CV histo week 1 Flashcards
The cardiovascular system is the transport system that carries blood and lymph to and from the tissues of the body. What are its components?
hear, blood vessels, and lymphatic vessels
In the capillary beds, there is two directional exchange of fluid called ____ ____ where oxygen, CO2, metabolites, and waste are exchanged.
blood filtrate
Describe the pattern of lymph drainage.
Fluid that escapes from the capillary bed goes into lymph capillaries and is returned to the blood by coursing into larger and larger lymphatic vessels that evetullay drain into veins of the neck.
What vessels do WBCs leave circulation to go into tissues?
True or false: Each organ has a patterns or blueprint for blood flow which is characteristic for that organ. (liver, spleen, kidney, etc.)
What is the composition and function of the fibrous skeleton of the heart?
It is composed of dense irregular CT. It provides attachment sites for the leaflet of all four valves of the heart (aortic, pulmonic, tricuspid, mitral). Also provides attachment for the myocardium. Extends into the membranous portion of the interventricular septum where it lies adjacent to a portion of the conduction system. Also acts as an electrical insulator by preventing flow of electrical impulses btwn atria and ventricles.
What is included in the impulse conduction system of the heart? What are these parts made of? What are they controlled by?
- made up of the SA node, AV node, bundle of His, right and left bundle branches, Purkinje fibers
- highly specialized cardiac muscle cells NOT NERVE CELLS!
- regulated by the autonomic nervous system
What are the 3 layers of the heart and what are their compositions?
From outside in: epidcardium, myocardium, endocardium
epicardium: outermost layer of mesothelial cells (simple squamous epithelium), small amount of CT, blood vessels (coronary arteries for example), nerves, fat
myocardium: cardiac muscle and accompanying CT, specialized fibrous skeleton in certain locations
endocardium: fibroelastic CT in a loose arrangement, impulse conduction system elements (in certain locations), innermost layer is endothelium (simple squamous epithelium) facing the lumen of each chamber and covering the valves as well, may include bundles of Purkinje fibers
True or false: The contraction of cardiac muscle is vigorous, rhythmic, and under the contol of both the ANS and circulating hormonse. The structrual arrangment of intercalated discs allows the heart to contract in a wringing fashion.
What is the flow of blood through the varying sizes of arteries and veins?
Blood flows from the heart into large (elastic) arteries that lead to muscular (distributing) arteries and then to arterioles. Capillary beds vary in permeability and have some specializations for exchange properties. Blood enters the venous side by passing into venules (also sites for exchange) and then into veins of increasing size.
What are the 3 layers/tunics of vessels?
Tunica intima
Tunica media
Tunica adventicia
What is located in the tunica intima, tunica media, and tunica adventicia?
tunica intima: endothelium linging with its basal lamina. Adjacent, a subendothelial layer consisting of loose CT. In arteries and arterioles, there is also an internal elastic lamina which is a sheetlike lamina of fenestrated elastic membrane.
tunica media: Contains circumferentially arranged smooth muscle cells. Also contains collagen, elastin, reticular fibers (type III collagen) and proteoglycans interwoven with the smooth muscle. Arteries have organized layers of elastic fibers in the tunica media. The fenestrations in these sheets of elastic allow for passage of molecules and can house bundles of smooth muscle interwoven within this layer. The boundaries of the tunica media in an artery extend from the internal elastic membrane to the exernal elastic membrane. This layer is larger in arteries than in veins.
tunica adventicia: longitudinally arranged collagenous tissue with elastic fibers. These CT elements wil erge with the CT surrounding the vessel. In large vessels, this layer contains the vasa vasorum (vessels contained within the wall of a vessel) and nervi vascularis (nerve fibers in the wall of a vessel). In veins, this layer is thicker than the companion artery and in large veins, smooth muscle may be present in this layer.
What are the types of vessels?
What are some features of large elastic arteries? Name one example in the body.
Aorta is a large elastic artery.
- relativley thick tunica intima
- thick tunica media with prominent elastic laminae
- tunica adventitia with vasa vasorum and nervi vascularis
please see pg 85 of course notes for another pic
What are some features of muscular arteries? Where are they found in the body?
Most arteries are muscular arteries.
- thinner tunica intima (than elastic arteries)
- prominent internal elastic lamina
- thick tunica media
- external elastic lamina (sometimes visible)
What are some features of arterioles?
Arterioles regulate flow to capillary beds.
- have only 1-2 layers of smooth muscle in the tunica media
- very thin tunica intima
- no internal elastic lamina
- thin tunica adventicia
see pg 87 of course notes for another pic