Chapter 6 Flashcards
What is the condition of the farm in Chapter 6?
The animals are working harder than ever, with longer hours and more strenuous, particu;ar;y on the windmill poject
How are the animals misled about their living conditions?
Squelear convinves the animals that their situation is improving, despite the increased hardships, and reassures them that the pigs are always acting in the anmals’ best interests
What happens to the Seven Commandments in Chapter 6?
“No animal shall sleep in a bed” is changed to “No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets”
How do the pigs further solidify their power in Chapter 6?
The pigs begin engaging in trade with humans, going against the original principles of Animalism, and start living in more luxurious conditions
How does Napoleon deal with food shortages?
Napoleon tries to cover up the food shortage by spreading lies to the animals and increasing the workload to make up for the shortfall
What happens when Napoleon’s trade with humans is revealed?
Napoleon denies that the pigs are breaking the rues, claiming the trade is necessary for the farm’s survival, and uses Squelear to justify it
How does the windmill project go in Chapter 6?
The windmill is destroyed in a storm, but Napoleon convinces the animals that it was the fault of Snowball and that they must rebuild it immediately