CVA Flashcards
right side CVA characteristics
- left weakness
- Hemineglect on left side
- poor judgement, impulsivity
- short attention span and short-term memory loss
- communication problems due to facial muscle weakness
- cognitive problems
Left side CVA characteristics
- right side weakness/paralysis
- Aphasia due to damage in wernickes or brocas area
- personality changes
- difficulty processing new information
homonymous hemianopsia
visual field loss on the same side on both eyes (L temporal and L nasal)
L homonymous Hemianopsia is due to right occipital lobe leison
- pts fail to be aware of items to one side of space
- Neglect on the left side can be due to damage on in the right hemisphere
Acquired communivation disorder caused by brain damage and is characterized by an impairment of language comprehension, formulation, and use. due to lesions in the left hemisphere
Fluent Aphasia
- damage to the wernickes area
- lesion in the auditory association cortex in the left lateral temporal lobe
- Speech flows smoothly with a variety of grammatical constructions and preserved melody of speech
- auditory comprehension is impaired
- pt demonstrates difficulty in comprehending spoken language and following commands
non fluent aphasia
- brocas area
- premotor area of the left frontal lobe is damaged
- the flow do speech is slow and hesitant and vocabulary is limited
- comprehension is good
- speech production is labored or lost completely
inability to recognize an object by sight, touch or hearing
inability to carry out a learned sequential movement on command
forgetting the idea of an object
know what an object is but they do not know what to do with it.
0 on the modified ashworth scale
no increase in muscle tone
1 on the modified ashworth scale
slight increase in muscle tone manifested by a catch
1 + on the modifies ashworth scale
slight increase in muscle tone manifiested by a catching with minimal resistance throughout the remainder of ROM
2 on the modified ashworth scale
more marked increase in muscle tone throughout most of the ROM, but effected part still easy to move