D&E - Diabetes Mellitus Flashcards
Pathophysiology of T1DM.
The pancreas stops being able to produce adequate insulin, meaning the cells of the body cannot absorb glucose from the blood.
This means the glucose levels in the blood continue to rise (ie. hyperglycaemia).
Aetiology of T1DM.
The underlying cause is not clear:
- ?inherited
- ?Coxsacki B and enterovirus trigger
Presentation of T1DM?
Triad of hyperglycaemia:
- polyuria
- polydipsia
- weight loss
Alternatively, patients may present with diabetic ketoacidosis.
Outline the metabolism of glucose and control of blood sugar.
As carbohydrates are digested, monosaccharides can be absorbed from the small intestine into the blood, causing a rise in blood glucose.
Beta cells in the Islets of Langerhans of the pancreas produce insulin, which acts to reduce blood glucose levels by:
- increasing glucose absorption by cells, where it is used as an energy source
- increasing glucose absorption by the liver, where it is stored as glycogen (glycogenesis)
As blood glucose levels fall, glucagon is produced by the alpha cells in the Islets of Langerhans of the pancreas, which acts to increase blood glucose levels by:
- increasing catabolism of glycogen into glucose (glycogenolysis)
- increasing anbolism of glucose from proteins and fats in the liver (gluconeogenesis)
The pancreas releases insulin and glucagon in response to fluctuations of blood glucose, aiming to maintain a concentration of 4.4 - 6.1 mmol/L.
Outline the role of ketones in the control of blood sugar.
When there is insufficient glucose supply and glycogen stores are exhausted, the liver converts fatty acids into ketones (ketogenesis) under the action of glucagon.
Ketones are water-soluble fatty acids, that can cross the blood-brain barrier and be used by the brain.
The kidney usually buffers ketone acids to prevent the blood becoming acidotic, however in insulin deficiency (T1DM) ketosis may be beyond the buffering capabilities of the kidneys…
What is the pathophysiology of diabetic ketoacidosis?
In T1DM, insulin deficiency reduces the body’s ability to perform glycogenesis and glucose transport into cells, where it is used for energy.
Under the influence of glucagon, the liver begins to produce ketones. Initially, the kidneys produce bicarbonate to buffer the ketone acids in the blood and maintain a normal pH.
In pronounced hyperketonaemia, the buffering capabilities of the kidneys are exhausted and the blood becomes acidic (ketoacidosis).
What are the common scenarios for diabetic ketoacidosis to occur?
- initial presentation of T1DM
- existing T1DM, unwell with infection
- existing T1DM, with poor treatment adherence
What are the key features of diabetic ketoacidosis?
- ketoacidosis
- dehydration
- potassium imbalance
Why does dehydration occur as a feature of diabetic ketoacidosis?
Hyperglycaemia and hyperketonaemia overwhelm the kidneys, and cause an increased oncotic pressure within the kidney tubules.
Osmotic diuresis increases water resorption by the kidneys, causing an increased urine production (polyuria).
Increasing water losses as urine results in dehydration. This causes the blood osmolality to increase, which stimulates the hypothalamus and results in excessive thirst (polydipsia).
Why does potassium imbalance occur as a feature of diabetic ketoacidosis?
Insulin usually drives potassium into cells.
In T1DM, insulin deficiency means potassium is not added to and stored in cells. This means that - while serum potassium may be eukalaemic - total body potassium is low as no potassium is stored in the cells.
When treatment with insulin starts, patients can develop severe hypokalaemia and subsequently fatal arrhythmias quickly.
Presentation of diabetic ketoacodisos.
- polyuria
- polydipsia
- dehydration
- acetone smell to breath
- weight loss
- n+v
- hypotension
- altered consciousness
Diabetic ketoacidosis may be triggered by an underlying condition, such as an infection. In any patient with DKA, it is also important to look for signs of infections and other underlying pathology that may need treatment.
How is diabetic ketoacidosis diagnosed?
- hyperglycaemia (>11mmol/L)
- ketosis (>3mmol/L)
- acidosis (<7.30)
How is diabetic ketoacidosis treated?
DKA is a medical emergency, which requires input from expert senior support.
FIG-PICK mnemonic:
- Fluids - IV fluid resuscitation with 0.9% NaCl
- Insulin - fixed rate insulin infusion
- Glucose - closely monitor blood glucose and add a glucose infusion when it is less than 14mmol/L
- Potassium - add potassium to IV fluids and monitor closely
- Infection - treat underlying triggers such as infection
- Chart fluid balance
- Ketones - monitor blood ketones, pH and bicarbonate
What are the key complications of DKA treatment?
- hypoglycaemia
- hypokalaemia
- cerebral oedema
- pulmonary oedema
Which autoantibodies are associated with T1DM?
- anti-islet cell antibodies
- anti-GAD antibodies
- anti-insulin antibodies
Serum C-peptide is a measure of insulin production.
