Controls
External Validity
(Kazdin 2017) the extent to which results can be generalized
(Kazdin 2017) Threats to external validity Multiple-Treatment effect Reactivity to experimental status Sample Characteristics Test Sensitization Reactivity to assessment Novelty Effects Timing of Measurement Stimulus Characteristics
Standard Multiple Regression
(Grimm & Yarnold 1995)
2 or more continuous IVs
1 continuous DV
All variables entered simultaneously
Hierarchical Multiple Regression
(Grimm & Yarnold 1995)
2 or more continuous IVs
1 continuous DV
Variable order is assigned
Logistic Regression
(Grimm & Yarnold 1995)
2 or more continuous IVs
1 categorical DV
Path Analysis
(Grimm & Yarnold 1995)
- Similar to Multiple Regression
- Tests models of causal relationships among variables
- Does not prove causation
- Includes only observed/measured variables
Structural Equation Modeling
(Grimm & Yarnold 1995)
Model testing including latent constructs and manifest variables
Factor Analysis
(Costa & McCrae 1991)
Analyzes covariance and reduces to factors. Factors predict variables.
Principle Components Analysis
(Grimm & Yarnold 1995)
Mathematical reduction of variance - aggregates variables
Statistical Conclusion Validity
(Shadish, Cook & Campbell 2002) Threats: Monday Law and order SVU
- Multiple comparisons and error rate
- Low statistical power
- Subject heterogeneity
- Variability in procedures
- Unreliability of the measures