Curry Chapter 4 Flashcards
Acoustic enhancement
“increased echo amplitude” or “posterior through transmission” visualized posterior to a structure that does not attenuate (decrease, stop, impede, or absorb) the sound beam. considered a type of sonographic artifact
example: bright posterior through transmission can be visualized posterior to the urinary bladder
ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable)
the prudent use of diagnostic sonography dictates that the output level and exposure time to ultrasound is minimized while obtaining diagnostic data
example: the thermal index(TI) and mechanical index (MI) are components of ultrasound bioeffects that should be monitored while scanning. The TI and MI values are usually located in the upper right side of the display screen.
Anterior (ventral)
situated at or directed toward the front. a structure in front of another structure.
Example: the liver is situated anteriorly in the body. The body of the pancreas is anterior to portions of the: splenic vein; superior mesenteric artery; left renal vein; abdominal aorta; spine.
The head of the pancreas is anterior to the inferior vena cava.
Acoustic impedance
Resistance a material provides to the passage of sound waves.
example: bone portrays more acoustic impedance than tissue.
acoustic shadows
“reduced echo amplitude” or echo “drop off” posterior to a structure that attenuated (decreases, stops, impedes, or absorbs) the sound beam. Margins of the shadow are generally sharp and well-defined. considered a type of sonographic artifact.
example: black posterior shadowing can be visualized posterior to the fetal femur.
term used to describe an echo-free appearance on a sonographic image
example: a true cyst appears anechoic
image artifacts are echo features or structures observed on ultrasound images that are unassociated with the object being imaged
example: acoustic shadows are one type of sonographic artifact
accumulation of serious fluid anywhere in the abdominopelvic cavity
example: ascites may be visualized in the posterior cul-de-sac of the abdominopelvic cavity
decrease in the intensity of the sound beam as it passes through a structure, caused by absorption, scatter, or beam divergence
example: the density, composition, and angle of the sound beam when it strikes an object determine how much of the sound beam is attenuated
axial (short axis) (view or section)
at right angle to longitudinal sections.
example: axial views of the aorta may be seen in transverse scanning plane images. axial sections of the pancreas can be visualized in sagittal scanning plane images of the mid hypogastrium.
beam divergence
widening of the sound beam as it travels
Example: the pyramid appearance of an ultrasound image typifies bean divergence.
calculi/ “stones”
concentration of mineral salts that may accompany some disease processes.
Example: calculi are often visualized within the gallbladder as bright, movable, structures that vary in size and cast posterior shadows.
calipers (electronic)
two or more measurement cursors that can be manipulated to calibrate the distance between echoes of interest on the image
Ex: measurement calipers are used to obtain length, width, and anteroposterior measurements to provide the dimensions or total volume of a structure of interest.
color flow doppler
doppler shift info in a 2D presentaion superimposed on a real time gray scale anatomic cross-sectional image
ex: flow directions are presented as diff colors on the ultrasound display screen
complex mass
abnormal mass within the body composed of both tissue and fluid
ex: a complex mass is classified as an abnormal tissue and fluid collection within the body that disrupts the otherwise normal echo pattern of organ parenchyma
situated on or affecting the opposite side
ex: the ovaries are contralateral organs
a comparison to show differences
ex: an ultrasound image produced a preponderance of dark and light comparative gray scale tones
coronal scanning planes
any plan parallel to the long axis of the body and perpendicular to sagittal scanning planes
ex: a coronal scanning plane image demonstrated the anatomy visualized in a lateral to medial dimension and superior to inferior dimension
- does not display anterior/ posterior
coupling agent
substance used to reduce air between the ultrasound transducer and surface of the skin
ex: gel is a typical coupling agent used in sonography
Crura of diaphragm
right and left crus or fibromuscular bands arising from the lumbar vertrebrae that insert into the central tendon of the diaphragm
ex: the crura of the diaphragm are often visualized on ultrasound images as curvilinear structures immediately adjacent to the spine. their sonographic appearance varies from bright to hypoechoic relative to adjacent structures
describes the sonographic appearance of a fluid collection within the body that does not meet the criteria to be considered a true cyst
ex: ascites is said to be cystic in nature
internal, situated away from the surface
ex: the kidneys are deep structures within the body
depth of penetration
max distance the sound bean travels from the transducer through a medium
ex: the greater the distance the beam will travel through a medium. the greater the attenuation of a medium, the less the distance of travel
diffuse disease
infiltrative disease throughout an organ that disrupts the otherwise normal sonographic appearance of organ parenchyma
ex: infiltrative disease alters the normal echo pattern throughout an organ
situated farthest from the point of origin
ex: the abdominal aorta is distal to the thoracic aorta
doppler (effect)
change in observed sound frequency caused by relative motion between the source of the sound or reflector and the observer.
ex: doppler is used to detect blood flow through vessels. it detects not only the presence of flow but also the direction of flow by measuring the difference in the frequency of the reflected sound compared with the transmitted sound.
