CXR Flashcards
On a CXR, what are the sings of ‘consolidation’?
Fluffy densities
Air bronchograms
On a CXR, what are the sings of atelectasis?
Volume loss
Opacification of all or part of a lung (often more ‘linear’ in appearance)
On a CXR, what are the sings of bronchiectosis?
Ring opactities
Tram tracks
Cystic spaces
(Vascular crowding - close vascular markings)
On a CXR, what are the sings of COPD?
Elongated heart
Decreased lung markings
On a CXR, what are the sings of lung fibrosis?
Volume loss Mediastinal shift Reticular/bodular shadowinh Ground glass appearance Honeycombing
On a CXR, what are the sings of cardiogenic pulmonary oedema?
Bilateral alveolar oedema Kerley B lines Cardiomegaly Diversion of upper lobe vasculature Pleural effusion
On a CXR, what are the sings of non-cariogenic pulmonary oedema?
Diffuse, patchy alveolar shadowing
The absence of cardiomegaly
On a CXR, what are the sings of pleural effusion
Costophrenic angle blunting
‘white out’
On a CXR, what are the sings of pneumothorax?
Linear pleural shadow
Lack of lung markings in area of pneumothorax
On a CXR, what are the sings of the RUL collapse?
Superiorly displaced horizontal fissure
Upper zone shadowing
On a CXR, what are the sings of RML collapse?
Right heart silhouette sign
Wedge-shaped opacity on the lateral CXR
On a CXR, what are the sings of RLL collapse?
Right hemidiaphragm silhouette sign
Lower zone shadowing
Increased lower thoracic density on lateral CXR
On a CXR, what are the sings of LUL collapse?
‘Veil-like’ shadow over the entire left lung
Luftsichel sign
On a CXR, what are the sings of LLL collapse?
Left hemidiaphragm silhouette sign
Sail sign
On a CXR, what are the sings of lingula collapse?
Left heart border silhouette sign
Give 5 classic features that may arise on a CXR that could be indicative of lung cancer
Cavitating lesions
Enlarged lymph nodes (mediastinal lymphadenopathy)
Consolidation (due to obstruction)
Collapse (due to obstruction)
Pleural effusion
Bone metastasis (sclerotic or lytic lesions)
Give 5 possible CXR signs of tuberculosis
Apical fibrosis Apical calcification Volume loss Lymphadenopathy Pleural effusion Miliary shadowing (rare)