Dalish Phrases (pt. 1) Flashcards
Andaran Atish’an (ahn-DAHR-ahn ah-TEESH-ahn)
Formal Greeting
Aneth ara (Ah-neth AH-rah)
Informal greeting
Dareth shiral (da-RETH shee-RAL)
Safe Journey.
Abelas (ah-BEY-lahs)
Sorrow. Also used as an apology.
Ma nuvenin (mah-noo-VEY-nihn)
As you wish.
Ma serannas (mah SEHR-ahn-ahs)
Thank you.
Hahren (hah-REHN)
Elder. Term of respect. Leader of a city elf alienage.
Lethallin; Lethallan; Lethallen (leth-ah-LEEN; leth-ah-LAHN)
Cousin. clansman.
Vhenan’ara (VEY-nahn-AHR-ah)
Lit. “Heart’s desire”
“my love”
Na da’assan (NAH DAH-ah-SAHN)
Lit. “You have small arrow”
insult aimed at a male’s manhood.
Na felas da’len (NAH FAY-lahs dah-LEN)
Lit. “You are slow, little child.”
calling someone an idiot
Len’alas lath’din (len-ALL-us LATH-deen)
Lit. “Dirty child, not loved.”
Dirty bastard
Ar tu na’din (ahr too nah-DEEN)
Lit. “I (want) to make you someone who is not.”
express the intent to kill another
Ar tu na’lin ma’mi (ahr too nah-LEEN EHM-ma mee)
Lit. “I to make your blood on my blade.”
Express intent of harming another
Emma ir’harel (EHM-mah EER-hah-REHL)
Lit. “I am very dreaded.”
“Fear me.”
Shem’len (SHEHM-lehn)
Lit. “Quick child.”
Original and formal name for humans by elves
Durgen’len (dur-JEN-len)
Lit. “Stone child.”
Original and formal names for dwarves by elves
El’vhen (EHL-vehn)
Lit. “Our people.”
Elves name for their own race
Aravel (AHR-ah-vehl)
Lit. “A physical and spiritual path/a journey with purpose”
A wagon used by the Dalish
Eluvian (ehl-LOO-vee-ehn)
Lit. “Seeing glass”
Magical mirror forged by ancient Elves
Vallaslin (vahl-ahs-LEEN)
Lit. “Blood writing”
Tattoos on the Dalish that depict the worship of their traditional elven pantheon
Arlathvhen (ahr-LATH-vehn)
Lit. “For love of the people.”
Meeting of the Dalish clans every ten years
Banalhen (ban-AHL-ahn)
Lit. “The place of nothing.”
name for the Blight or its place of origin
Mien’harel (MEE-ehn hah-REHL)
Lit. “Blades to trick/deceive”
Rebellion/violent call to justice
Atisha’rla (ah-TEE-shah AHR-lah)
Lit. “Peaceful home.”
Used for a personal dwelling.