Daily Spotters Flashcards
What level is the subcostal plane?
L3 (tenth rib)
What level is the trans tubercular plane?
What level is the transpyloric plane?
L1, tip of the 9th costal cartilage
What level is the SMA and the portal vein located at?
The transpyloric plane at L1
Where can I locate dermatome T12?
Just above ‘junction of the trunk’ with L1 just below it
Inguinal ligament is formed from?
Lower part of the EO aponeurosis
Inguinal ligament attachments?
Between the ASIS and the pubic tubercle
I can see inguinal ligament and then an oblique muscle above. What likely muscle is it?
External oblique if hands in pockets
innervation of the internal oblique?
T7-11, T12 and L1
attachments of the internal oblique?
iliac crest and inguinal ligament down below, and then
ribs 10-12
action of the internal oblique
ipsilateral rotation of the torso
bilateral = compression of the abdomen
pointing to tissue posterior to the inferior epigastric vessels: what
rectus sheath
unless it’s below the arcuate line, and then it would be the transversalis fascia
what is the median arcuate ligament
attaches the diaphragm to the spine
quad lumborum attachments, innervation and purpose
iliac crest
transverse processes of L1-4 and then rib 12
innervation = anterior rami of T12-L4
extension and lateral flexion of the vertebral column
whats located posteriorly to the quadratus lumborum
erector spinae
middle, right and ileocolic artery come from what?
superior mesenteric artery
left colic artery and the sigmoid artery comes from where
the inferior mesenteric artery
what vessel comes over the renal veins
the superior mesenteric artery
what nerve is medial to, but sort of comes over the psoas major
the genitofemoral nerve
Beneath the subcostal nerve… what nerves kinda look like they’re connected
iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal
which is anterior to the other, the femoral artery vs the femoral vein
the femoral artery
what structures attach to the mastoid process
digastric and scm only two muscles
what muscles attach onto the styloid process
stylohyoid, styloglossal, stylopharynx
only muscle in the pharynx innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerve?
identify greater wing of sphenoid SIDE view
identify coronal suture
lambdoid suture exists why
what attaches onto the external occipital protuberance
trapezius… formining posterior triangle of the neck
trapezius is innervetaed by what nerve
accessory nerve
what ligament attaches onto the external occipital protuberance
the nuchal ligament
what type of joint at the occipital condyles with the atlas
the two terminal branches of the ECA are given off when the ECA is within what structure…
the parotid gland
when does the facial artery come of the ECA
in the neck… grooves undersurface of submandibular salivary gland and diagonally across the face to the medial corner of the eye.
facial nerve grooves what salivary gland on its path
what are the two smiling muscles and which are which
salivary gland duct goes over waht muscle, pierces what muscle, and enters the oral cavity over which tooth
what joint at the odontoid peg
pivot type of synovial joint
innervation of scm and trapezius
11 accessory
omohyoid attachments
scapula to the hyoid bone
action of the omohyoid
depress the hyoid bone and re-establish breathing following the act of swallowing
infrahyoid muscles are all innervated by what
branches of the cervical plexus
border of submandibular triangle and content
border of muscular triangle and content
border of submental triangle and content
border of carotid triangle and content
cca, ijv, and vagus nerve
which muscles are present within the muscular triangle of the neck
the two bellies of the digastric muscles are supplied by two different nerves… what are they?
anterior = mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve… whilst the posterior belly of the digastric muscle is supplied by the facial nerve
what muscles does the trigeminal nerve supply
mylohyoid, digastric and all the muscles of mastication: temporalis, massester, medial and lateral pterygoids, tensor tympani and tensor veli palatini.
submandibular salivary gland has a deep and a superficial part. From which part does the duct come from?
the deep part (don’t confuse the facial artery with the submandibular duct… if it’s in the exterior, its the artery)
purpose of stylohyiod (as with other suprahyoid bones generally)
which muscles attach onto the stylohyoid?
styloglossus = retracts tongue
stylohyoid = retracts hyoid bone
stylopharyngeus = elevates pharynx
action of muscles of mastication
elevate the mandible
what separates the submanibular galnd, which muscle?
all the glands in your head and neck are innervated by what (except what)
facial nerve except the parotid which is cranial nerve 9
where does the common carotid split and which is medial vs lateral
upper border of the thyroid cartilage
external is medial
internal is lateral
superior thyroid artery comes from what
external carotid artery
if theres a branch underneath arch of aorta
must be vagus nerve and recurrent laryngeal
which muscles form the base of the posterior triangle
the scalene muscles
attachments of the scalene muscles
from transverse processes of C3-C6, C2-7, C5-7 and attaches onto the first rib apart from the posterior scalene which attaches onto the second rib.
what plexus runs between the anterior and middle scalene muscles
where is the EJV in relation to the SCM and what does it drain into
runs superficially in relation to the SCM, it and drains into the subclavain
IJV in relation to the SCM
within the carotid triangle, and medial to the SCM
mental spines: origin for geniohyoid, and also genio…
fans out to give you your tongue
what are the two muscles you’d need to retract to reach the thyroid gland?
sternothyroid and sternohyoid
where does your sphenoid sinus empty?
spheno-ethmoidal recess
what drains into all the meatuses
what type of joint is the tmj
modified hinge joint
what muscle attaches to the coronoid process
the temporalis muscle
what travels through the mandibular foramen
inferior alveolar nerve