CV Flashcards
What is the goal of cardiac assessment What is the cardiac evaluation alogrithm?
The goal of preop cardiac assessment is to: identify patients with heart disease who are at high risk for perioperative cardiac morbidity or mortality or those with modifiable conditions or risk.
- Step 1: urgency of surgery
- Step 2: determine if active cardiac condition nStep 3: determine surgical risk
- Step 4: assess functional capacity
- Step 5: assess clinical predictors/markers
- We use American college of cardiology and American heart association
What determine urgency of surgery (step 1)?
- one where life or limb would be threatened if surgery did not proceed:
- emergent- within < 6 hours
urgent- within 6-24 hours
- Emergency sx → focus on:
- Risk reduction- ex: BB, statins, pain management
- perioperative surveillance – ex: serial EKG, cardiac enzymes
- Emergency sx → focus on:
What is Step 2 in Cardiac eval algorithm?
- Active cardiac conditions should be ruled out in pt not requiring emergent sx
example: TREAT or DELAY/CANCEL if active conditions (unless emergency sx)
- Acute coronary syndrome
- decompensated heart failure
- severe valvular disease
- pulm HTN
- significant arrhythmias
- Should be ruled out in patients not requiring emergency surgery.
- If any conditions present → TREAT
Recent MI— Attempt to find DATE of infarction
- Nonurgent surgery – delay for 60 days.<< american heart guidlines
What is the risks of perioperative MI?
- Risk of perioperative MI in the patient with previous MI
- General population= 0.3%
- MI > 6 months =6%
- MI if 3-6 months = 15%
- MI< 3months =30%
What is Step 3 in cardiac algorithm?
- perioperative cardiac risks for non cardiac surgical procedures
- CV risk under what type of sx undergoing
- Highest risk involving aorta/vascular sx
- Low risk- cataract, breast, ambulatory sx
- LOW RISK→ proceed directly to sx
What is step 4 in cardiac algorithm?
Determine METS
- METs (Metabolic equivalent of Task)= Exercise equivalent
- 1 MET= amount of O2 consumed while sitting at rest
- O2 consumption of 3.5 ml/min/kg body wt
Preop- fx capacity should be found
- AHA:
> 4 METs = proceed directly to sx
- “Are you able to walk a flight of stairs?” → YES = immediately know they are MET=5
- < 4 METs = undergo CV stress testing prior to going to elective sx
> 4 METs = proceed directly to sx
- AHA:
What is the Duke Activity Specific Index (DASI)?
Estimated METS = (0.43 X DASI score) + 9.6
- Asking pt not necessarly estimate exercise capacity
- Not seen used… but more reliable estimate of exercise capacity
- Don’t need to know formula for test…
What can you use in lieu of assessing functional capacity?
- Canadian Cardiac Guidelines recommend utilization of Cardiac biomarkers (BNP, Pro-BNP) to assess periop risk
Low risk:
- BNP: < 100
- Pro-BNP: < 300
High risk:
- BNP: > 300
- Pro-BNP: > 900
Low risk:
What are some general risk factors for periop cardiac morbidity/mortality for non cardiac sx
General risk factors: INCREASED periop cardiac m/m (know!!!)
High risk surgeries
- ex: Aortic and other vascular sx
- Peripheral vascular sx
Ischemic heart ds hx
- unstable angina – GREATEST risk of periop MI
- CHF hx
- Cerebrovascular ds hx
- Diabetes
- Serum creatinine > 2 mg/dL
What is Step 5 in cardiac evaluation algorithm? What are minor risk factors for CAD?
- Clinical risk factors for CAD
- # of CV clinical predictors (ex: IHD, HF, CVA, DM, Renal insufficiency) → determine the likely benefit of further cardiac testing who reach step 5
- Pts with no clinical predictors → proceed to sx
- With risk predictors → benefit from further testing, only if results will alter management
MINOR : clinical markers for CAD
- abnormal ECG
- smoking
- increased age/ male sex –hypercholesterolemia
- rhythm other than sinus rhythm –family history
- obesity
- COLLECTIVELY: Recognized markers for Heart Disease
- INDEPENDENTLY: do NOT show increase periop CV risk
Intermediate clniical predictors for periop CV M/M?
- known CAD
- Prior MI > 1 month and Q waves on ECG
- history of mild, stable angina
- compensated or previous LV failure / CHF
- Diabetes
- chronic renal insufficiency (Cr > 2.0 mg/dL)
- cerebrovascular disease (stroke, TIA)
Major clinical predictors of increased CV risk?
Major (ACTIVE cardiac conditions- from step 2) – of periop CV M/M risk
- unstable coronary syndromes
- acute or recent MI < 1 month
- unstable or severe angina
- decompensated CHF
- significant arrhythmias 3rd degree, SVT, uncontr AF
- severe valvular disease
What is the Cardiac Risk Index?
- High-risk sx
- Ischemic Heart dx
- CHF hx
- CV dx hx
- Cerebral vascular dx
- DM requiring insulin
- Creatinine > 2.0 mg/dl
- Summation provide score to estimate risk of major CV events
- Ex: Score 0 = 0.4% risk of major CV event periop
- >3= 5.4% risk of major CV event periop
- Summation provide score to estimate risk of major CV events
Basic components of cardiac exam?
