Daily Life Situations: Visiting a friend Flashcards
to greet
to share
catch up on
ponerse al día
to chat
to advise
to support
la confianza
to visit
How nice that you came to visit me!
¡Qué bueno que vinieras a visitarme!
We have to catch up with everything.
Tenemos que ponernos al día con todo.
Can I visit you soon?
¿Puedo visitarte pronto?
Daniela and I have a very trusting friendship.
Daniela y yo tenemos una amistad de mucha confianza.
I need some advice from you, that is why I came to visit you.
Necesito un consejo tuyo, por eso vine a visitarte.
How is your family?
¿Cómo está tu familia?
I came to chat with you for a while.
Vine a charlar un rato contigo.
I would like a coffee and we will catch up.
Me gustaría un café y nos ponemos al día.
How is work?
¿Cómo está el trabajo?
I stopped by to say hello for a while.
Pasé por aquí a saludar un rato.
All your friends came to support you.
Todos tus amigos vinimos a apoyarte.
Tell me! What have you been up to lately?
¡Cuéntame! ¿Qué has hecho últimamente?
Do you want to stay for dinner?
¿Quieres quedarte a cenar?
Thank you for coming to visit me.
¡Gracias por venir a visitarme!
Do you want coffee or tea?
¿Quieres café o té?