CVT 103 Sterile Procedure Flashcards
THE STERILE CONSCIENCE: If you have any reason at all to believe that the integrity of a sterile field has been compromised, YOU MUST remedy it, even if it involves breaking down the field and establishing a new one, and bearing the wrath of impatient physicians and co-workers. The alternative may be significant or severe injury to the patient.
Technologists in all three specialties may find themselves in a situation involving sterile fields:
the O.R., the cath lab, or procedures in the ICU.
The point of establishing a sterile field and using sterile techniques is to minimize the possibility of
infection during invasive procedures.
This protects both the patient and the medical team.
Each lab has specific procedures and protocols; we will discuss basic principles
Methods of preventing, and maintaining freedom from, infection
Free from all septic organisms
Capable of destroying pathogenic organisms
Free of all organisms Pathogenic: Causing or giving rise to di
Causing or giving rise to disease
Sterile field:
An area prepared for a medical procedure that is sterile
Three main topics for sterile procedure:
Scrubbing, gowning, gloving.
Personnel involved in sterile procedures:
Circulator: NOT STERILE.
Scrub person: STERILE
Helps others to gown up, delivers items to sterile field, etc.
Scrub person:
Performing or assisting with procedure. STERILE.
6 Basic principles for prevention of circulation of pathogens:
(Air currents and dust can provide mobility for bugs.)
- Mouth and nose always covered
- Avoid unnecessary talking; avoid sneezing or coughing
- Do not shake or flip linen
- Bag soiled linen, dressings, sponges, etc. ASAP
- Keep opening of doors to a minimum
- No visitors (or keep to a minimum)
Maintaining sterile field:
- All items in operative area must be sterile.
- If any doubt about sterility, it’s dirty.
a. Date on package not legible or out-of-date
b. Sterile package in unsterile area
c. Sterile items or field left unattended
- If any doubt about sterility…
it’s dirty.
a. Date on package not legible or out-of-date
b. Sterile package in unsterile area
c. Sterile items or field left unattended
Sterile personnel:
touch ONLY sterile items
a. Sterile persons only should work over sterile areas
b. Do not reach over sterile field
c. Do not lean on sterile field or play with items (minimal handling)
Opening objects onto sterile field:
Quick peel and dump carefully from the side; don’t hover over field. Or peel and let scrubbed person take it.
Only certain parts of the gown are considered sterile:
- Front of gown from waist to shoulders
- Front portion of entire sleeve
- Back portion of sleeve beyond elbow (or total sleeve to ~2 inches above elbow)
When passing sterile person or sterile area— margin of safety:
- Pass back to back
- Ask person to step aside— don’t try to squeeze past
- Don’t walk between two sterile fields
- If you are a sterile person, face sterile areas, keep back to unsterile areas
Hands and arms:
- Keep away from face
- Keep above waist level and in sight
- Avoid grasping or hanging onto front of gown
- Don’t tuck hands into armpits
Sterile and unsterile areas:
- Top of table only is sterile; anything dangling over edge is not sterile.
- Items falling below table-top or waist level are no longer sterile—discard
Edges of sterile wrappers are not sterile; remove items without touching edges.
Sterile wrappers that tear or pull open are unsterile at their edges. Lids and caps of sterile fluid containers are unsterile at their edges.
Scrub pack has:
Scrubbing Scrub pack has fingernail pick, brush/sponge, and germicidal soap. (Medical people should keep nails short. Long nails aren’t clean, also could perforate gloves. Fake nails are bad. Nail polish isn’t good either.)
Long scrub at beginning of day:
8 to 12 minutes complete.
Short scrub between cases:
6 to 8 minutes.
The scrub procedure:
- Change from street clothes into scrubs.
- Remove jewelry, get hair bundled out of the way.
- Surgical hat/hood to cover hair completely.
- Shoe covers (non-conductive)
- Goggles if appropriate
- Face mask: covers nose and mouth (pinch slightly over bridge of nose). Don’t open sides in order to breathe more easily.
- Lead apron for cath cases
Quick wash:
fingertips to 2 inches above elbows.
First waste a few drops of soap from dispenser (not clean at spout). Pick nails with nail pick under running water.
Gown pack:
Obviously must be opened and ready for you at the end of your scrub.
If necessary, you can open it before scrubbing, but it must not be out of your sight.
(Any sterile item out of sight must be considered unclean.)
Opening gown pack (or any sterile pack):
First pull back flap away from you,
then the two side flaps,
finally the flap toward you— this is always last, so you’re not reaching across the sterile package.
Now scrub, always moving from
distal to proximal.
Now scrub
20 strokes per surface (30 for nails/fingertips)
Finger/thumb tips
Four surfaces each digit
Palm, back, and edges of hand
Distal, then proximal forearm to 2 inches above elbow (don’t get sleeves wet)
Repeat for other hand/arm
Rinse from fingers to hand to forearm to elbow, always letting water run toward elbow— not from elbow to hand.
Drying: Towel
Towel is on top of gown in gown pack.
Pick the towel up carefully, not touching or dripping onto the gown. Don’t let the towel brush against a table or anything else.
Divide towel into four surfaces
Top right for grabbing, top left dries left hand
Bottom left for grabbing, bottom right dries right hand
Discard towel
Touch only inside; outside stays sterile
Keep hands inside sleeves (up to but not inside white cuffs)
Helper ties inside-back tie (this can wait till after gloving)
After gloving, hand colored portion of tag (on long end of tie) to helper
Hold onto shorter tie—don’t let go
Spin to left, then pull tie from tag held by helper
Tie up
Closed gloving:
Lay glove on wrist with thumb down, fingers toward elbow
Grab cuff through sleeve with thumb
With other hand (through sleeve), pull cuff around end of sleeve and wriggle hand into glove; be sure glove covers white cuff of sleeve Don’t touch inside of glove cuff once it’s on, and don’t pull any sleeve out from under glove cuff
Repeat for other hand
Watch those thumbs! They get into trouble.
The trick with closed gloving is
to release the thumb of the hand being gloved at the right moment to allow the hand to slip through the white cuff into the glove just as you’re pulling the glove over. It’s a timing thing that must be practiced a lot to get comfortable with it.
Open gloving:
Touch only inside of glove for the first one Touch only the outside of glove for the second one
Watch those thumbs!
Now the outside is dirty, the inside clean (or at least not contaminated).
Pull to break ties, work through insides of sleeves to peel off gown and gloves together, rolling inside out into a wad.
Don’t touch the outside of gown or gloves.
Dispose of gown and gloves into appropriate container