CV1 Flashcards
A berry aneurysm ruptures. What kind of cranial bleed is there?
What are the complications of HTN?
- Cornoary Artery Disease
- HF
- Atrial fib
- Aortic disssectino
- AA
- STroke
- retinopathy
Proteins are leaking into the vessel wall.
HTN hyaline arteriosclerosis
Vaso vasorum sclerosis
Aortic dissection from hyaline arteriosclerosis
Tertiary syphilis
Pt has incresaed C Reactive protein in the presence of vascular disease. What does this mean?
If you have atherosclerosis and increased C Reactive protein, it means you’ll get cardiovascular failure.
Bx shows cholesterol crystals,/clefts, needle like spaces
You see calcificatino fo aortic arch that looks like tree bark.
Syphilitic heart disease
Tree bark - calcifications that happen to the entire aorta
You see cystic medial degeneration.
This is cysts and necrosis in the media layer of a large artery
What is increased?
= aneurysm from loss of connective tissu
Things that cause aneurysms:
- HTN –> Hyaline arteriosclerosis –> Aneurysm
- Marfan’s can also cause CMD;
- Syphils
- Atherosclerosis
Proteoglycans in aorta
Which vascular pathology is located between the renal arteries and the bifurcation?
10 cm from aortic arch?
aortic dissection - 10 cm
Which large artery disease can result in aortic valve insufficiency?
Takayasu arteritis
Polyarteritis nodosa, explain
Necrotizing infalmmation at renal arteries, when it heals, makes a string of pearls on imaging
Mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome affects what artery? What unique cliniical presentation does it come with
AKA Kawasaki disease
coronary artery
Conjunctivitis, rash on palms and soles
What is leukocytoclastic vasculitis
and what is it’s morph
Microscopic polyangiitis
fibrinoid necrosis
Aphthous ulcers, genital ulcers, uveitis. What is diagnostic?
Behcet disease - neutrophilic inflammation
A female patient has fingers that turn blue when she gets stressed out, what’s she got?
primary Raynaud
What things cause 2 Raynaud phenomenon?
SLE, Scleroderma, thromboangiitis obliterans
Pt presents with needle tracks in their arm and cardiac arrest., what happened?
Epi, cocaine OD; myocardial vasospasm (cardiac Raynaud)
Milky chylous accumulations in body cavities from rupture of what
Describe Sturge Weber
Port wine stains
trigeminal nerve
- Mental retarded, seizure, hemiplegia
CD31; where does this arise?
Skin breast liver
What causes high output cardiac failure?
Arterioveno shunt
A baby has a nevus flammeus, what are you worried about? What areas of the body should you look at?
Sturge Weber Syndrome; port wine stains.
brain for skull radiopacities, leptomeningieal angiomatosis masses
A pregnant patient presents with spider telangiectasisas. What caused these?
A pt with angiosarcoma may work around the following chemicals
PVC, Arsenic, thorotrast
An alcoholic mother has her child and the child is messed up. What heart defect?
fetal alcohol syndrome
Baby born with rubella. what heart defect he got?
Patent ductus arteriosus
Pulm a steno
A pt has transposition of great vessels, what did the mother likely have?
Maternal diabetes
Turner Syndrome associations
Coarctation fo the aorta
Pts have prinzmetal variant angina is caused by what toxins?
Cocaine alcohol triptans
When do MI deaths occur?
within 1 hour due to arrhythmia
2-4 days when macrophages come weaken the wall and rupture the myocardium
Hypertensive patients die from what?
- Stroke
- Renal failure
What’s the path from HTN to aortic dissection?
HTN –> hyaline arteriosclorosis –> Vaso vasorum sclerosis –> aortic dissection
Homeless pt has swallowing/breathing problems with a persistent cough. PMH sig for HTN. Auscultation reveals a systolic whooshing sound.
Systolic whooshing - aortic valve insufficiency
Impingement of thoracic AA on esophagus and laryngeal nerves.
alcohol? Rubella? Down? Diabetic Marfan Turner
OH2: VSD Rubella: PDA 21: VSD & endocardial cushion cells DM: Transposition Marfan: MVP Turner: Coarctation
Pt has a fever but grams are negative. What is the main source of vasculitis without infection?
immune complexes
What do ANCAs do?
Activate neutrophil –> granule release and ROS
Which vasculitis is associated with immune T cells?
Giant cell temporal arteritis
Granulomastosis with polyangiitis
Takayasu as well
A pt presents and yous ee intimal thickening, fragmentation of the lamina and granulomatous inflammation on bx of a large artery. What clinical symptoms will yousee?
Giant cell arteritis
Vision loss, headache
Aortic valve insufficiency can be caused by
AOrtic dissection
Thoracic aortic aneurysm
takayasu arteritis
Pulseless disease is whatguy
A pt presents with a systemic vasculitis. PMH Hep B. Which vessels are affected?
mostly renal
A pt with suspected vasculitis has a cavitation in the lung
Granulomatosis with polyangiitis wegener
What tumors can cuse SVC and IVC syndromes?
SVC - Bronchogenic cacinoma, mediastinal alymphoma,
What venous dilation can cause hemoptysis, GI bleeds, ematuria, epistaxis
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia