D5 - dose-response Flashcards
Dose response relationship - Dose response curve
○ X axis - level of drug (log)
§ Dose administered or level measured in the blood
○ Y axis - effect produced
§ By agonist or antagonist
- If the dose of the drug is too low - wont have a therapeutic effect
- If too high - large therapeutic effect but likelihood of adverse side effects
- Optimum dose - sufficient therapeutic effects with few adverse effects
- EC50 - measure of agonist potency
○ concentration that produces 50% of the maximum effect
- IC50 - inhibitory concentration 50
○ measure of antagonist potency
○ Concentration of antagonist required to inhibit 50% maximum effect
EC50 and IC50 value is not used
EC50 and IC50 value is not used - not possible to generate a complete response curve
○ Not ethical to give high values of a drug known to give adverse effects
○ Instead , potency is expressed in the amount of dose given
§ Eg. Metoprolol given 100-200mg/day
○ When one drug is more potent than other - the dose required to produce an effect will be relatively low
○ Eg. Atenolol is more potent than metoprolol - produces effects at lower doses
○ Differences in potency
§ Rarely a factor in choosing which drug to use
§ Dose is just altered to achieve the same level of effect
More potent drugs sometimes useful ○ Where there is limited capacity to administer large amount of the drug ○ Eg. Transdermal patches § Used to administer drugs across the skin § Extent to which a drug can move across the skin is limited § Best if potent drugs are used - effective at low doses ○ Eg. Anaesthetizing an elephant § Needs to fit in a dart § Etorphine - 3000x more potent than morphine
Drug effectiveness
- Not all drugs that produce the same therapeutic effect will produce the same maximum effect
- Drugs producing a higher maximum effect is more effective
- Difference in effectiveness is often a determining factor
- Because it produces greater levels of pain releif
drugs that are more effective
- May act via a pathway that has a greater ability to produce a therapeutic effect
§ Eg. Activation of opioid receptors by morphine produces greater analgesia than the inhibition of cyclooxygenase by ibuprofen
- May have a greater capacity to modulate the activity of a common drug target
§ Eg. Activation of opioid receptors by the full agonist morphine is greater than activation of by the partial agonist buprenorphine
§ Eg. Competitive antagonist can cause more extensive effect than an allosteric antagonist
Dose response relationship
- Relative therapeutic potencies
- Differences in potencies reflected by different positions along the x axis
- Differences in maximum effect reflected on the y axis
Optimum dose
- Using selective drugs
- Aid in therapeutic effect while reducing adverse effect
Drug Selectivity
- Extent to which a drug preferentially acts on one drug target over other
- Differences in affinity of drugs for targets
- Selective drugs bind with higher affinity for target than to other macromolecules that may mediate adverse effects
- A drug that activates 2 drug targets
- A drug with similar affinity for the 2 targets will produce good and side effect equally
- Drug with higher affinity for good effect will produce less side effect
Eg. Adrenaline
- released from adrenal medulla during exercise
- Stimulates B1 receptors
§ Increases heart rate and force of contraction by stimulating B1 receptors
- Can also cause relaxation of smooth muscle by stimulating B2
§ Present on airway smooth muscle cells
- Metoprolol
§ Binds to and blocks both B1 and B2
§ Much lower affinity for B2 - indicated by higher Ka value
At low concentrations
□ Significant binding to B1
□ Vary little binding to B2 in airways
□ Binds selectively to B1
Higher concentrations of metoprolol
○ Binds to lower affinity targets
○ Increasing dose causes more B2 receptors being bound
○ People with asthma - worsen symptoms by inhibiting relaxation of airway smooth muscles by activation of B2 receptors
○ Reduce potency of B2 agonist salbutamol
○ Loss of selectivity at high doses is typical for all drugs
Target selectivity
○ Governed by pharmacodynamic factors - affinity
○ Eg. Metoprolol has higher affinity for B1 than B2, so at low doses it will target the heart and not the airways
Tissue selectivity
○ Governed by pharmacokinetic factors
○ How it is administered
○ Eg. In asthma, airway selectivity is achieved by
1. Delivering drugs directly to airways eg. Inhalers
2. Using drugs activated within airways eg. Inhaled Ciclesonide is a prodrug only activated by lung esterases only found within the lung
3. Using drugs rapidly inactivated when outside of the lungs eg. Inhaled fluticasone is extensively inactivated by the liver
Using drugs that cannot gain access to other organs/tissues eg. Ipratropium bromide doesn’t cross the blood brain barrier, so there are less CNS side effects
Delivering drugs directly
Delivering drugs directly to airways eg. Inhalers