How is T1DM managed in the long term?
- subcutaneous insulin
- monitoring dietary carbohydrate intake
- monitoring blood sugar levels upon waking, at each meal and before bed
- monitoring for and managing complications
What is a basal-bolus regime?
A combined insulin therapy regime:
- background, long-acting insulin injected once a day
- short-acting insulin injected 30 minutes before meals
What is a common side effect of insulin injections?
Injecting into the same spot can cause lipodystrophy, where the subcutaneous fat hardens. These areas do not absorb insulin properly from further injections.
Patients should cycle their injection sites to avoid lipodystrophy.
What are insulin pumps?
An alternative to basal-bolus insulin regimes, where insulin is continuously infused at different rates to control blood sugar levels.
They allow better blood sugar control, meaning patients have more flexibility with eating (and fewer injections).
What are the disadvantages of insulin pumps?
- difficulties learning to use the pump
- having it attached at all times
- blockages in the infusion set
- small risk of infection
How can T1DM be monitored?
HbA1c measures glycated haemoglobin, reflecting the average glucose level over the previous 3 months. It is measured every 3 to 6 months to track the average sugar levels.
Capillary blood glucose can be measured using a blood glucose monitor, allowing patients to self-monitor their sugar levels.
Flash glucose monitors use sensors that measure the glucose level of the interstitial fluid in the subcutaneous tissue. This means there is a 5-minute lag behind blood glucose, and so cannot be used if hypoglycaemia is suspected.
Continuous glucose monitors are similar to flash glucose monitors, but are attached constantly to allow continuous glucose monitoring.
What is a closed-loop system?
An artificial pancreas, involving a combination of a continuous glucose monitor and insulin pump.
The devices communicate to automatically adjust the insulin based upon the glucose readings.
Wha are the short-term complications of T1DM?
- hypoglyaemia
- hyperglycaemia > DKA
What are the symptoms of hypoglycaemia?
- hunger
- tremor
- sweating
- irritability
- dizziness
- pallor
- reduced consciousness
- coma
- death
Causes of hypoglycaemia.
- excess insulin
- malabsorption of carbohydrates
- diarrhoea
- vomiting
Treatment of hypoglycaemia.
Treat initially with rapid-acting glucose.
Once the blood glucose improves, they consume slower-acting carbohydrates to prevent it dropping again.
Severe hypoglycaemia may require IV dextrose infusions and IM glucagon.
Treatment of hyperglycaemia.
Short episodes of hyperglycaemia do not necessarily require treatment, as insulin injections can take several hours to take effect and repeated doses could lead to hypoglycaemia.
It is however crucial to exclude diabetic ketoacidosis, by checking urine ketones.
What are the macrovascular complications of T1DM?
- coronary artery disease
- peripheral ischaemia causing poor skin healing, and diabetic foot ulcers
- stroke
- hypertension
Chronic hyperglycaemia causes damage to endothelial cells of blood vessels, leading to leaky vessels that are unable to regenerate.
What are the microvascular complications of T1DM?
- peripheral neuropathy
- retinopathy
- kidney disease (glomerulosclerosis)
Chronic hyperglycaemia causes damage to endothelial cells of blood vessels, leading to leaky vessels that are unable to regenerate.
What are the infection-related complications of T1DM?
- urinary tract infections
- pneumonia
- skin and soft tissue infections (e.g. diabetic foot)
- oral and vaginal candidiasis
Hyperglycaemia can cause immune system dysfunction and create optimal environments for infectious organisms to thrive.
Pathophysiology of T2DM.
Repeated exposure to glucose and insulin makes the cells resistant to insulin, meaning increasing concentrations of insulin are required to stimulate the cells.
Over time, the pancreas becomes fatigued and damaged by producing so much insulin, and the insulin output is reduced.
A high carbohydrate diet combined with insulin resistance and reduced pancreatic function leads to chronic hyperglycaemia.
Give some risk factors for T2DM.
- older age
- ethnicity (Black African or Caribbean and South Asian)
- family history
- obesity
- sedentary lifestyle
- high carbohydrate diet
Presentation of T2DM.
- tiredness
- polyuria
- polydipsia
- unintentional weight loss
- opportunistic infections
- slow wound healing
- glucose in urine
What is acanthosis nigricans?
Thickening and darkening of the skin at the neck, axilla and groin.
Characteristic of insulin resistance.
What is pre-diabetes?
An indication that the patient is heading towards diabetes.
A HbA1c of 42-47mmol/mol indicates pre-diabetes.
How is T2DM diagnosed?
A HbA1c of 48mmol/mol or above indicates T2DM.
The sample is repeated after 1 month to confirm the diagnosis.
NICE (2022) broadly recommend T2DM is managed how?
