CULTURE Flashcards
What is culture according to Tylor, Edward B.
Complex whole, which includes knowledge. belief, art, law, morals, customs, and any other capabilities and habjts acquired by man as a member of society
Hwta is culture according to Boas, Franz
embraces all the manifestations of scoial habits pf a community
the reactions of the individual as affected by habjts of the group in which he lives, and the products of human activities as determined by these habits
What are the 8 Characteristics of Culture
Man made
What is non-material culture
group’s way of thinking and going
What are elements?
Social heritage- referring to material and the non-material culture
What is material culture?
Artifacts, all tangible things, physical and concrete objects of a particular group
example: bridges, houses, chairs
Total range of what has been learned or perceived as true
What are Norms?
Idea of how people are supposed to behave
standard patterns, rule, and guides of expected behavior
behavior patterns of society that are organized and repetitive customs, traditions, and conventions pf a society
rules of conduct that are associated with intense feelings of right and wrong
formalized norms enacted by people
abstract concepts of what is important and worthwhile
embody people’s perception pf reality and include the primitive ideas of the universe as well as the scientist’s empirical view of the world
(Example: Superstitions)
What is ethnocentrism?
Use of one’s culture as a yard stick for judging other cultures
what is culture shock?
disorientation that people experience when they come in contact with a fundamentally different culture