D2 - Business Needs in Procurement and Supply Flashcards
What are the overarching strategic and commercial objectives?
What are the overarching strategic and commercial objectives?
- Operate profitability
- Achieve and maintain competitive advantage
- Achieve and maintain cost leadership
- Achieve and maintain differentiation
- Attract and retain high quality employees, supply partners and business allies
What is the role of procurement?
What is the role of procurement?
Not merely to fulfill operational and technical requirements but also to contribute to - the bottom line of the unit or enterprise
- the addition of shareholder value and customer value
- the achievement of value of money
- the effective management of organisational cash flows
- the fulfillment of other commercial and strategic objectives
How should proposed procurement be?
How should proposed procurement be?
Not just for its own sake or because it is embedded in organisational procedures, processes, customs or assumed technical requirements - should be examined and challenged to demonstrate how they contribute to the commercial and strategic objectives of the business - planned and managed in such a way to maximize their contribution to the commercial and strategic objective of the business
Name the 3 types of procurement
Name the 3 types of procurement
- Straight re-buy
- Modified re-buy
- New buy
How can business needs influence procurement decisions for a straight re-buy?
How can business needs influence procurement decisions for a straight re-buy?
By suggesting the need to :
- optimize inventory replenishment methods
- periodically review existing specification and arrangements
- periodically re-open existing long-term contracts to competition
- secure additional business benefits in repeat or renewed contracts
- to collaborate with engineering, marketing and user departments in systematic value analysis of products
What is a modified re-buy?
What is a modified re-buy?
Some of the requirements have changed:
- Same Supplier but need may be re-specified or contract re-negotiated
- A business case justification of the modification may be required for high value, strategically important or high-risk procurement
- Modification of requirement may present the opportunity to revisit specifications or contracts to meet business needs more efficiently and effectively
How can business needs influence procurement decisions for a modified re-buy?
How can business needs influence procurement decisions for a modified re-buy?
Suggesting the need or opportunity to
- review existing specification against supply market developments to ensure that they will represent the optimum solutions
- tchallenge modified specifications to promote commercial considerations such as
- value (avoid over specification)
- standardization or variety reduction (reduce inventory costs)
- environmental sustainability
- leveraging of supplier relationships+expertise
- to re-open existing contracts to competition to ensure that the existing supplier remain competitive
- to justify specification or contract modification on the basis of identified business benefits ie avoiding unnecessary risks and costs of re-specification, variety and stock proliferation, supplier switching.
- to re-negotiate contract terms to build in additional business benefits such as quality improvements, collaborative waste or cost reductions, or additional KPI’s (such as environmental or social sustainability standards)
How can business influence procurement decisions for NEW procurements?
How can business influence procurement decisions for NEW procurements?
By suggesting the need or opportunity to
- Engage in systematic purchasing research:
- Demand analysis (for accurate demand forecasting to minimise sourcing and inventory waste and risks)
- Vendor analysis (evaluating capability of potential suppliers and performance of current suppliers to minimise risk)
- Supply market analysis (appraise market conditions ie factors such as like availability, risk of shortages, disruption to supply, market prices, price fluctuations, etc)
- Engage in proactive value engineering
- Promote early buyer involvement
- Promote early supplier involvement
- Develop specifications, supplier performance measures and contract terms
What are the business needs that might influence procurement decisions for NEW purchases?
p. 8
* May 2014: Describe 5 activities that a procurement function might undertake when contributing to the development of a business case for a new purchase (15 marks)*
What are the business needs that might influence procurement decisions for NEW purchases?
Suggest the need or opportunity to
- To engage in purchasing research
- Demand analysis - aimed at accurate demand forecasting for high-value, high-usage, high-risk materials in or to minimise sourcing and inventory waste and risks
- Vendor analysis - evaluate the capability of potential suppliers and hte perofrmance of current suppliers to optimise supplier value and minimise supplier risk
- Supply market analysis - appraising conditions of the supply market, in relation to factors such as likely availability and the risks of shortages or disruptions to supply, market prices, price fluctuations
To engage in proactive value engineering
- value analysis applied at the design, development and specification stage of product development, in order to eliminate wastes, over specification and non value-adding features and processes from the outset
- To promote early buyer involvement (EBI) in product and development
- in order to ensure that commercial and supply market considerations are taken into account at an early stage
- To promote early supplier involvement (ESI) in product and development, in order to ensure that commercial and supply market considerations are taken into account at an early stage when they make the greatest whole-life impact
- To develop specifications, supplier performance measures (KPI’s) and contract terms to maximise business benefits and value to thebuyin organisation
Procurement Categories
(Not to be confused with “types of purchase i.e. new, modified re-buy, rebuy”)
Procurement Categories
- Capital procurement (assets with long usage, high acquisition cost ie buildings, plant, equipment, etc)
- Production Materials (ie raw materials, components and assemblies)
- Maintenance Repair and operating or MRO supplies ( all goods and services, ther than cappital equipment, necessary to transform raw materials and components into end products ie paint, lubricants, packing materials, cleaning products and industrial clothing)
- Commodities (raw materials ie textile, food and beverage crops, minerals ie coal, iron ore, for incorporation into products
- Goods for re-sale (ie purchases by retailer, wholsesaler, brokerage for sale to customers)
- Systematic appraisal of cost of benefits, costs and risks of the investment and the likely payback period of the investment ie length of time it will take for business benefits to outweigh the costs)
- Robust comparison of alternative assets or options to reach the optimal solution ie balancing hthe whole life costs and performance, functionality and quality of the asset
- Netgotiation, specification and contracting with the chosen suppliernfor a total ‘package’ of benefits sought over the asset’s lifecycle (eg incl installation, user training, finance, maintenance, warranties and/or technical supprt)
- Analysis and management of lifecycle costs: ie not just price, but ongoing costs of acquisition, operation, maintenance and disposal over the years of the asset’s useful life
- Management and maintenance of the asset to prolong its useful and maximise its residual value on disposal (eg recycling or resale)
Achievement of operational objectives includng the five rights. Operational efficiency may be best servced by the timely and secure flow of inputs (of specified quality) to production processes, in order to minimise the risks and costs of bottlenecks or disruption of production.
- Avoid stock proliferation
- Opportunity to manage costs by establishing optimum stock levels based on accurate usage data and replnishment systems
- Enforce sound procurement disciplines in MRO procurements rather than letting users buy ad hoc basis ie use call off contracts.
- Opportunity to minimise prices eg by consolrtium or demand aggregation for bulk discounts
Business needs for procurement of COMMODITIES
Business needs for procurement of COMMODITIES
- securing supply - minimising the risk of scaricty or supply disruption;
- price/cost management
Business needs for GOODS FOR RE-SALE
p. 10
Business needs for GOODS FOR RE-SALE
- The selection of goods for which there is a sufficient market demand to secure profitable trading