Culture and organisation Flashcards
Unwritten rules
Unwritten rules
*O’ It is expected that individuals will be trained to understand the values of an organisation. Merely teaching a new employee the EPIIC-values, is in a sense a way of teaching new employee how to conform to their new organisation.
o Emphasis may be given on a specific set of values that define a company, and in many ways, these are behavioral values or commonlv shared beliefs an emplovee acquires in order to fit in.
Mission statements
Mission Statements o Nearly every company produces a mission statement. A set of carefully chosen words which provide employees with a set of behavioural or action-attributes of an organisation.
Corporate social responsibility
The desire for all construction companies to operate by actively taking steps to both minimise the impact their business operations have on people, communities and, where possible, have a positive impact on their lives.
Why is Csr important
o CSR is about compelling business to behave in a socially responsible way because this is not only the right thing to do but it makes good business sense for all companies large and SMEs.
o Nowadays the culture of a company as perceived by society and other partners is determined by its stipulation on CSR.
Key drivers for a csr
• Government
• Customers
• Investors /
• Employees
• Global dealmaking
What is a written mission statement an example of
Culture of an organisation