Damages Flashcards
What are the purposes of damages?
- Reparation and compensation.
- Recognition, vindication, and satisfaction.
- Punishment and prevention (deterrence).
How are damages dealt with in France?
Open, damages for pure economic loss allowed, non-pecuniary losses in personal injury allowed – broad freedom.
How are damages dealt with in Germany?
Non-pecuniary losses allowed in cases of strict liability and breach of statutory provision. Reparation is in-kind.
How are damages dealt with in England?
Broad spectrum, allows for nominal damages, exemplary damages. Damages are paid out in money. There must be demonstration of a loss. Aggravated damages takes into account the aggravated nature of the injury to the victim.
How are future damages paid out in each of the legal systems?
In France, it is flexible; in Germany, periodical is most common; in England, a lump sum is common.
When are non-pecuniary damages awarded in France?
Mental or physical damage, aesthetic, and loss of leisure.
When are non-pecuniary damages awarded in Germany?
Strict liability and statutory protection.
When are non-pecuniary damages awarded in England?
Pain and suffering and loss of amenity.
How are families compensated by damages?
- Costs of funeral.
- Loss of maintenance.
- Non-pecuniary (grief and sorrow).
- Mental health.
How can damage amounts be reduced?
- Collateral benefit (insurance, pension, charities).
- Contributory negligence.
- Contributory risk and assumption of risk.
What is a class action lawsuit?
A lawsuit where a group of people who experience the same problem are grouped into a class.
What are the benefits for a plaintiff of a class-action lawsuit?
- Efficient.
- Procedural solution for mass damage.
- More leverage.
What are the benefits for a defendant of a class-action lawsuit?
Can settle many claims all at once.
What are the two types of class-action lawsuits?
- General interest.
2. Group interest (can be pure economic loss or property damage).
What are some problems with class-action lawsuits?
- Tracking everyone down.
- Finality.
- Courts swamped.
What are some solutions to the problems with class-action lawsuits?
- Binding settlement agreements.
- Class action regimes.
How are class-action lawsuits dealt with in the United States of America?
- Federal level, not state.
- Representative plaintiff.
- Requires numerosity, commonality, typicality, and adequacy of representation.
What are the requirements for class-action lawsuits in the Netherlands?
- Legal person.
- Interest described.
- Commonality of interests.
- Class members’ interests protected (representativeness, supervision, participation, assets, board of legal persons, internet page).
- Board members.
- Close tie with the Netherlands.
- Attempt to settle.
What are some examples of regimes created for mass personal injury class-action lawsuits?
- Dalkon Shield (IUDs).
- DES (pregnancy medication).
- Catholic Church sexual assaults.