Cytokines & Chemokines Flashcards
IL-1 + TNF Source, Target, Role
- S: Macrophage
- T & R:
Vascular Endothelial cells:
- Secrete CXCL8 (IL-8) & MCP-1 (CCL2)
- express E-selectin, VCAM-1, ICAM-1
- Upregulate expression of ICAM-2
- Play a role in induction of fever (when systemic)
- Macrohages: Enhance cytokine & chemokine secretion
- Play a role in lowering blood pressure leading to shock
Vascular Endothelial cells:
Source, Target, Role
S: Macrophages
T: 1) Vascular Endothelial cells
2) Monocytes
3) Thp cells
1) See IL-1 + TNF synergistic role in inflammation
2) Role in differentiation of monocytes to macrophages
3) In human cells, role in differentiation of Thp cells to Th17 cells (with IL-23 & TGFb)
Source, Target Cell, Role
S: Monocytes, Fibroblasts, Endothelial cells & Tcells
Target cell: Myeloid Progenitor, Dendritic cells
R: Differentiation of a myloid progenitor to a GM progenitor in Hematopoeisis. Enhance dendritic cell maturation, prolif, and migration
S, T cell, R
S: Monocytes, Fibroblasts & Endothelial cells
T: GM-progenitor
Role: Differentiation of a myeloid progenitor to a monocyte in hematopoeisis
Source, Target Cell, Role
S: Monocyte
T: GM-progenitor
R: Differentiation of a myeloid progenitor to a granulocyte in hematopoiesis
Source, Target Cell, Role
S: Macrophages, Dendritic cells
T: NK Cells
R: Activate NK cells to secrete IFNy
Source, Target Cell, Role
S: Macrophages, Dendritic cells
T: NK Cells
Role: Enhances IFNy induced by IL-12
Source, Target Cell, Role
Source: Macrophages & Dendritic cells
Target Cell: NK Cells
Role: Enhances IFNy induced by IL-12
Source, Target Cell, Role
Source: Macrophages & Dendritic cells
Target Cell: Th17 cells
Role: Stabilization of Th17 cells during differentiation of Thp cells to Th17 cells in the presence of TGFb, IL-1 or IL-6
Source, Role
- S: Th1 & NK cells
- R:
- Enhances NADPH oxidase
- Activates iNOS
- Th2 cells: Down regulates production of Th2 cytokines
- Th0 cells: Critical for Th0 differentiation to Th1 phenotype
- pre-CTL, CTL: Promotes pCTL to CTL differentiation (with IL-2)
- Nucleated cells: Enhances expression of Class I MHC on nucleated cells
- APC: Enhances expression of Class II MHC antigen presenting cells (APC)
Source, Target, Role
- S: Macrophages, Th2
- T:
- iNOS: Down regulates iNOS in phagocyted (most effective)
- a/i Treg cells: Critical role in differentiation of Thp to a/i Tregs
- Th17 cells: Differentiation of Thp to Th17 cells (needs IL-23 + IL-1)
Source, Role
- S: Th1 & Macrophages
- Role:
- Activates NADPH oxidase
- Activates iNOS
Downregulators of iNOS
(+ Source)
- TGFb (most effective) from Macrophages & Th2
- IL-10 & IL-4 from Th2
IL-8 & CXCL8
Source, Target, Role
- Source: Macrophages, Activated Vascular, Endothelial cells
- T: Neutrophils
- Role: Attracts (chemotaxis) to sites of Inflammation
Target, Role
- S: Macropahges, Activated Vascular, Endothelial cells
- T: Monocytes
- R: Attract monocytes to sites of inflammation & to normall tissues (mobilization & chemotaxis)