D.1 - Development & ISN Flashcards
Fossil Record
History of life, documented by fossils
Heritable Trait/ Hereditary
Genetic charcateristics that you get from your parents
Having to do with characteristics that are passed or could be passed from parent to offspring
Ancestral vs Derived Trait
Traits we get from our ancestors vs a trait that is present in an organism, but was absent in the last common ancestor
Comparative Anatomy
the study of similarities and differences in the anatomy of different species
Homologus Structures
similar physical features in organisms that share a common ancestor, but serve completely different functions
Analogus Structures
structures that correspond to each other in a functional way, but are dissimilar in terms of tissue
Vestigial Structures
Non-functional structures that are thought to be “leftovers,” evidence of an evolutionary past
Comparative embryology
compares and contrasts embryos of different species, showing how all animals are related
Comparative biochemistry
the study of evolutionary relationships or study of differences and similarities in biological or physiological processes among living organisms
Geographic Distribution
natural arrangement and division of various forms of animals and plants in different regions of the earth
the study of the geographic distribution of plants, animals, and other forms of life
the change in the characteristics of a species over several generations which relies on the process of natural selection
any heritable trait that helps an organism, such as a plant or animal, survive and reproduce in its environment
Colouration of organisms that allow then to blend into their environment and escape detection
resemblance which certain animals and plants exhibit to other animals and plants, which serves as their means of protection against enemies
Antimicrobial Resistance
microbes which evolve to have certain mechanisms that protect them from the effects of antimicrobials - allow them to thrive despite the anitmicrobials
Death of an entire species
Jean-Baptise Lamarck
French biologist who is best known for his idea that acquired characters are inheritable
Theory of Use and Disuse
Idea proposed by Lamarck which suggested that the more an organism used a body feature the more it’d develop, and vice versa
Charles Darwin
English biologist, best known for his contributions to evolutionary biology. He proposed that all species of life descend from common ancestors
Natural Selection
Process by which selective pressures imposed by nature, result in different survival rates among members of a species
Group of interbreeding organisms, able to produce viable offspring
Alfred Wallace
Alfred Russel Wallace British biologist best known for independently conceiving the theory of evolution through natural selection (Before Darwin, just didn’t publish it as quickly 😂)