What is Rhetorical question
A question asked without expecting an answer but for the sake of emphasis.
What is Fact
A thing that is known or proved to be true.
What is Statistic
Statistics are which are obtained from information expressed in numbers
What is Opinion
A view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
What is Repetition
The action of repeating something that has already been said or written
What is Anaphora
Anaphora is the repetition of words or phrases in a group of sentences, clauses, or poetic lines.
What is Triplet
Using three related words or phrases to grab attention and reinforce your point
What is Emotive language
Emotive language is chosen specifically to cause an emotional response in listeners or readers.
What is Direct address
Direct address is when you talk directly to the reader, using the pronouns ‘we’, ‘you’ or ‘us’
What is the F in daForest
What is the D in Daforest
Diract address
What is the E in daforEst
Emotive language
What is the S in daforeSt
What is the A in dAforest
What is the O in dafOrest
What is the R in dafoRest
Rhetorical question
What is the T in daforesT
What is the P in Pedal
Point (what you’re trying to get across)
What is the E in pEdal
Evidence (your proof)
What is the D in peDal
Device (Eg: direct address)
What is the A in pedAl
Analysis (looking further into the quote)
What is the L in pedaL