CWB Test Flashcards
What does metamorphosis mean?
Metamorphosis is a process some organisms go through as they grow and develop, involving major changes in the anatomy of the organism.
What is the first stage of metamorphosis and give a brief description.
Egg: the mother lays her eggs on the underneath of a leaf, stay in this stage for about 4-8 days, 1 mm in length, oval shaped
What is the second stage of metamorphosis and give a brief description.
Larva: 5 larval stages, molt in between each stage, eats a lot of leaves, produce silk, in this stage about 10-12 days
What is the third stage of metamorphosis and give a brief description.
Pupa: Encapsulated in a chrysalis, major changes occur, in this stage about 6 days
What is the fourth stage of metamorphosis and give a brief description.
Adult: In this stage for 3 weeks, eat nectar using the proboscis concentration is on mating /reproduction
What are some common characteristics of insects that can be found in the Cabbage White Butterfly?
Three body parts (head, thorax, abdomen), 6 legs, wings, 2 antennae, exoskeleton
What phylum does the Cabbage White Butterfly belong to?
What are at least two common characteristics of any member of the phylum you listed above?
Jointed legs and protective exoskeleton
Hard outer casing that surrounds the CWB during the pupa stage
Hard outer protective covering on the outside of an insect
Scientist that studies insects
A stage or phase, used to describe the larval stages
The shedding of the outer exoskeleton during times of growth
The excrement of the CWB
Chemicals made by the plant to make them unappetizing to insects
Why is it a good idea for scientists to understand the eating habits of insects, especially the Cabbage White Butterfly?
So they can learn about foods the insects will prefer and ways to protect crops from insects.
How can you explain the relationship between what a CWB eats and the color of its frass?
The frass is green because the insects do not digest the cell walls of the plant cells they eat. Instead they suck the nutrients out from the inside of the cell and leave the cell walls to be excreted.
How does the CWB detect a food source? What are two main cues?
Taste and Odor
Why do insects molt?
Because the exoskeletons can not grow along with the insect
How can you tell the difference between a female and a male CWB?
Male larvae have two kidney shaped structures seen through their bodies. Male butterflies have one dot on their wings, female butterflies have two dots on their wings. Female butterflies fly in a zig zag pattern , while male butterflies fly in a straight line.
What order does the CWB belong too?
What are four things that are very prominent within larvae?
Eating, Growing, Molting, and Excreting
What types of foods do the CWB larvae prefer?
Radish leaves in the mustard, or cabbage family
Where are the silk glands in a larva and what is the silk used for?
In their head; Used to attach themselves to plant parts
What ingredients in nectar serve as the main sources of food for butterflies?
Sugar, water, minerals, and other nutrients.
What does the proboscis take in?
Nutrients and Water