Daily Locutions Flashcards
Az / Biraz
A little; a few
Lit. One little
Bir parça
A little bit
Lit. A part
Çoktan beri
A long time ago
Lit. Much-from since
Uzun zamandan beri
A long time ago
Lit. Long time-from since
Ona göre
According to that
Lit. That-to seeing
Her şeye rağmen
After all
Lit. Every thing-to despite
Bundan sonra ; ondan sonra
After this/that
Lit. This/that-from after
Agreed ; OK
Lit. We have agreed
Bütün gün
All day long
Lit. The whole day
All of a sudden
Lit. One-from one-to
Hepiniz / hepimiz
All of you / all of us
Lit. All-you , all-us
Bütün dünyada
All over the world
Lit. The whole world-in
Hemen hemen
Lit. Nearly
Ya sonra?
And then…? / what next?
Lit. Then later?
As a matter of fact
Lit. Just as, besides
As a rule
Lit. Properly, in the proper way, duly
Bana kalırsa
As for me… ; if it is up to me…
Lit. Me-to if-it-remains
Sanki ; güya
As if ; as though
Lit. If that-which-is
Bir an önce
As soon as possible
Lit. One moment before
Her zamanki gibi
As usual; as always ; at any rate
Lit. Every time-that-is like
Nasıl isterseniz
As you please
Lit. How(ever) if you want
Yine de
At any rate
Lit. Again also
İlkin; ilk önce
At first
Lit. The first-of ; the first before
At hand
Lit. Hand-in
Nihayet ; sonunda
At last
Lit. End, finally; end-the-in
En azından
At least
Lit. The-most least-it-from
En çok / azami
At most
Lit. The-most / very greatness
At once
Lit. Immediately
At random
Lit. Casual
Kısa süra içinde
At short notice
Lit. Short time-period inside-in
Aynı zamanda
At the same time
Lit. Same time-at
Çok yakında
Before long
Lit. Very near-in
Daha iyi
Lit. More good
By heart
Lit. Memorize-from
By means of
Lit. Means-with
Sırası gelmişken
By the way
Lit. Turn-its having-come
Buyurun ; giriniz
Come in!
Lit. Please be so… ; enter!
Bundan dolayı
Consequently ; because of this…
Lit. This-from because of
Bir şey değil
Don’t mention it ; it’s nothing
Lit. A thing is-not
Merak etmeyin
Don’t worry
Lit. Anxious ; curious-be-you-not
O zamandan beri
Ever since
Lit. That time since
Yüz yüze
Face to face
Lit. End-without-concerning
İlk kez olarak
For the first time
Lit. First occasion being
For the time being ; at present
Lit. The nowness
Sık sık
Frequently (80%)
Lit. Close close
Baştan başa
From end to end
Lit. Head-from head-to
Şimdiden sonra
From now on
Lit. Now-from later
Git gide
Lit. Go it-may-go
Nasıl olur?
How is that?
Lit. How is it?
I am sure
Elimde değil
I can’t help it
Lit. Hand-my-in not-is
I don’t care
I mean…(to say) ; that is to say…
I suppose so
Lit. Probably
If need be
Lit. Necessary-if-it-is
If possible
If possible
Lit. Time-without
Acele ; ivedili
In a hurry
Lit. Hurry ; haste-with
Her halde ; nasılsa
In any case
Zamanında / Tam zamanında
In due course / in due time, just in time
Her bakımdan
In every respect
Lit. Every glance-from
Esasen ; nitekim
In fact
Lit. Fundamentally ; just as
Bir an önce
In no time
Lit. A moment before
Söyle ki
In order that ; so that
Lit. Thus-with that
In order to
Lit. Target-with
Ona rağmen
In spite of that
In the morning
In the end, in the long run, lastly
In the future
Lit. Future-in
Bu arada
In the meantime
Lit. This space-in
Açık havada
In the open
Lit. Open air-in
In the shade
In the very act (caught red handed)
Lit. Crime top-the
In the very act (caught red handed)
Lit. Crime top-the
Bu halde
In this case
Bu halde
In this case
In this manner
Lit. Thus-ness-with
Sahi mi?
Is that so?
Lit. Really is-it?
Fark etmez
It doesn’t matter
Lit. Matter makes-not-it
It isn’t worthwhile
Lit. Worth-not-is
Boşuna gider
It is of no use
Lit. Empty-the-to goes-it
Bir dakika
Just a moment
Ne olur ne olmaz
Just in case ; whatever happens
Lit. What happens what doesn’t-happen
Tam vaktinde
Just in time
Lit. Entire occasion-the-in
Git işine
Leave me alone ; mind your own business
Lit. Go business-you-to
Azar Azar
Little by little
Lit. Little little
Dikkat et!
Look out!
Lit. Careful be!
Olabilir ; belki
Maybe ; could be ; perhaps
Lit. Happen-may-it
Aşağı yukarı
More or less; approximately
Zararı yok
No harm done; no problem
Lit. Damage there-is-not
Hiç de değil
Not at all
Arada sırada
Now and again; now and then
Lit. Space-the-in turn-the-in
Of course ; naturally
Tamam mı?
OK then? Right then?
Lit. Complete is-it?
On and on
Lit. Stopping-the-without
Bile bile / kasten
On purpose
Lit. Knowingly knowingly ; intentionally
Tersine; aksine
On the contrary
Lit. Reverse-it-to; contrary-the-to
Diğer taraftan
On the other hand
Lit. The-other side-from
Haftada bir
Once a week
Bir daha
Once again
Lit. One (time) more
Once and for all
Lit. Definite-ness-with
Ara sıra
Once in a while
Lit. Space turn
Birer birer
One by one
Lit. One-each one-each
Bundan başka ; zaten
Other than this ; besides
Bundan başka ; zaten
Other than this ; besides
Lütfen ; Rica ederim
İşte burada ; işte orada
Right here / right there
Sağ salim
Safe and sound
Yan Yana
Side by side
So called
Lit. Word-the-in
Er geç
Sooner or later
Şöyle böyle
O Zaman; öyleyse
Lit. That time; that-which-if-it-is
Pek çok ; pek fazla
Too many / too much
Ne çikar?
What’s it about? What is arising?
Neniz var?
What’s wrong with you?
Neden olmasın?
Why not?
Ister istemez
Willy nilly
Lit. Wishing not-wishing
Without doubt
Without doubt
I think…; I guess….
Daha sonra
Later on
Şu anda
Right now
Bir ara yine
Once again / again sometime
Bir ara yine
Once again / again sometime
Bir bir
One by one
O kadar
That much
O kadar
That much
All of a sudden
All of a sudden
Daha da
Even more