Cybercrime Flashcards
Unauthorised access to computer, the access must be unauthorised, true or false?
True. The access must be unauthorised rather than unauthorised use of data.
Would just an attempt to log on to a computer with the intent to secure any programme or data held be an offence of unauthorised access to computers?
Yes even just an attempt to log on would suffice as long as they had the intent!!
Can the offence of unauthorised access to computers offence be attempted ?
No. It cannot be attempted.
Unauthorised access to computers with intent. The offence would be committed if they have the intent to commit an offence, facilitate the commission of an offence and this offence carries a sentence fixed by law or a person who has attained the age of ?? And has no previous convictions may be sentenced to imprisonment for a term of 5 years. What is the age ?
Under unauthorised access to computers with intent, can a person still be guilty even though the commission of the further offence is impossible?
An offender attempts to access the bank details of a person who they believed was a customer at a specific bank. It transpires that the customer didn’t hold an account with said bank. Would they be committing the offence of unauthorised access of computers with intent?
Defining requisite knowledge. This is knowledge that any modification they intend to cause is unauthorised. Under unauthorised modification of computer material, the offence requires two things?
Intent and knowledge.
Under the offence of unauthorised modification of computer material. Intentionally implanting or sending a virus , would this fall under the remit of this offence?
Does it matter if any unauthorised modification of a computer is permenant or temporary?
No. This does not matter.
A modification of the contents of a computer will only be regarded as damage under the criminal damage act if the effect impairs its….
Physical condition.
Unauthorised acts causing or creating the risk of serious damage. Damage includes damage to human welfare in any place, human injury or illness. Disruption to supply of money, food, water energy or fuel. Disruption of a system of communication, transport facilities or health services. Damage to the environment in any place and damage to the economy or national security of what countries?
Any country.
Definition of an accessible record includes any health record, educational record or any record which is accessible as a ??
Public record.
Who holds responsibility for data under the data protection act?
The data controller.
Malicious communications - the offence is complete as soon as the letter/message is sent as long as the sender has…
Intent to cause distress or anxiety.
Malicious comms. There is no need for the results of either, anybody having actually read the message or anybody who did actually read the message going on to suffer anxiety or distress. True or false.
True. As long as they have the intent.
What are the 4 natures in regards to malicious comms?
Indecent, grossly offensive, a threat, contains info they know to be false.
MLAT - Mutual legal assistance treaties. 2 purposes.
The extradition of individuals charges with cross border crimes and the gathering and sharing of info between ….
Purpose of an ILOR - international letter of request.
Its a means of requesting permission to obtain judicial assistance from a country with which the UK does not have in place. Either a MLAT or an
Executive agreement. This is in order to gather evidence that is likely to be of evidentiary value without violating the other country’s sovereignty.
An ILOR will be issues by either -
A judge or justice of the peace.