- structured education programme
- low-glycaemic-index, high-fibre diet
- exercise
- weight loss if obese
- anti-diabetic drugs
- monitoring and managing complications
NICE (2022) recommend which HbA1c treatment targets?
<48mmol/mol for new T2DM pts
<53mmol/mol for T2DM pts requiring >1 antidiabetic medication
HbA1c is measured every 3 to 6 months, until under control and stable.
Outline the stepwise medical management of T2DM.
- Metformin
- Metformin + SGLT-2 inhibitor if patient has existing cardiovascular disease, heart failure or QRISK > 10%.
- Metformin + SGLT-2 inhibitor + (sulfonylurea OR pioglitazone OR DPP-4 inhibitor)
- Insulin therapy initiated by specialist diabetic nurse.
Give the
a) MOA
b) adverse effects
c) contraindications
d) important interactions
a) inhibits gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, so reduces hepatic glucose production.
b) weight loss (suppresses appetite); GI upset*; heart burn; lactic acidosis
c) eGFR < 30ml/min; alcohol intoxication; DKA
d) metformin plus other nephrotoxic drugs (e.g. ACEi, diuretics, NSAIDs) may impair renal function.
*Patients with gastrointestinal side effects with standard-release metformin can try modified-release metformin.
Give the
a) MOA
b) adverse effects
c) contraindications
d) important interactions
of SGLT-2 INHIBITORS (e.g. dapagliflozin, canagliflozin).
a) inhibit SGLT-2 channels in the proximal convoluted tubules, reducing glucose reabsorption from the glomerular filtrate. This increases renal clearance of glucose.*
b) hypoglyaemia; UTIs; thirst; polyuria; weight loss; hypotension;
c) hypovolaemia due to risk of hypotension
d) gliflozins plus other hypoglycaemics have synergistic action; plus other antihypertensives have synergistic action.
*SGLT-2 inhibitors also reduce sodium reabsorption in the PCT, increasing natriuresis and diuresis.
Give the
a) MOA
b) adverse effects
c) contraindications
d) important interactions
of SULFONYLUREA (e.g. gliclazide).
a) antagonises ATP-dependent K+ channels, stimulating b-cell insulin secretion.
b) weight gain; hypoglycaemia
c) hepatic impairment; renal impairment
d) synergistic action with other hypoglycaemics; thiazide-diuretics increase reabsorption of glucose so restrict the effects.
Give the
a) MOA
b) adverse effects
c) contraindications
d) important interactions
a) stimulates PPAR-y, inducing insulin sensitisation in muscle and adipose tissue, reducing hepatic glucose output.
b) weight gain; heart failure; bone fractures; bladder cancer*
c) heart failure; history of bladder cancer
d) synergistic action with other hypoglycaemics
*rarely used
Give the
a) MOA
b) adverse effects
c) contraindications
d) important interactions
of DPP-4 INHIBITORS (e.g. sitagliptin, saxagliptin).
a) prevents degradation of GLP-1 by DDP-4, meaning plasma [incretin] increases. This increases insulin secretion and synthesis, and decreases glucagon secretion.
b) headaches; acute pancreatitis
c) pregnancy; history of pancreatitis
d) synergistic action with other hypoglycaemics
Give the
a) MOA
b) adverse effects
c) contraindications
d) important interactions
of GLP MIMETICS (e.g. exanitide).
a) imitate the action of GLP-1, which increase insulin secretion and synthesis, and reduce glucagon secretion.
b) reduced appetite; weight loss; GI upset
c) renal impairment; CCF
d) synergistic action with other hypoglycaemics
Give some common complications of T2DM.
- infections
- diabetic retinopathy
- peripheral neuropathy
- autonomic neuropathy
- chronic kidney disease
- diabetic foot
- gastroparesis
- hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state
What is the first line treatment in a patient with T2DM and hypertension?
ACE inhibitor (e.g. ramipril)
What medication should be started in a patient with T2DM and CKD (ACR > 3mg/mmol)?
ACE inhibitor (e.g. ramipril)
What medication should be started in a patient with T2DM and CKD (ACR > 30mg/mmol)?
ACE inhibitor (e.g. ramipril)
SGLT-2 inhibitor (e.g. dapagliflozin)
What medication can be used to treat erectile dysfunction as a consequence of T2DM?
PDE-V inhibitor (e.g. sildenafil)
What medication can be used to treat gastroparesis as a consequence of T2DM?
Prokinetic drugs (e.g. domperidone or metoclopramide).
What are the treatment options for neuropathic pain in diabetic neuropathy?
- amitriptyline
- duloxetine
- gabapentin
- pregabalin
What is hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS)?
Hyperosmolality (water loss leads to very concentrated blood), hyperglycaemia and the absence of ketones. This is a medical emergency.
It presents with polyuria, polydipsia, weight loss, dehydration, tachycardia, hypotension and confusion.
Treatment is with IV fluids and careful monitoring.