CVS Overview Flashcards
what is the circulatory system?
organ system transporting oxygen, carbon dioxide and nutrients
what does the cardiovascular system consist of?
heart, blood vessels, blood, lymphatic system
what does the pulmonary circulation carry and where to?
oxygen depleted blood and it passes from heart to lungs, returns oxygenated blood to heart
what does the systemic circulation carry and where to?
oxygen rich blood, passes from heart to rest of body, returns deoxygenated blood to heart
what is the mediastinum?
where the heart sits
what does the superior mediastinum contain?
thymus, aorta, blood vessels going into the lungs
what does the middle mediastinum contain?
fat and heart
what does the posterior mediastinum contain?
what is the pericardium and what does it do?
fibrous tissue surrounding the heart, holds everything in place and provides an anchor
what does the serous fluid do?
ensure heart doesn’t rib against pericardium when beating, reduces friction
what is the myocardium?
what does the superior vena cava do?
drains blood from all upper body to heart
what does the inferior vena cava do?
brings all blood below the heart to the heart
what direction does the blood flow into?
right atria - right ventricle - lungs - left atrium - left ventricle
where does the umbilical vein go?
from the belly button to the heart through the anterior abdominal wall and to the liver
what does the ductus venosus do?
defects about 50% of blood straight away from the liver to the heart