Cumulative Effects of Poverty on Children’s Social Emotional Dev (Reading) Flashcards
What are the main findings for this study?
- The study found no differences in socio-emotional issues in children who had lived in absolute poverty and those children who have not lived in absolute poverty
- In contrast, those that lived in relative poverty had more socio-emotional problems than those that did not live in relative poverty
- Older children are more aware of their living conditions and SES therefore they become more psychologically distressed
What is the article saying about gender, race/ethnicity in relationship to poverty?
- Boys of minority status who grow up in low income, single-parent households have higher risks of behavior problems and psychological problems than girls with the same adversities
- Black children had significantly higher behavioral problem scores than Hispanic and white children
- Children of mothers with no high school education or only with high school education had more socio- emotional problems
- Children who lived in households with 1–2 children had more socio-emotional problems than those who lived with 5 or more children in a household (common in Hispanic and Black families)
What are the implications?
- Need to review current poverty guidelines of means-tested programs to determine if they target the neediest population.
- Early intervention like Headstart may be beneficial, must research this more
- Family support has a big impact on well-being