CXR Flashcards
L upper and lower lobes are really located more anteriorly and posteriorly (T/F)
Diaphragm landmarks = __th rib anteriorly, __th rib laterally and ___th rib posteriorly
Apical segment of lungs extend ___cm above clavicle
Bifurcation = below manubrial sternal junction,, correlates to T__-T__
Consolidation will have a ___ precession note, and _____ breath sounds
dull; bronchial
Atelectasis may have decreased chest wall movement, ___ percussion note, and _____ breath sounds
dull; decreased
Pneumothorax: may have decreased chest wall movement, _________ percussion note, and ___ or ____ breath sounds
hyper resonant; decreased or absent
COPD will have decreased barrel chest with prolonged expiration, _______ percussion note and _____ breath sound s
hyper resonant; decreased
Pleural effusion may have decreased chest wall movement, ____ ____ percussion note, and ____ breath sounds
stony dull; decreased
Pulmonary edema will have _______ percussion note, and ____ _____ when breathing
resonant; fine crackles
Sputum retention = palpable crackles with chest wall movement, ____ percussion note, potentially decreased breath sounds and ____ _____ when breathing.
resonant; coarse crackles
3 landmarks to look at when examining lung fields?
- horizontal fissure
- diaphragms
- hilum and vascularity
Right diaphragm will be __ cm higher than the left
Ascending aorta silhouette sign (ss)?
right upper lobe
Aortic arch ss?
left upper lobe
Upper left heart border ss?
Left upper lobe
Lower right heart border ss?
Right middle lobe
Lower left heart border ss?
Right hemi-diaphhram ss?
Right lower lobe
Left hemi-diaphram ss?
left lower lobe
Tip of ETT should be between T__ and T__
Collapse will lead to _____ volume
Collapse looks ____ on x ray
Collapse = ____ of surrounding soft tissues
Consolidation = ____ volume
Consolidation looks _____ on x ray
Pleural effusion = (yes/no)
chest PT
Pleural effusion = increase or decrease in pressure ?
Increase (pushes mediastinum away)