Cylinders Flashcards
Cly construction
Welded - two steel halves
Drawn - no weld
Aluminium - specalist gas
Composite - woven fabric, resin hard
plastic cage. Mainly LPG
Construction little indication of whats inside. May alter actions on fire
Any vessel contaning gas or liquid under pressure
Gases are stored;
Liquiefied form - LPG
Compressed gas - oxygen
Dissolved in solvent - acetylene
Cyl incident whos informed?
HMEPO are mobilised
IC should await consult with HMEPO
Cly fail temps
Steel 300
200-250 Alu
Composite, resin will break down and become porus - signs - fire growth as its fed by contents
Moving Comp Cyl
Caution, resin becomes weak and may leak. Leave and consult HMEPO
Comp cyl that cannot be confirmed as soley comp
Considered as alu, treat as alu/ steel cyl. Cooling water
Ace cyl can self heat?
Unknown cyl must or potential ace must be treated as
Acetylene - cool, CAP
British conpressed gas association comp person
HMEPO can consult with via control
Cyl projection
Initial hazard zone
Consider substantial cover, how can reduce initial HZ
Actions en route
Safe approach, position Type of cyls invol Inital hazard zone overlay Surrounding risks - rail, road Early notification to brigade RVP Additional info ORD
Cyl discovered
Early cooling
Protection minimum CYL
Double skin brick wall
Cyls not involved
Cool, protect, move
Failed comp cyl
Allow to burn off
Working in hz, 25m of heated cyl
Hz full fire gear and substantial
25m of cyl Full firegear and BA
Message when cyl involved
Usual followed by…
1x85kg Ace cly conformed involved, cyl procedures being implemented
Ace min cool time
1 hr
Send message highest recorded temp?
Informataive include
Actions taken Number Evac HZ size and roads RVP and Approach route Tac mode
Evidence a ace cyl has failed after being cooled properly? And passing CAP
No, all been fine
Cyl being cooled for one hour can be moved?
Cool cyl to
Ambient temp
Cyl assesment process
CAP is
Stop water after 1 hour
Monitor with Tic record temp
Observe steaming / rapid drying
Water off 15 mins
Complete 4 times, min one hour
Fail cap at anytime
1 hour cooling
Alight at valve group
Hose connects, faulty or open
Usually extinguished and closed
Cyl shut down PPE
Full PPE, BA, 45mm
Valve group turn off provided..
Alight where hose attaches
Not alight from around neck - where valve enter cyl
Valve is undamged and operable
How to tell acetylene cyl
Markings, reflective collars and tape
No coloured shoulder