Current Pharmacy Topics Flashcards
What is the problem with using discount terminology in pharmacy?
It makes us sound like we are compromising care…
What is are the problems associated with selling products without evidence-based medicine backing it up?
The problem is that we end up promoting that we don’t really believe it and may instead cause harm.
How do Albertans view their pharmacies?
They are most satisfied with traditional pharmacy services like: providing information on how to take medications, what to expect, ensuring they get the right medication and helping select non-prescription items.
How did pharmacy technician regulation evolve in the last 15 years?
In 2003, the idea of technician regulation was considered. in 2005, a Letter of Application was sent to the minister of health. In 2006, the ACP decided it would support and be involved in the regulation of technicians. In 2007, there was room in the HPA form pharmacy technicians to be regulated and in 2008 a voluntary register was developed.
When were pharmacy technicians regulated?
July 1st 2011
What are the requirements of a regulates pharmacy technician?
You have a reserved title of technician.
You need $1 million dollars of malpratice insuraance
You need to have 15 CEUs per years.
Must practice competency and compliance with ACP regulations.
What is pharmacy direct supervision?
When the pharmacist is right there to interfere with technician work.
What is pharmacy indirect supervision?
The technician is working on their own, but the pharmacist is available to be consulted.
Which province was the first to regulate their pharmacy technicians?
Which provinces do not regulate their technicians?
the North West Territories
How do existing technicians transition into regulation?
(1) They must either have worked 2000 horsu in the last 3 years or be currently on the ACP voluntary register
(2) They must take the PEBC evaluating exam and complete the 4 courses in the bridging program
(3) Write the PEBC qualifying exam
(4) Register with the ACP
How to new technicians become regulated?
(1) They must graduated from a CCAPP accredited program.
(2) They must complete structured training practical + take a jurisprudence exam through ACP
(3) Write the PEBC qualifying exam
(4) Register with the ACP
Why is it a good thing that pharmacists will be regulated?
Pharmacists will benefit by being able to leave the processing and preparation to the technician and focus on patient care. They patients will benefit by pharmacist being able to focus on comprehensive care. The health system will benefit because HCPs will be used to their full potential.
What is an inducement?
An inducement is a range of mechanism and strategies that are designed to encourage consumers to make certain choices like change their pharmacy, remain with their current pharmacy, select particular pharmacy products and obtain products and services on certain days.
What is the main argument FOR prohibition of inducements?
They are unprofessional, unethical and effect quality of patient care. They lead to wasted medication and increased costs in the healthcare system and have negative impact on pharmacist reputation.
What are the arguments AGAINST prohibition of inducements?
It will result in a negative customer reaction as well as legal action from the free market… they have benefits of creating and maintaining reationships.
What are highlights from research on inducements?
70% of pharmacist support their prohibitions and most people believe it targets certain populations: low income and seniors.
What does the initial assessment of a patient by a hospital pharmacist involve?
Looking up relevant labs, diagnostic imaging, microbiology and Hx on Netcare. Printing PIN profiles and medication reconciliation. To assess if patient is on appropriate therapy.
What are the many “hats” of hospital pharmacists?
Medication reconciliation, patient education, dispensary, education of other HCPs, patient safety, communication with prescribers and working on rounding teams, continuing education, sterile products, committees, manage staff, plan discharges, seamless care and drug information
What are hospital pharmacist service shifts?
They encompass 25% of the work: verifying medication orders, assessing if the drug is indicated, dose appropriateness, automatic subsitutions, adapting orders, checking medications, sterile products and NICU
What are hospital pharmacy “assistant and technician” roles?
Assitance: receive order of medications, fill ward stock for units, packing of medications, portering medications.
Technician: fill medications, tech check tech, unit dose fillinf, narcotics, sterile products/nicu
What are hospital pharmacist clinical shifts?
They encompass 75% of the work… there is lots of diversity: internal medicine, surgery, women’s health, ICU, emergency medicne, cardiology… etc…
What are the support and continuing education supports of hospital pharmacists?
Clinical coffee (talking with other pharmacists), Journal Club, CPL/manager support, Pharmacy Grand Rounds, Keeping Current and other rounds.
What are the benefits of hospital practice?
The pharmacist is able to utilize the patient/pharmaceutical care process and technique on a daily basis. There is a lot of diversity in areas of practice and you work in IP teams. There is a good work-life balance and continuing education and a fun environment.
What is a hospital pharmacy residency?
It is a one year post-grad program. It consist of 8-10 one month rotations and a full year research project. There is involvement in case presentations, Journal Clubs and in-services. It is a highly sought after program and an hourly wage is involved.
Do you require a hospital residency to work in the hospital?
Not in AB and SK…
What are drive through pharmacies? Why do they undermine pharmacy as a profession?
They are literally pharmacies with a drive through window. They tend to result in missed patient care, this is not expected from any other healthcare professionals and a lot of issues come up with refills.