- History taking
- –including medications
- Physical exam
- Resting 12-Lead ECG
- if indicated → within 30 days of surgery
What is important to assess for on EKGs preop?
- EKGs →
- assessment of rhythm
- L ventricular hypertrophy
- Prior MI (abnormal Q-waves).
- Ex: Abnormal Q-waves in high risk patients = highly suggestive of previous MI
- Absent Q-wave does not rule out MI in past
- It has been estimated that ~30% of MIs occur without symptoms
- “silent infarct”→ can only be detected on screening EKG
Silent infarcts occurrence most:
- Diabetic patients
- Hypertensive patients
Silent infarcts occurrence most:
- “silent infarct”→ can only be detected on screening EKG
- However, the 2014 ACC/AHA guidelines recommend a preop 12- lead EKG only for patients w known CAD or other structural heart ds.
What are the recommendations for preop 12- lead EKG?
Class IIA? IIB? III?
It is Reasonable to Perform the Procedure (12-lead) for patients with:
- significant arrhythmia
- significant structural heart disease
- EXCEPT: if undergoing low-risk surgical procedures (ex: breast, cateract, ambulatory, superficial, endoscopic sx)
It is Reasonable to Perform the Procedure (12-lead) for patients with:
Class IIB:
- The Procedure may be Considered for asymptomatic pts w/o known coronary heart ds, except for those undergoing low-risk surgical procedures
Class III:
- The Procedure Should Not Be Performed Because it is Not Helpful for asymptomatic patients undergoing low-risk surgical procedures
What are some adjunct tests done to patient with CV risk factors or pt undergoing high risk sx?
- Chest X-Ray
- Labs
- Stress testing
- Echocardiography
- CAT scan
- Coronary angiography
- (Gold Standard-for coronary anatomy)
- Rule of thumb: Will results of test change management of pt?
- YES → proceed with test collection
- Rule of thumb: Will results of test change management of pt?
- (Gold Standard-for coronary anatomy)
What is goal of history?
- Goal of history is to elicit:
- Severity
- Progression
- functional limitations
Interviewing: Identify RISK factors (not symptoms)
Symptoms vary person to person
- Ex: Elderly, females, DM – present with atypical features
- Women MI s/s: N/V, SOB, back pain (atypical features)
Symptoms vary person to person
Interviewing: Identify RISK factors (not symptoms)
What are some questions that can be asked during cardiac evaluation?
- Short of breath lying flat (orthopnea)?
- Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea?
- Congestive heart failure?
- Heart attack? (diagnosed by EKG or elevated enzymes)
Angina (with activity/ @ rest), or chest pain/ pressure/ tightness related to your heart?
- What are precipitating factors?
- Associated symptoms?
- What is frequency?
- Duration of pain?
- Methods of relief?
- Irregular heartbeat or palpitations?
- Pacemaker? ICD?
- Heart murmur?
- Diagnostic tests, therapies, names of treating physician?
- Problems with blood pressure or HTN?
Untreated HTN pts→ greatest ¯in BP during induction
- risk of myocardial ischemia/arrythmias
Untreated HTN pts→ greatest ¯in BP during induction
- PVD?
What is paroxysmal nocturanl dyspnea?
- Sudden difficulty breathing and orthopnea that awakens pts from sleep
- Prompts pts to sit up, stand up, go to window for air
- +/- wheezing
- ~1-2 hrs after bed- occurs around same time on subsequent nights
- → Indicative: LV HF, Mitral Stenosis, or Obstructive Lung Dx
Even more questions to ask….
- Diabetes?
- Renal insufficiency?
- High cholesterol?
- Estrogen status?
- Research: Estrogen offers CV protection
- Age and weight?
- Fatigued?
- Syncope?
- Anemia?
- Smoke or drink alcohol?
Illicit drug use?- Marijuana→ tachycardia
- Opioids → hypotension & bradycardia
- Cocaine → tachycardia & HTN
What is angina?
- Angina – sign of imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply vs. demand.
- GERD and Esophageal spasm MIMIC angina
- heartburn can result in angina-like pain
- Can be relieved by Nitroglycerin
- GERD and Esophageal spasm MIMIC angina
- Stable vs unstable angina
What is stable angina?
- Stable—substernal discomfort à exertion.
- Relieved by: rest, NTG, or both in < 15 min.
- Typical pattern à radiation to jaw, shoulder, neck, inner aspect of arm.
- Poses no greater threat to periop MI than the absence of anginal symptoms
What is unstable angina?
- Unstable—occurs at rest
- newly developed (w/in past 2 mo) or angina that last > 30 min.
- Angina that has worsened w/ inc freq, intensity, or duration.
- Less responsive to meds.
- A/w highest risk for perioperative MI
- Present in EKG, not labs:
- Produces transient ST or T wave changes WITHOUT development of Q waves
- No elevation of cardiac enzymes
Unstable angina–> cancel elective sx until evaluated
- WORKUP: coronary angiography, exercise EKG stress testing
What is Prinzmetal’s Angina?
- aka variant angina
- Produced by Coronary vasospasm (rather than occlusion)
- Vasospastic angina that occurs at rest.
- Triggered by stress, cold weather, smoking, medications, etc
- ST elevation during episode on 12-lead
- patients have a higher incidence of migraine HA and Raynaud’s (perhaps due to a basic vaso-spastic disease)
- Treatment: Nitrates, CCBs