Daily Flashcards
I have a meeting starting at 9 am
I get what you r saying
I’ll get to it
We’ve got dinner reservations for 730 but will be there afterwards
a one time only deal
you won’t have this opportunity again
To even the score
The beer is on me!
To make my mind
I just wanted to check in with you to see how your summer is going?
Could you please provide me with your MA address.
Provide with
But getting it right is not easy and depends on five key elements
that distinguishes superior ZBB from mediocre efforts
Monthly checkups on these plans ensure that savings don’t slip away
half-way through the course
He stopped me on half-way through
won’t be able to tear eyes away
try on loads of things
Enough procrastinating, time to open the kiln.
откладывать, печь
the southernmost point of
It’s been a year, but the long distance has worked well for us. Prague, you are still quite a charmer.. amazing packed three days full of some of my fav people and great food. Until next time!
I don’t get why this matters so much
Does being flawed automatically disqualify any arguments a person makes?
People end up debating whether these are true r not and the issue gets sidelined.
i love him a lot, but he throws things at me and scratches me in my face
How far I am into this game?
suffocated by poisonous fumes
задохнувшийся от ядовитого дыма
Spotify’s new privacy policy angers users
We are looking for people that are ready for a challenging and fulfilling experience.
приносить удовлетворение/реализовываться
which led me to think that XXX could be a good fit for him
Dmitry loves traveling and learning about other cultures.
I find this message to be flawed
Can you tell they’re brothers??
I’m so jealous!! I envy you
jealous about intangible…envy about material.
I have to look it up
take out from the list
Couldn’t be happier!
established companies seeking to compete successfully against upstarts.
For every 1,000 business plans, early-stage investors pass on 998.
перейти (к другому вопросу и т. п.)
is slowly moving towards a greater focus on worker’s rights and empowerment.
have been scrambling to get last minute errands done
A majority — 33 out of 51 — of large metro areas saw average wages go up over the last year.
metro area
город с пригородами
make an unscheduled stopover for the weekend
what is like to be
I didn’t get to say goodbye!
If I hadn’t seen her shadow, we’d have lost her.
Getting my Internet fix at Caffe
These people are showing how technologies will give us new ways of doing things.
When I saw that … , I was really blown away
China’s annual online-retail sales passed those of the United States in 2013.
Look forward to speaking with you tonight.
I feel left out!
одинокий, покинутый.
It helps ensure we have the necessary information
Send it (your) my way
until competitors can afford to extend their reach to regional cities
actively went after feedback opportunities and asked for advice from
This video turned out a little longer than I intended.
My first prints turned out a lot worse than I was hoping for.
I also replaced the safety thermostat for good measure as this was recommended by “experts” online.
I’ve always been an avid flight sim fan.
This video turned out a little longer than I intended.
You’re ineligible for a free trial promotion at this time.
Watching a bunch of partners going bonkers over…
сойти с ума
as tall as I am..
I am so happy for his bride and him.
He is one of the best to work with…
Conducted in-depth customer and competitive analysis
The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any
My experience with identifying innovation opportunities for a leading telecom company cemented my aspiration to transition into the tech industry.
Make sure that your desire to develop new skills/experience do not back fire: may be interpreted as a lack of commitment
You pair up in teams - with friends, colleagues etc- and commit just a few hours a week to readings, videos
A flea and a fly flew up in a flue
боха, дымоход (fly up)
flee (fled, fled)
убегать. let us flee!
important synergies with the existing infrastructures can be exploited, allowing us a fast production startup.
“Egypt still has great potential” energy-wise
I reached out to you a couple days ago but wanted to make sure you got my message about…
to help (me) _ determine what is causing the problem and how Magna might fix it
w/o “to”
referral marketing, the cost of referrals to specialists outside its physician network
направление. There are no incentives or penalties to prevent physicians from referring patients with less serious problems to specialists
How many fewer cardiology referrals will Magna need to have in order to recoup the cost of the pilot incentive plan? For simplicity’s sake assume:
recoup losses - компенсировать потери
GB offers food and “combos” for the 3 largest meal occasions: breakfast, lunch, and dinner
I would also want to look at the strategic fit of the companies. Do they complement each other? Can they achieve further benefits (or synergies) from combining their operations?
To understand the value of HD to GB, I would want to look at a number of things:
I would try to work out the incremental impact this move would have on profits
I would really appreciate you putting in a recommendation for me.
A friendly reminder to come catch up with your fellow Indians today at 7pm at firebrand. Also meet the new Indians!
Yet it’s easier said than done.
We can step up business considerably by putting out a larger sign
we have adopted with unexpected ease and depth.
blow nose
Your friends at the Latin Club need a little help from someone with Design capabilities.
will most likely vote to uphold the ACA
So much gratitude for all the birthday wishes!!! I am beyond lucky to know all of you
Affinity analysis. Which items tend to be purchased together (cross-sell/up-sell analysis)
the application of digital tools to promote and accelerate internal change has received far less scrutiny
Исследование, обозрение
which together comprise greater than 12% of the pregnancies in the U. S.
Selling not products but customer’s needs satisfaction
Affinity analysis. Which items tend to be purchased together (cross-sell/up-sell analysis)
Robots Lay Three Times as Many Bricks as Construction Workers
She is a great, friendly,
and responsible person (almost as great as her older sloanie brother).
If you are looking for a roommate or have any good leads please e-mail
me at
The final straw came when
we ask you to please put the BBQ gear back into the shed
Does this mean we need to shun you?
остерегаться, сторониться
What’s it for?
