B3 - Anaemia Flashcards
○ Haematocrit: percentage of whole blood volume comprised of red blood cells
- A reduction in haemoglobin (Hb) concentration below the normal range for the age and gender of the individual
- Usually accompanied by a reduction in red cell count and haematocrit
anaemia symptoms in old people
heart failure, chest pain - because rate is increased to compensate for low oxygen
Increased cardiac output: tachycardia; heart murmur
jaundice causes
□ Haemolytic - Red cells are being broken down in the spleen creating bilirubin, premature red cell destruction
□ Megaloblastic - bone marrow cannot make red blood cells properly due to low Vit B12 or folate so the red blood cells die within the bone marrow
□ eyes, skin colour appear yellow
severe long standing iron deficiency anaemia - dent in the fingernail
stool colour change in haemolysis
§ Stool colour change: haemolysis - from bilirubin being made from destruction of haem
2 main causes of anaemia
- reduced red cell production
- increased loss of red cells
reduced red blood cell production causes
a. Marrow failure (primary)
§ Aplastic anaemia (entire bone marrow)
□ Percentage of space that is cellular is 100% - your age
® Eg. A 40 yo person should have 40% fat and 60% cells
§ Pure red cell aplasia (just red blood cells)
§ Bone marrow dysfunction: myelodysplasia (abnormal production of bone marrow resulting in inadequate red blood cells being produced)
b. Another cause (secondary)
§ Insufficient nutrients eg. Iron, folate, B12, EPO
□ Patient history
® Dietary history
® Gut malabsorption
□ Typically anaemia without marked neutropenia or thrombocytopenia
□ Other symptoms of nutritional deficiency
§ Infection - supresses bone marrow function
§ Drugs eg. Cytotoxic chemotherapy
§ Marrow infiltration
□ Luekaemia/cancer - takes over marrow cavity and replaces cell production
□ Secondary cancer - can metastasize to the bone marrow and infiltrate
aplastic marrow failure anaemia
entire bone marrow
pure red cell aplasia bone marrow failure
just red blood cells
§ Bone marrow dysfunction: myelodysplasia (abnormal production of bone marrow resulting in inadequate red blood cells being produced)
percentage of cellular bone marrow
100% - age
secondary bone marrow failure
- insufficient nutrients
- infection
- drugs
- marrow infiltration
causes of increased loss of red cells
bleeding, haemolysis