Data Analysis Flashcards
What are the steps for analyzing qualitative data?
1) converting responses into some numerical system or categorical organization
2) tabulation
3) summarize data using descriptive statistics
What is the main technique for analyzing qualitative data?
What are some data analysis strategies?
The number of times each value of a variable occurs,
Most appropriate for nominal or ordinal variables
Measures of central tendency:
Measures of variability (the spread)
range quartile deviation variance standard deviation the normal curve skewed distributions
Measures of relative position
percentile ranks standard scores (z scores, t scores, and stanines)
Measures of relationship:
correlation coefficient
What are the two main methods for calculating correlation coefficient?
The Spearman Rho coefficient (for ranked data)
The Pearson r coefficient (for interval and ratio data)
The Spearman Rho coefficient (for ranked data)
For correlating ranked data
Arithmetic average of all the scores
Most commonly attained score
Midpoint in a distribution
Difference between the highest and lowest score in a distribution
quartile deviation
One-half of the difference between the upper quartile (the 75th percentile) and the lower quartile (25th percentile)