CV pathology Flashcards
R Atrium
atrial appendage: broad attachment neck, blunt tip Internal features: - smooth sinus venarum connecting SVC&IVC - crista terminalis with perpendicular pectinate trabeculae - fossa ovalis with distinct limbus - coronary sinus
Right atrium
• inlet is tricuspid valve
• multiple small papillary muscles
• coarse trabecular zone
• muscular infundibulum (outlet)
- trabecula septomarginalis
- lack of fibrous continuity between atrioventricular valve (tricuspid) and arterial valve (pulmonary)
• atrial appendage
- narrow attachment neck
- hooked tip
• internal features
- pectinate muscles confined to atrial appendage
- smooth pulmonary vein component
- irregular flap valve or plaque of foramen ovale
• inlet is mitral valve with 2 distinct papillary muscles
• fine trabecular zone
• smooth subarterial septum
• fibrous continuity of atrioventricular valve (mitral) and
arterial valve (aortic)
perimembranous VSD
muscular (probe) VSD and perimembranous VSD
complete AVSD (often seen in Down’s syndrome)
transposition of the great arteries
Truncus arteriosus
Hypoplastic left heart
Endocardial fibroelastosis
anterior wall rupture
few days after event
acute MI
extensive hemorrhage secondary to capillary ischemia + necrosis
loss of myocyte nuclei