CVD, PD, MS Flashcards
What is cerebral thrombosis?
When cerebral artery is clogged by clot/cholesterol usually because of atherosclerosis, which is caused by ischemia (lack of blood flower), which is caused by anoxia (lack of oxygen), which is caused by infarction/necrosis (death of brain cells)-too little blood
Cerebrovascular accident-blood vessel that carries oxygen/nutrient sot brain is either blocked/burst
Lack of blood flow
lack of oxygen
death of brain cells
cerebral embolism
a clot form in the body that becomes dislodge and travels and occludes an arterial brain blood vessel causing ischemia
cerebral hemorrhage
Is when a bubble-like area of the blood vessel (aneurysm) ruptures & burst from build-up of pressure of excess blood
Which does stroke on the left cerebral hemisphere causes?
Righ hemiplegia
What does stroke on the right cerebra hemisphere causes?
Left hemiplegia
Ataxia, which dis?
uncoordinated movements, staggering gait (CVA & MS)
paralysis of one side of the body (includes paralysis & paresthesia)
paralysis, which dis?
loss of muscle function & sensation (CVA &MS)
paresthesia, which dis?
sensory loss, numbness (CVA &MS)
aphasia, which dis?
impaired language process; inability to communicate (CVA)
neglect unilateral
inattention to one side of the body
dysphasia, which dis?
impaired swallowing, risk of aspiration (CVA & PD)
apraxia, which dis?
inability to perform tasks despite adequate cognitive & motor skills (CVA)
dysarthria, which dis?
weak facial muscles & joints which causes speech difficulties (paralysis in muscle), respiratory problems (CVA & PD)
visual field deficit
loses vision in half of each eye
left-side hemiplegia (aka right CVA)
left side paralysis (paresthesia), impulsive behavior, more dangerous than left CVA
right-side hemiplegia (aka left CVA)
aphasia+++, apraxia, cautious behavior
clot-buster drug
given right away
transient ischemic attack; warning stroke
decubitus ulcers/pressure sores
lack of sensory sensation, decrease blood flow risk skin breakdown & infection
spasticity, which dis?
exaggerated muscle tone (dig nails into the skin) (CVA)
flaccidity, which dis?
jello-like muscle tone (CVA)
Parkinson’s disease
progressive degenerative disease of the brain, characterized by tremor @ rest, muscular rigidity, slow movement, and posture instability
Cause of PD
depletion of dopamine in basial ganglia deteriorates nerve message to muscles (movment control)
Signs & symptoms of PD
- involuntary Tremor (decr. purposeful, incr. stress);
- rigidity
3 bradykinesia - slowness in all motor voluntary movements
akinesia, which dis?
difficulty initiation of movements (PD)
decrease movement (PD)
unwanted jerky movements, hallucinations/delirium
what’s one rehabilitation technique/exercise?
increase balance by doing taichi
Multiple sclerosis - a chronic, progressive disease of the CNS, interferes brain’s ability to control function like vision, muscular coordination & speech
What is the pathology of MS?
disease attack myelin sheath causing inflammation causing distorted nerve impulse
What is the possible etiology of MS?
Lack of vitamin D
What are the signs & symptoms of MS
fluctuating s&s, asymmetrical; visual problems (optic neuritis), extreme fatigue, paresthesia (sensory) & paralysis (motor weakness)
Optic neuritis
involuntary eye movement; twitch
Hypophonia, which dis?
Decrease volume, monotone
Hypophonia, which dis?
Deacrease volume, monotone