DA42 Specific Flashcards
Max. load in nose baggage compartment in the fuselage nose
30 kg
How is ambient air provided to the cabin?
NACA inlet on the lower side of the RH center wing stub
What power and speed setting is used on final approach?
30% for 82kts
What are the gear limitation speeds?
VLOE: 194 kts | VLOR: 156 kts
At Va what are the manoeuvring load factors?
+3.8, -1.52
How long does gear extension / retraction take?
6-10 seconds
Your flaps fail to lower on approach, what is the speed for final?
≥ 85 kts
How much oil does the DA42 consume per hour?
0.1l /hr
Oil is required as a part of the propeller pitch control. Which system is this oil taken from?
What is the main battery connected to?
What is the structure of the DA42?
Minimum speed in icing conditions
What assists the hydraulic system in locking the gear in the down position?
With the emergency switch set to ON, power is provided to:
The attitude gyro (artificial horizon) & the flood light for 1.5 hours
In a flapless circuit, what power setting is used on the base leg?
At what height do you transition from the initial climb to the normal climb?
500ft AGL
The alternator are connected to:
Both alternators are connected to the BATTERY BUS via a 90 Amp circuit breaker.
What are the engine RPM limitations?
2300 with a max overspeed of 2500 for 20 seconds
What speed is VMCA
The lack of locking varnish on the flight controls is an indication of what?
Twisting and control adjustment
An alternator control unit controls load balancing across each alternator. How does this system function?
Loading is shifted to the alternator with the lowest internal temperature first.
Which is the correct combination for the initial climb?
82 kts, Power: 100%, Pitch: 8
How many fuel injection nozzles are there per engine?
Max. load in cabin baggage compartment behind rear seats
45 kg
Where are the static ports located in the DA42’s pitot-static system?
Lower and rear edges of the pitot tube
DA42 control surfaces make use of roll pins. Their absence can result in:
Loss of the hinge pin(s) and flight safety
To unfeather the propeller, the associated ENGINE MASTER switch must be set to ON.
What does this action cause?
Propeller control valve electrically opens, accumulator oil pressure released into the propeller hub.
What is the maximum fuel imbalance?
Once engaged, the variable elevator backstop reduces:
2.5° to 13°
Best glide speed