describes a structure that is able to produce echoes or echo pattern. hyperechoic, hypo, and anechoic are the terns used to quantify either an abundance or absence of echoes displayed by a structure in a sonographic image
ex: body structures are echogenic or capable or producing echoes
few echoes
ex: the bile-filled gallbladder may appear echopenic
echo texture
describes the sonographic appearance of soft tissue structures within the body
ex: normal organ parenchyma (soft tissue) is charactized sonographyically as homogeneous or uniform in echo texture. if disrupted or changed by disease, the parenchyma typically assumes an irregular or heterogeneous echo texture or pattern. the nature of this change may be diffuse disease (infiltrative;focal) or localized disease ( a mass or multiple masses circumscribed to a specific area)
extraorgan pathology
abnormal disease process that originated outside of an organ
ex: an extrahepatic mass may be visualized originating outside of an organ causing abnormalities such as displacement of other organs and structures, obstruction of other organs or structures from view, internal invagination of organ capsules, and discontinuity of organ capsules.
focal/ multifocal change
disease process confines to isolated areas of an organ
ex: a focal area of altered echo pattern may be visualized in only a part of an organ
focal zone
the point at which the sound beam is the narrowest and the resolution is the best.
ex: different transducers have different depths where their focus or focal zone is optimal. therefore, the depth of a structure (of interest) within the body determines which transducer should be used.
gray scale
scale of achromatic colors having multiple graduations from white to black
ex: sonographic display format where echo amplitude (intensity) is recorded and presented as variations in brightness of shades of gray.
decribes an irregular or mixed echo pattern of organ parenchyma on a sonographic image
ex: an organ can appear heterogeneous when pathology disrupts its otherwise normal uniform sonographic appearance.
describes uniform or similar echo patterns of organ parenchyma on a sonographic image
ex: an organs homogeneous appearance is disrupted by pathology
comparative term used to describe an area in a sonographic image where the echoes are brighter relative to surrounding structures.
ex: the pancreas usually appears hyperechoic relative to the liver.
compartive term used to describe an area in a sonographic image where the echoes are not as bright relative to surrounding structures.
ex: the kidney typically appears hypoechoic relative to the liver.
inferior (caudal)
toward the feet. situated below or directed downward. a structure lower than another structure.
ex: the uterus is situated inferiorly in the body. the superio mesentric artery is inferior to the celiac axis. the body of the pancrea is inferior to the esophageal gastric junction. the bifurcation of the aorta is inferior to the level of the renal arteries.
infiltrative disease
diffuse disease process that spreads throughout an entire organ.
ex: the echo pattern of an organ is altered throughout due to infiltrative disease.
the boundary between two materials of structures
ex: use the bright sonographic appearance of fat interfaces to differentiate body structures from each other.
intraorgan pathology
abnormal disease process that originates within an organ.
Ex: an intraorgan mass may be visualized originating within an organ and causing abnormalities such as disruption of the normal internal architecture, external bulging of the organs capsule, and displacement or shifting of adjacent body structures.
abdominopelvic structures enclosed in the sac formed by the pariental peritoneum.
ex: the liver (except for the bare area posterior to the dome), gallbladder, spleen (except for the hilum), stomach, the majority of the intestines, and the ovaries are considered intraperitonal
situated on or affecting the same side
Ex: the spleen and left kidney are ipsilateral
comparative term used to describe an area in a sonographic image where the echo patterns are equal in echogenicity.
ex: the spleen may appear isogenic relative to the liver.
pertaining to the right or left of the middle or midline of the body. describes a structure situated at, on, or toward the side.
ex: the spleen is situated left laterally in the body. the carotid arteries are lateral to the thyroid gland. the pancreas head, neck, and tail are lateral to the pancreas body. the kidneys are lateral to the spine.
localized disease
represents a circumscribed mass or multiple masses
ex: masses may be classified as solid, cystic, or complex
long axis (view or section)
represents the longest length of a structure
ex: it is standard to measure the long axis section of most structures
longitudinal (view or section)
pertains to length; running lengthwise
ex: longitudinal views of the aorta may be seen in coronal or sagittal scanning planes images. a longitudinal section of the splenic vein can be visualized in transverse scanning plane images of the mid hypogastrium.
circumscribed disease process
ex. a mass is defined according to its composition: solid, cystic, or complex
situated at, on, or toward the middle or midline of the body.
ex: the spine is situated medially within the body, the pancreas neck is medial to the head of the pancreas; the pancreas body is medial to the head, neck, and tail of the pancreas.
any material through which sound waves travel
ex: most fluid collections are nonattenuating mediums, whereas bone is an attenuating medium.
a double fold of peritoneum that connects intraperitoneal organs to the abdominal cavity wall.
ex: gallbladder position is variable due to its long mesentery
mirror image artifact (non-doppler)
the sonographic image of a structure is duplicated in an atypical position and appears as a mirror image of the original.
ex: mirror images usually occur when scanning structures that share a distinctly curved interfaces, such as the interface between the diaphragm and liver and diaphragm and spleen.