а что там будет? для чего
Be careful what you wish for it might come true
Будьте осторожны в выборе своих желаний — они могут сбыться
You do not need to attend Registration Day Advising unless you require additional counseling
Come to think of it, it’s really curious.
Если вдуматься, то это действительно необычно.
futility of my current job
this must be what bonding feels like
three years hence
три года спустя
his great quality is his dependability
он обладает замечательным качеством - на него всегда можно положиться
Please expect a delayed response via email and call me at 617-990-2958 for urgent issues
Tomorrow, I have an all day schedule and then I plan to fly out on Thursday
When your work computer automatically shuts down for updates in the middle of important progress
Too simple
My number is 703-727-7690 if we have any trouble finding each other.
If you’ve submitted posts here and have noticed they aren’t getting accepted, it’s because they are deemed to not fit to the objective of this group.
Throwback to my first travel adventure with …
напоминание …
Let’s take complexity out of the question
sense of self-worth
lower-left-hand corner
There’s little motivation for success if …
… in pursuit of smth you believe in.
I take my job seriously, with a true sense of obligation and duty.
how their … is different than mine.
To engage informally
Details are fuzzy
fuzzy hair курчавая головая
I’ve been thinking of messaging you…
Like ridiculous in an embarrassing way (pathetic)
empathetic - сопереживающий; чуткий
Kicking off my second year in a beautiful country with beautiful people!
people in mighty positions
it’s as though … it looks as though he’s gone
похоже, что ….
he has what it takes to be…
it sprang from from his deeply held beliefs ..
beauty is but skin deep
нельзя судить по наружности
lack of empathy, show empathy…
power with humilty
the conversation was enlivened with jokes
coffee splashing against my thermos in one hand
The chairs are arranged in a circle, almost as if a sacrificial dance is about to happen in th сenter
Rob expanded on the concept of presence by defining it as
подробно рассказывать
to put people first
ставить превыше всего интересы народа
I decided to give it a try because we were desperate
в отчаянии
Second years awarded second place.
… other win third.
when do you expect to have the dropbox with company background/other contents ready for us to take a deep dive
I am also cheering for all children who are battling this awful disease.
There is controversy because
apparently my two favorite places are battling it out for biggest flood award
I saw her just as she was turning the corner.
Throughout the war, food was rationed (паек).
I last saw him in 2004. Since then, I haven’t seen him.
a few voluntary recitations at times to be announced.
Did any of you get …
The company has plenty of work to do to catch up to its competition.
get more people involved and have more quorum
reimburse me in cash
Please find attached the
We’ll send out a recap to all club members.
If this is not the correct spelling of your last name please contact
Create an account using the Sign Up Now Button.
Your refusal to provide the requested information will not subject you to any adverse treatment
When you are going to have your photo taken, please keep in mind the following rules:
I drive a stick shift
do a crossword - разгадывать кроссворд
do the ironing - гладить
do the laundry - заниматься стиркой
do the dishes - мыть посуду
Please drop off your second impressions to my desk as soon as you have completed them, I’m still missing quite a few!
Please get me a job!
split collarbone
сломанная ключица
We are nailing this parenting thing
We’re looking to add a junior specialist in analytics to our healthcare systems and services practice in the UK
Iliana joined our Operations practice almost three years ago after starting her career with Motorola and Nokia upon graduation from The Ohio State University Fisher School of Business. She was attracted by the opportunity to work on tough challenges with amazing colleagues and continually develop personally and professionally. Based in Chicago, she’s loving the diversity of work she’s found at McKinsey and the people she’s meeting.
I’m putting together a soiree
We put Friendly Toast up / BD soiree
It’s not readily available
не легко доступно…
slightly vs badly damaged
Hope you got a good turnout.
достаточно людей
Fridays are for parties and Saturdays are for rehab!
Highly recommended to those who wants to kick off at listening to classical music.
impede your effectiveness
ompI:d - затруднять
to rear the head
поднять голову
who jumped my car in the cold this morning with a smile on his face (even while he waited 10 minutes for me to figure out how to pop the hood).
the aftermath of the earthquake
He got into an intense fight with his life jacket. ‘Get him off me.’
Please answer how often, if at all, you have flowers delivered to each of these categories
If these were your only options, which would you choose?
Не pointed proudly to the ease with which a booming Brazil had weathered the global financial crisis.
легко вынести
preside a meeting
вести собрание
which is not as bad as the situation in Greece, but not far off.
немного лучше
Woe to anyone who
Горе тому, кто
global conditions were relatively benign
bust man
democratic rule
демократическое правление
Since the constitution’s enactment, federal outlays …
threw in the towel
among big emerging markets only Ukraine and Hungary are more indebted.
economic backgrounder
time yourself, or have someone time you
spaced a week apart
с интервалом неделя
Every human being is, in one way or another, unique.
my very own
свой собственный
Your interests are turned, in about equal proportions, both inward and outward.
The reservation is for 8pm.
Markets lose faith in the ECB
потеряли доверие
Check this box to default to these delivery and payment options in the future.
He had been tapped just months before…
назначен на должность
vouch for someone
поручиться за кого-л. (I’ll vouch for his integrity.
highly suspicious of data that don’t fit their worldview
use a one-size-fits-all approach
a strong desire to have others educate me about the issues
I added a few more specifics.
in the email after editing a document
The one counterpoint is …
We are not looking for you to implement any changes, just to think critically
Many species have become endangered in the last decade
He is not up to par.
Unless you establish a schedule for learning, it is all too easy to find an excuse for not practicing.
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