Data Acquisition Flashcards
What are the 3 methods of data acquisition?
- Preliminary/localiser scanning
- Axial/step-and-shoot scanning
- Helical/spiral scanning
What is a localiser scan?
Digital imaging used as a anatomical guide/map to plan the actual scans.
NOT cross sectional and can be either AP or lateral
How are localiser scans done?
Patient moves and tube does not, then the DFOV is chosen
What is DFOV?
Display Field Of View = box that hold relevant and necessary anatomy that will be what is included on the rest of scans
What is the X axis of table movements?
Left and right
If error: patient is not laying in the centre of the table
What is the Y axis of table movements?
Up and down or table height
If error: table/patient not centred midcoronal by tech
What is the z axis of table movements?
Depth of table into gantry
If error: centring incorrect (either too superior or distal)
What is step and shoot scanning?
Table moves to the desired location and takes a single axial slice (may not be done if not necessary)
What are advantages of step and shoot scanning?
- Better image quality
- Contiguous or not
- Repeat an area at the same spot that needs to be redone (cine/dynamic method)
- Gapped imaging possible
What are disadvantages of step and shoot scanning?
- Increased scan time
- Not useful data for recons
- Cannot be done if patient cannot hold their breath
- Can cause mis regulation if the patient breathes differently for each breath hold
What is gapped imaging?
Skipping irrelevant areas or to especially focus on one region
Reduced patient dose
What is the largest allowable slice thickness?
10 mm aka must be smaller than detector width
What MDCT?
Multi Detector Computed Tomography
Parallel row scanners with a cone shaped beam source
What are advantages of MDCT?
- Produce multiple slices at once per 1 rotation
- Longer + faster z axis coverage
- Faster gantry rotation
- Less motion artefact
- Enhanced low contrast detectability
- Optimised iodinated contrast
What is dual source CT?
2 tubes and 2 corresponding detector array
First set: detector array covers entire scan FOV
Second set: detector limited to a more central and smaller FOV