degeneration or “death” of tissue
ex: many complex masses are described as necrotic
new, abnormal growth of existing tissues; either benign or malignant
ex: a neoplasm is characterized as a tumor or mass.
at right angles; perpendicular
ex: coronal planes are orthogonal to sagittal planes
tissue composing an organ
Ex: normal organ parenchyma appears homogeneous on an ultrasound image
thin sheet of tissue that lines the peritoneal cavity and secretes serous fluid, which serves as a lubricant and facilitates free movement between organs.
ex: structures enclosed and generally covered by peritoneum include the liver gallbladder, spleen, stomach, majority of the intestines, and ovaries. structures behind and only anterior surfaces are vovered by peritoneum include the pancreas, inferior vena cava, abdominal aorta, urinary system, colon, and uterus.
portion of lining that forms a closed sac
portion of lining that directly covers organs and various body structures
inside the sac
posterior or behind the sac
pleural effusion
a collection of fluid inside the lung
ex: a pleural effusion appears anechoic and hypoechoic relative to the bright appearance of adjacent ribs
posterior (dorsal)
situated at or directed toward the back. a structure behind another structure.
ex: the kidneys are situated posteriorly in the body.
situated closest to the point of origin or attachment.
ex: the common hepatic duct is proximal to the common bile duct
area of the abdominopelvic cavity located behind or posterior to the peritoneum
ex: structures posterior to the peritoneum include the pancreas, inferior vena cava, abdominal aorta, urinary system, adrenal glands, colon, and uterus. only their anterior surfaces are in contact with the parietal peritoneal lining
ultrasound image artifact caused when sound waves pass through and beyond a structure whose acoustic impedance is noticeably different than an adjacent structure, causing a huge amount of reflection back to the transducer.
ex: reverberation is a common artifact seen on ultrasound images when scanning intercostally. generally, an image of a structure (in this case a rib) is repeated, with the repeated images taken at an equal distances from the others.
midsagittal and parasagittal scanning planes
any plane parallel to the long axis of the body and perpendicular to coronal scanning planes
ex: a sagittal scanning plan image demonstrates the anatomy visualized in an anterior to posterior (or posterior-to-anterior) dimension and superior-to-inferior dimension.
thin, membranous inclusions within a mass
ex: single or multiple septations may be visualized in cystic or complex masses
solid mass
abnormal mass within the body composed of one thing, tissue
Ex: a solid mass is classified as an abnormal tissue collection within the body that disrupts the otherwise normal echo pattern of organ parenchyma on an ultrasound image.
pictorial record with ultrasound
ex: image records representative of the findings during an ultrasound examination.
highly skilled allied-health professional qualified by technologic education to perform ultrasound examinations of patients and document the results under the supervision of a physician.
ex: sonographers are responsible for gathering pertinent data during an ultrasound exam and documenting the necessary representative images of the study for physician interpretation or diagnosis.
the physician who interprets a sonogram
ex: during an ultrasound exam, a sonologist may scan and take images or use images provided by a sonographer to ultimately make a diagnosis based on the ultrasound findings.
external. situated on or toward the surface
ex: testicles are superficial structures,
thyroid is a superficial gland.
superior (cranial)
toward the head. situated above or directed upward. a structure higher than another structure.
ex: the lungs are situated superiorly in the body. the diaphragm is the superior margin of the abdominopelvic cavity
pertains to the body as a whole
ex: systemic circulation transports blood from the heart to all parts of the body, except for the lungs, and back again.
TGC (time-gain compensation)
increase in receiver gain with time to compensate for loss in echo amplitude, usually due to attenuation, with depth.
ex: most ultrasound displays include a TGC curve, which is a graphic display of the settings of the receivers gain controls.
through transmission
“increased echo amplitude” or “acoustic enhancement” visualized posterior to a structure that does not attenuate(decrease, stop, impede, or absorb) the sound beam, considered a type of sonographic artifact.
ex: a true cyst much exhibit posterior through transmission.
transducer (ultrasound)
a device capable of converting electrical energy to mechanical energy and vice versa.
ex: ultrasound transducers include linear sequential array and curved linear array. annular array, sector-phased array, and single element. transesophageal, intraoperative, and endocavital.
term implying passage of energy through a material
ex: a sonographic image is the result of configure transmissions.
transverse scanning planes
any plane perpendicular to the long axis of the body.
ex: a transverse scanning plane image demonstrates the anatomy visualized in an anterior-to-posterior (or posterior-to-anterior) dimension and right-to-left dimension or a lateral-to-medial dimension and anterior-to-posterior dimension.
true cyst (simple cyst)
abnormal mass within the body composed of fluid.
ex: to be classified as a true or simple cyst, the mass much meet three specific sonographic appearance criteria: 1) anechoic, 2) well-defined and thin, smooth walls, and 3) exhibits posterior through transmission. if not, the mass is characterized as cystic in nature. either way, a true cyst or cystic mass disrupts the otherwise normal echo pattern of organ parenchyma.
sound at frequencies above 20 kilohertz or above the range of human hearing.
Ex: used to obtain an ultrasonogram, which is any image produced with ultrasound.